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MESSAGErecord  = record
                   Name           : String[40];
                   Typ            : MsgType;
                   MsgKinds       : MsgKindsType;
                   Attribute      : Byte;

                    { Bit 0 : Enable EchoInfo
                          1 : Combined access
                          2 : File attaches
                          3 : Allow aliases
                          5 : Force handle     }

                   DaysKill,    { Kill older than 'x' days }
                   RecvKill       : Byte; { Kill recv msgs, recv for more than 'x' days }
                   CountKill      : Word;

                   ReadSecurity   : Word;
                   ReadFlags      : FlagType;

                   WriteSecurity  : Word;
                   WriteFlags     : FlagType;

                   SysopSecurity  : Word;
                   SysopFlags     : FlagType;

                   OriginLine     : String[60];
                   AkaAddress     : Byte;

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson