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(B)ulletin Listings - Function Help


  (#) (A) (D) (G) (N) (R) (S) (NS)

  (#) the bulletin number to view
  (A) displays all of the bulletins
  (D) immediately goes into download mode to send the bulletin
  (G) goodbye
  (N) displays a request bulletin only if it is new to the caller
  (R) re-displays the Bulletin Menu choices
  (S) scans the bulletins for text
  (NS) displays request in non-stop mode

Description:  Allows viewing Bulletins available.


  Numbers can be stacked such as "1 2 3" or "1;2;3".

  Typing "A" will select all of the bulletins for display.

  Combining "A" with "N" would display all new bulletins while
  combining "A" with "S" would search all bulletins and display
  only those bulletins containing the search text entered.


  Typing "NS" selects Non-stop mode which avoid page breaks in the

  Typing "D" puts the system immediately into download mode to
  send the file using the default protocol.


  1 2 3   - displays bulletins 1, 2 and 3
  2 N     - displays bulletin 2 if, and only if, it is new
  B A N   - displays all new bulletins
  B A N D - using a batch protocol sends all new bulletins

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson