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       MBUTIL Index [-Delete] [-Recover] [-Renumber]

     The Index command can be used to create the following index files:

         MSGIDX.BBS     This file  contains the message and  board numbers
                        of each parallel records in MSGHDR.BBS. It is used
                        to quickly find a message by  message number or to
                        find the previous/next message on a specific board
                        or in the entire message base.

         MSGTOIDX.BBS   This file contains  the name of the  addressees of
                        the messages in the parallel record in MSGHDR.BBS.
                        It contains "* Received *" if a message is already
                        received and "* Deleted *" if a message is already
                        deleted. It is  used to  quickly check the  entire
                        message base for personal mail.

         MSGINFO.BBS    This file contains the total number of messages in
                        the entire  message base,  the highest  and lowest
                        message  numbers used  and the number  of messages
                        per  board. It is  used to  give the  BBS program,
                        message  editor  or   echo  mail  processor   this
                        information without having to scan MSGHDR.BBS.

     Note that  these index  files are  also created  by the  Pack,
     Purge and Undelete  commands. If  Sort sorted message  it will  also
     create new index files.

     You can optionally  delete crosslinked  messages (two or  more
     messages  claiming  partially   or  entirely   the  same  block   in
     MSGTXT.BBS) or messages  pointing to  a non-existing block  (outside
     MSGTXT.BBS). You can also choose to  move messages in invalid boards
     (0 or > 200) to the RecoveryBoard. If you haven't defined one, these
     messages  will  be  deleted  if  you  use the  -Delete  or  -Recover
     switches. Please  note that -Delete  and -Recover  don't update  the
     reply chains.

     If the message numbers  really get out of order and/or Pack is
     unable to renumber the messages (for  instance if there are negative
     message numbers or you  don't have enough memory available)  you can
     use the -Renumber  switch to fix  this. Please note  that this  will
     *NOT* update the LASTREAD pointers. Only  use this switch in extreme
     emergencies.  If  you don't  have very  much  memory you  should run
     'MBUTIL Pack -Renumber' regularly or choose a low AutoRenumber value
     to prevent needing this.


         -Delete        Delete messages crosslinked in MSGTXT.BBS
         -Recover       Move messages in invalid boards to the RecoveryBoard
         -Renumber      Renumber all message numbers in MSGHDR.BBS

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson