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    Avatar codes

    Due to a problem within the RA Avatar converter, ANS files with the
    colour  sequences of 'Black of Black' are  not  converted properly.

    This  results in  some screens  being garbled,  this is most common
    with aniamation screens,   which often use  'Black  on  Black'  for
    erasing parts of the aniamation.

    To get round this problem,  there are two things you  can do.

    You can ommit these problem screens  and just leave the  ANSI ones.
    Doing this will force RA to fall back on the 'ANSI'  screen because
    it couldn't find the 'AVATAR' one,  therefore  the  problem screens
    are displayed as there ANSI type.

    You may also use an  old OPUS utility  to  generate the screen that
    do not work.  The OPUS utility  doesn't optimize the Avatar screens
    at all,  and  therefore should only be used on the problem screens.

    At the moment,  there are only two fully compatable AVATAR terminal
    emulation packages (that I know of that) will  work correctly  with
    RA,  theres are :-

        *  FrontDoor Terminal Mode, by Joaquim Homrighausen

        *  QModem, by The Forbin Project, Inc

    NOTE:  Telix does NOT work

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson