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CHAT or NODE - Node CHAT - Function Help


  (#) (G) (A) (U)

  (#) is any other active Node Number
  (G) places you in Group CHAT with others
  (A) flags your Node as being available for CHAT (default)
  (U) flags your Node as being Unavailable for CHAT


  Allows interactive keyboard conversation with one or more other
  system nodes.  To CHAT with only one other node, enter that
  node's number.  To CHAT with a group of nodes, enter (G).  If a
  Node is unavailable for CHAT, you will be advised of such.  If
  the Node requested is available, they will be informed of your
  request.  When entering (G)roup CHAT, only other Nodes which are
  already in Group CHAT will be advised that you have joined them.

  When in Node CHAT, the following subcommands are available:

  (Q), (E), (U), (H)
  (Q) quits Node CHAT
  (E) also quits Node CHAT
  (U) displays the status of the other Nodes
  (H) gives a quick display of these subcommands

  When conversing in Node CHAT, there can be delays between when
  you enter your text to the other person, and the time it takes
  them to respond.  Since text is only sent to the other Node when
  an (Enter) key or word-wrap occurs, there can be time periods of
  several seconds between text coming back to your screen.  Please
  WAIT until it is your turn to type!  End your text with a "/ga"
  or "/o" to indicate it is the other person's turn to type - and
  then WAIT!

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson