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---| RALOGSUM |---

RALogSum is another of these  many  RemoteAccess  utilities  that  seem to be
popping up all over the place now. Unlike many, RALogSum is totally free, and
it is actually useful! RALogSum processes  your  RA.LOG  file, and produces a
summary of what has happened, by the name  of  the individual, in a series of
sections, rather than  a mess  like the  RemoteAccess  log  is.  You  can see
instantly who has downloaded what, when, who has called when, who has left or
deleted messages etc. RALogSum will then (if you've asked it) go on to rename
you RA.LOG to the format  RAddmmyy.LOG;  where  dd, mm and yy are the current
date, or rather, the day before  since  this program is to be run at midnight
just after the day has ended.  In this version of RALOGSUM, you must be using
Opus-type log.

Like all the best utilities the idea is simple and is actually useful. To run
RALogSum, simply put the command  RALOGSUM in  your nightly maintanence batch
file. It takes several command line parameters:

        N - Do not rename the log
        F - Output to a file
        P - Output to printer (default)
        S - Output to screen

Only one of the last three can be used;  and the "N" option should be used in
front of the others. The options should _not_ be separated by spaces.

        RALOGSUM N            Direct output to printer; do not rename log
        RALOGSUM NS           Don't rename log, Output to screen
        RALOGSUM S            Rename log, Output to screen
        RALOGSUM FLOG.SUM     Output to file; LOG.SUM
        RALOGSUM NFHELLO.ABC  Don't rename log, Output to file: Hello.ABC

Once the RA.LOG has been renamed, it is easy to  include it in a ZIP file for
future reference by issuing  the following command immediately after RALOGSUM
has done it's work:

PKZIP filename RA*.LOG

NOTE: Although RemoteAccess Log Summary is currently PUBLIC DOMAIN, this does
not give any person the right to change the  output, or the visual display of
the software without prior permission from the author.


RALOGSUM.EXE The actual RA-LogSum program. This is the file that you
             should run to do the RA-Log grunging.
RALOGSUM.DOC The file that you're reading now.


If you get a run-time error, then please check  that there is a RA.LOG in the
current directory, and secondly, that your printer  is on-line before running
the program (if you are outputting to the printer) If you get a runtime error
in any other circumstances please report the bug to either Barry Phillips, or
James Berry on the bulletin boards shown at the top of this text file.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson