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| ####### Credits ########################################################### |

Without the following software products RAV wouldn't have seen the daylight:

ARC               (C) 1985, 86, 87, 88, 89 by System Enhancement Associates,Inc
DWC               (C) 1986, 87, 88 by Dean W. Cooper
LHArc             (C) 1988, 89 by Haruyasu Yoshizaki
MS-DOS            (C) MicroSoft Corporation
PAK               (C) 1988, 89 by NoGate Consulting
PC-DOS            (C) International Business Machines
PKZIP/PKARC/PKPAK (C) 1986, 87, 88, 89 by PKWARE Inc.
QuickBBS          (C) 1989, 90 by The QuickBBS Group, Inc.
Remote Access     (C) 1989, 90 by Continental Software
SWAP              (C) 1988, 90 by Nico Mak and Mansfield Software Group
ZOO               (C) 1988 by Rahul Dhesi

The following beta-testers should also be mentioned, due to their ideas and
will to help me create this program:

Stig Jacobsen     T.I.C.              2:231/16
Peter Caroee      Enigma Node #2      2:231/16.58

Also those of you who have sent ideas and bug-reports should have a handshake
(you can get that when you poll my board ;-)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson