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Message Security - Function Help


  (G) (R) (S) (N)

  (N)one means that the message will be open for all to read.

   (G)roup allows assigning a password to the message which
   only other callers who know the common password will be
   allowed to read the message.

   (R)eceiver makes the message private to all except you - the
   person leaving it - and the person to whom it is addressed.

   (S)ender allows you to assign a password to the message so
   that only you can kill it later.  This prevents the other
   person to whom the message is addressed from killing it.


  When leaving a message to another person various security levels
  are available to allow "protecting" of your message to insure
  only those who you want to read it can.

  Note that you can NOT assign (R)eceiver protection to a message
  which has been addressed to ALL.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson