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                        28 Sample (PCP) script

 This script was written by Eric Larson, 1:260/330@fidonet and is
 intended as a sample PC Pursuit script.

 ;  PCP script for FrontDoor version 2.0x
 ;  Eric Larson, 1:260/330.0, 8/11/91
 ;  modified from script supplied in FD 1.99 documentation

 ; You must modify this script in at least 3 places:

 ;       1: Indial Number
 ;       2: PCP ID Number
 ;       3: PCP Password

 ; You may also want to modify the script for your modem
 ; or types of systems you call. See notes in script.
 ; For further information, see PCP documentation on
 ; Net Exchange BBS. To connect to the Net Exchange, type
 ; "C PURSUIT" at the Telenet @ prompt.

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