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                       24.8 Flow (batch files)

     Complicated? Here is the actual file flow between RUN, DOBBS and

         +-> RUN.BAT         Loads FD and performs all EchoMail and
         :     :             error handling. When a non-mail (human)
         :     :             call is detected, it loads DOBBS.BAT,
              V             created by FD.
         :     :
         :     :
         :  DOBBS.BAT        Created by FD. It calls the EXEBBS.BAT
         :     :             file with the baudrate, port, remaining
         :     :             time till the next non-user event, and
              V             and possibly the /ARQ parameter.
         :     :
         :     :
         :  EXEBBS.BAT       Called by DOBBS.BAT with the above
         :     :             described parameters. Loads the BBS
         :     :             software, processes newly created
              V             mail (if any), and finally returns to
         :     :             RUN.BAT.

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