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                          17 EMSI and IEMSI

 EMSI (EMSC-001 and FSC-0056) or "Electronic Mail Standard
 Identification" is a handshake method developed by Joaquim H.
 Homrighausen and Chris Irwin (author of D'Bridge). It provides
 features and flexibility that other handshake methods, such as FTS-1
 and FTS-6 (YooHoo), do not offer.

 The two major advantages of the EMSI handshake method is the ability
 to pickup mail for all your AKAs in one call, and unlimited expansion
 of the data (handshake packets) exchanged when a session is
 negotiated. I will not go into any technical details about EMSI here,
 I will, however, describe the handling of the multiple AKAs.

 The EMSI handshake is supported by FrontDoor, AirMail, TrapDoor, and
 D'Bridge. I expect other packages such as BinkleyTerm to add support
 for it in the near future. EMSI does not interfere with other
 handshake protocols such as FTS-1 and FTS-6.

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