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     C. Detailed Switch Definitions

        /A: Alarm (bell)  is enabled  on the Board  computer if  ON,
        disabled if OFF. If left out, the bell will follow the ALARM
        setting of the PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS.   Default = OFF. ie.
        "/A:ON", will override the PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS setting.

        /B: /B:X, /B:M, /B:MS, /B:Z.  These codes deal with  line 25
        of the  display.    If  the  application  program  tries  to
        position the cursor to line 25, some modem programs, such as
        QMODEM,  ignore  the  request, since  line  25  contains the
        MODEM's status information.  This can be disastrous for some
        programs which also write on this line, since it will appear
        randomly on the  user's screen.   The /B:X  will simply  not
        send any  characters which are on line 25, and the /B:M will
        move the characters to the line above (line 24).

        If things do  not appear correctly  when the cursor gets  to
        the bottom of  the  screen,  try adding /B:M to  the command
        line.   Generally, you will  want this switch  for a drop to
        dos function, if you are  using a com program which will not
        allow you to  eliminate the status  line.  However, if  your
        com  program  (Such  as  QMODEM    4.0) does  allow  you  to
        eliminate the  status line, it  is highly recommended  to do
        so, and not use a /B:M.

        DOORWAY  will send a sequence which will position the cursor
        at the bottom  of the screen for  both 24 and 25  line modem
        programs.     For  maximum   compatibility,  it  is   highly
        recommended to put /B:M  or /B:MS in for ALL  door programs,
        unless it specifically causes a problem.   Since line 24 and
        25 will be going to line 24  if you do a /B:M, you may  need
        to put  a /B:MS  on a drop  to dos  and some  text programs.
        This tells DOORWAY  to scroll the  screen when it moves  the
        line  from 25  to  24 (BIOS  mode  only), if  the last  line
        written was line  24.  Otherwise, you may  find that line 24
        gets overwritten once, when  text is being printed.   If you
        are using the /L:  and /B:M, this will already be taken care
        of by the /L: switch.

        A "Z" can also be placed in this sequence.  It tells DOORWAY
        to NOT write  the very  last character of  the bottom  line.
        Some programs will  write a character  there, quite often  a
        space, making the remote's screen scroll, when it shouldn't.
        Obviously, you will be  missing a character on the  right of
        the screen if you do this, and a character is supposed to go
        there.  If  the comm program on the  remote end scrolls when
        the bottom  right  character is  written,  then it  will  be
        absolutely necessary to use the "Z".

        The /B: switch can  be eliminated entirely if you  are using
        DWCOMM on the remote end, as  DOORWAY senses DWCOMM and will
        configure properly for maximum compatibility and capability.

        /C:DOS or  /C:VIA.   The /C:  will cause  COMMAND.COM to  be
        loaded.   The /C:DOS will then exit to  DOS and allow you to
        perform DOS functions  over the modem for  remote computing.
        Enter  "EXIT" to return to the HOST.   You do not need to be
        in the same directory  where the DROP TO DOS  occured before
        exiting from DOS.   The VIA  function will load the  program
        (or  batch  file)   via  COMMAND.COM.    If   you  load  via
        COMMAND.COM, then path  searching will be supported  and the
        path  and extension  of  program  name  need not  be  given.
        Obviously, the DOS function  is not for  a door at all,  but
        for  a REMOTE drop  to DOS function.   You can  do a DOORWAY
        ....  /C:DOS,  either in  a high  security  door, or  in the
        REMOTE  batch file for REMOTE DROP TO DOS.

        /CD Change Directory  into the directory that the program is
        in.   If  DOORWAY is  being run from  one directory  and the
        program being  shelled is  run from  another directory,  the
        program may be unable to find some  of it's files.  Use this
        switch  to  tell  DOORWAY  to  change directories  into  the
        directory the program is in  prior to executing the program,
        and then change back when execution is complete.

        /D: Disable Disk writes.  This switch will intercept all DOS
        calls and not allow disk writes to  take place.  This can be
        handy for a program like  a game which insists on writing  a
        score  file.    It  may cause  problems  for  programs which
        require writing to disk to run.

        /E: Name of  the EXIT MESSAGE file. No message  if left out.
        If graphics are  ON, will search for  the file with an  .ANS
        extension  and use it if found.   See earlier section on the

        /F:  Fast.   Functional  only  if  Graphics is  'ON'  and in
        non-direct  (BIOS)  screen  mode.   Some  programs  move the
        cursor all over the place between characters written, (Quick
        Basic compilers tend  to do this).   Each new locate  of the
        cursor normally generates  an 8  character ANSI sequence  to
        send  out  the modem.   For  some games,  this unnecessarily
        slows  down   the action.   The /F:  will not send  ANY ANSI
        sequences on a cursor  locate until a character is  ready to
        be written.  However, since  cursor relocates  are not  done
        until a character is  to be written, this gives  the strange
        effect of not seeing a Carriage Return have any effect until
        a printable character is sent to the modem.  It also has the
        strange effect of having  the cursor one right of  where you
        would expect, if you enter backspaces over something.  There
        are very few cases  where this switch should be used,  if in
        doubt, leave it out.

        /G: ANSI GRAPHICs enabled if ON, disabled if OFF, AUTO if A.
        If left out, it  will be as defined  in the PCBOARD.SYS,  or
        DOOR.SYS file. Default is AUTO, which  asks the remote if it
        can support ANSI,  and configures automatically.   Forced on
        automatically if DIRECT SCREEN is ON. (See /V switch)

        /H: Halt shells to DOS.  You may  want to put a program into
        a door which allows the user to shell to dos (such as LIST).

        This switch will prevent  the program from doing a  shell to
        DOS.  Since  a program may do a shell in a non-standard way,
        be  sure to  verify  this is  operational  with any  program
        before making it available  to general users.  If  the alarm
        is "on" DOORWAY will beep the  HOST if anyone tries to shell
        DOS.  Never put in with a /C:DOS or the operation  will fail
        with an access denied error.

        /I: Name of  the WELCOME  MESSAGE file. No  message if  left
        out. If there  are two files with  the same name but  one of
        them  has the  extension  of ANS,  the  ANS (ANSI  GRAPHICS)
        version  will  be used  if  graphics  is on.    See previous
        section on INITIAL WELCOME.

        /J: This switch  is automatically  determined and no  longer

        /K: KEYBOARD TIMEOUT  TIMER.  The  /K: will accept a  number
        between  0  and  255 to  define  how  long,  after the  last
        character was received from the remote or local keyboard, to
        wait before terminating the door and returning to the board.
        The  /K:0  is a  special case  which will  override keyboard
        timeouts  totally, (recommended for drop to  dos).  Also, an
        operand  of  "V"   will  reset  the keyboard  timer  on each
        character which is sent out the port.  This is useful if you
        have  a door  which sends  out 10  minutes of  text  with no
        keyboard input required.  The user would otherwise be kicked
        out  of  the door  after about  4  minutes, since  he hadn't
        entered  anything.   Do  not use  a  /K:V on  something like
        eatumup  though,  since  the  continuous   movement  of  the
        monsters will keep the keyboard from  timing out.  A /K:100V
        will  give  a 100  second timeout,  and  reset the  timer on

        /L: Add line feeds  when cursor is positioned at  the bottom
        of  the  screen.   Various  ANSI.SYS's  handle   the  scroll
        differently when they get to the bottom of the screen.  Some
        do not do a  BIOS scroll, but do the scroll directly without
        doing  a BIOS interrupt.   Thus, if you do  a DIR in DOS, it
        will work until  you get to  the bottom of the screen; then,
        all further lines  will overwrite the  bottom line.  The /L:
        will check for  the cursor being  addressed at the start  of
        the bottom line  and  add a  Line Feed, if it is  there.  If
        you have an  ANSI.SYS which does the BIOS call, you will get
        double line feeds if  you add this switch.   Another way  of
        fixing  this  is to  use a  different  ANSI.SYS, or  try the
        ANSIPAT patch  on your  ANSI.SYS.   It should  work on  most
        MSDOS's.   It is recommended to use  the ANSIPAT, if it will
        work, and leave this switch out.   ANSI.COM from PC Magazine
        is a very good  alternative that does not need  patching and
        is  highly recommended.  It  is not  necessary  to use  this
        switch in direct screen mode.

        /M:  Maximum time  allowed.   This  will  override the  time
        computed from the  PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS  file.  It is  in
        minutes and has a maximum value of 32766 minutes.  A time of
        32767  minutes   is  entered,  it  will   override  timeouts
        completely. Default  is 10  minutes.   Negative values  will
        cause an immediate abort.

             NOTE:     This  is  functional  on registered
                       versions  ONLY!   The  demo version
                       will always default to 10 minutes.

        /N: NETWORK.   If the /N: switch  is set, all files  will be
        opened network compatible.   Both  the INITIAL WELCOME,  and
        EXIT MESSAGE  will be  opened share compatible,  and if  the
        program being shelled  opens a file, DOORWAY will change its
        open command to a share compatible "Allow read - deny write"
        open command.  Note  that the  PCBOARD.SYS/DOOR.SYS file  is
        closed immediately after reading it, so there is no  problem
        accessing these from the program being shelled.  COMMAND.COM
        usually has a problem with this switch, so if you experience
        lock-up's on drop to DOS, try eliminating this switch.

        /O: Override the DOORWAY title screen. This can ONLY be done
        after registering your  copy of DOORWAY. When this switch is
        used a  short introduction screen  will still give  the user
        name  and  time.   A  /O:T  will also  eliminate  the delays
        associated with the opening screen  (recommended for drop to
        dos).  See REGISTRATION below.

        /P: The program name with the  extension and path if not  in
        the default directory.  This MUST  be the last switch on the
        command line.  Anything following the  program name will be
        passed to the program  as a command line parameter  for that
        program.  This is not used for a /C:DOS switch.  The path to
        the program can precede  the program name if necessary.   If
        the program is  a batch file then  a /C:VIA must be  used to
        load the command interpreter.

        /Q: Quick Basic.  This switch tells DOORWAY that the program
        being shelled is  a Quick Basic  ver. 4.0 program.   Doorway
        will intercept the DOS  calls and tell the program  that its
        output  is  to  be redirected.  Without  this  switch, these
        programs will do  direct screen writes.   If a program  will
        not send characters out the com  port under DOORWAY, but can
        be redirected by CTTY, Gateway or  the ">" symbol, then this
        switch may allow DOORWAY to redirect it as well.   Note that
        a program expecting  redirected output  may not send  things
        like colors, and cursor relocations.  Do not use this switch
        with  a  drop  to  dos,  as  COMMAND.COM  will  not  operate
        properly.  You may want to  experiment with each program and
        determine if performance  is better  in direct screen  write
        mode (/V:D), or  with this switch.   It is recommended  that
        programs compiled with QB  4.5 or later use the  /V:D switch
        instead due to problems in the QB compiler when redirected.

        /R: RETURN (abort).    Each  of these defines one  character
        with which to abort the program.   The character, with which
        to abort, will  be the control  equivalent if preceded by  a
        "", such as a    for an ASCII 3.  If the user enters the
        control character, the sysop will  see "EXTERNAL USER ABORT"
        displayed.  If the  Sysop enters the return character,  then
        the user and Sysop  will receive a message which  says, "THE
        program will be aborted.

        /S: Where  to look for  .SYS file.  ie. \PCB\.   Doorway can
        tell if the PCBOARD.SYS is version  11-12 or version 14, and
        will read and interpret each properly without being told. If
        left  out,  then it  will look  in  the same  directory that
        DOORWAY is in.  If not found, then the Graphics, Alarm, User
        time and User name settings  will default to their "DEFAULT"
        settings.  Thus,  this  program  is  compatible  with  RBBS,
        WILDCAT,  GT, OPUS, RYBBS, QBBS, FORUM  and GENESIS as well.
        For those  of you  who are  running other  than PCBoard  the
        search for a .SYS file can be totally over-ridden.  Entering
        an /s:* on the  command line and the delays associated  with
        looking for PCBOARD.SYS or DOOR.SYS  and displaying the "NOT
        FOUND"  message will no longer occur.   In order to reliably
        run on RBBS, you must set RBBS up to continue its batch file
        and  not shell  for  doors.   DOORWAY  can also  look  for a
        generic door file instead of pcboard.sys, by placing a "SYS"
        where the com port normally goes in the command line.

        /T: TRAP Characters.  Each of these  defines a character  to
        trap  out of  the input. If  there is  a   in front  of the
        character,  it will look  for that  control character.  A @
        will trap all extended codes. (See below).

        /U: Get shadow buffer from  multi-tasker.  This is primarily
        used for multi-taskers such as Desqview.  If Desqview 386 is
        mapping background video to addresses  other than the normal
        video card, this switch may be  necessary.  Usually you will
        need to either  select virtualize  video in DV  386, or  use
        this switch.   Using both appears to cause problems.  If you
        are not using  a multitasker  such as Desqview,  do not  use
        this switch!

        /V:   Go  into  direct  screen  write   mode.    Instead  of
        redirecting the BIOS calls for VIDEO, this will tell DOORWAY
        to  check  the  Host's  screen   against  an  image  DOORWAY
        maintains.  When  it sees a difference, it will  send it out
        the modem. A /V:D will put it in direct screen mode,  a /V:B
        (the default) in BIOS call mode.  You can  add an additional
        character to allow switching between  modes, such as: /V:D
        will  start  out in  direct screen  mode,  but allow  you to
        toggle between modes with a control  U (on remote end only).
        A screen redraw can be accomplished by switching to BIOS and
        back  to  DIRECT.   It  is  highly  recommended  NOT to  use
        anything other than a 25 line mode  on the com end for this,
        on  a DROP  TO DOS. A  /B:Z will  be necessary, if  your com
        program doesn't support  mode setting via ANSI.   Otherwise,
        the remote screen  will scroll when  the cursor reaches  the
        bottom right of the screen, and the remote end will get very
        messed up.  When a large portion of the  screen has changed,
        DOORWAY checks to see if the screen scrolled, and if it did,
        sends a scroll to the remote. DOORWAY will check for up to 5
        scrolls.  If the HOST gets more than 5 scrolls ahead  of the
        remote, then  DOORWAY will  start rewriting  the screen.  If
        this happens, you may want to enter a S (for such things as
        a dir in DOS), and let the remote catch up with the HOST, so
        they  can  get  resynced.    It  is unlikely  this  will  be
        necessary unless the  HOST is a  very fast computer and  the
        modem  is operating  at  a  low baud  rate  (Enter  a Q  to

        Redirection  of  the  Host's screen  occurs  when  there are
        keyboard  or  timer interrupts.    Thus the  remote  will be
        updated as quickly  as possible when the  program is waiting
        for a keyboard interrupt, and  will still redirect, although
        more slowly, when not checking keyboard interrupts.

        /W: Pause  at program  termination. If  you put  in the  /W:
        switch, it will  pause at the completion  of a program.   It
        will not pause if there is a carrier loss, or if the program
        was terminated by  the Sysop. (Sysop has requested  that you
        return to BOARD).

        /X: Load and use a translation table.  The translation table
        can  be  generated  and  modified   by  using  the  included
        XTABLE.EXE program.  Additional information  can be found in
        the  translation table documentation  included in  this ZIP.
        The translation  table allows  redefining any  and all  keys
        from the remote  to the host.   Thus, if a program  requires
        entering  an [F10]  to exit, you  can remap  it to say  a Q
        (control  Q).   Some  programs such  as  QEDIT use  both the
        character and  the scan code for proper  operation.  DOORWAY
        now supplies scan codes to the HOST's program. For instance,
        entering the ESC key  will put QEDIT into command  mode, but
        entering  a  [  or ALT  27  will  instead  cause an  escape
        character (back arrow) to be sent to the text file.

        Of course, if an  ESC character is received over  the modem,
        there is no way to tell  which of these 3 methods were  used
        to generate the ESCAPE.   DOORWAY has a default set  of scan
        codes, so when  it sees an ESC,  it tells QEDIT the  ESC key
        was pressed.  If  you want it  to tell QEDIT  that a [  was
        pushed,  then remap  the ESC  or  some other  key to  a   [
        ESCAPE with   XTABLE.EXE.    Several other keys are  handled
        differently,  most notably, the two sets of numbers (DOORWAY
        defaults to   the ones at the top  of the keyboard), and the
        two "-" and "+" signs (DOORWAY  defaults to the white ones).
        For more information on XTABLE, see the XTABLE.DOC file.
        If you are running out of room on the command line (DOS only
        lets you put  127 characters on  a line), you can  eliminate
        the  colons after  the switches.  It makes reading  the line
        more  difficult, so it is not recommended to  leave them out
        unless  you really need the space.

        /Y: Printer trapping/redirection.  If a /Y: is placed on the
        DOORWAY command line, then any output to the printer will be
        discarded.   If a  /Y:R is  place on  the command  line, and
        DWCOMM  is  used on  the  remote  end, the  printer  will be
        redirected over the modem to DWCOMM  to either print or save
        to a file.

        /Z:  Use  a custom  exit  message instead  of  "RETURNING TO
        BOARD". Thus /Z:EXITM will substitute the ASCII text  in the
        file EXITM for  the normal returning message. Only  one line
        of information will be transmitted.  For a long message, use
        the /E: capability.   You can  personalize this so it  says:
        in a multi door batch file.

        /19: Use the DOS  interrupt 19 for rebooting if  a reboot is
        ever  necessary.   DO  NOT USE  THIS  SWITCH FOR  NORMAL DOS
        SYSTEMS.   DOS  will  usually lock  up with  this interrupt.
        However, under NTNX  or some  multi-taskers, this switch  is
        necessary for proper operation under a reboot condition.

        /80: Force 80 column  mode.  This will force  an application
        program  to stay in 80 column mode.   The primary purpose of
        this is  to avoid a  bug in  some versions of  Desqview 386,
        which causes problems if  a program writes to the  screen in
        40 column mode in the background.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson