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     16.14 Order of evaluation

     The route file is evaluated (processed) from top to bottom.
     Because of this, it is wise to put the "global" (affecting all
     systems) first, followed by the exceptions. Eg.

         route-to    2:512/1 *
         no-route    2:270/17

     will result in all mail being routed via 2:512/1, except mail for
     2:270/17, which is sent directly to 2:270/17.

     The only route command that cannot be overridden in this manner
     is the ROUTE-FILES command. It is therefore required that you use
     the EXCEPT keyword to override a ROUTE-FILES command where
     necessary. Eg.

         route-files 2:512/1 *
             except  2:270/17

     will result in all file attaches messages being sent via 2:512/1,
     except file attach messages destined for 2:207/17, which are sent
     directly to 2:270/17. The only other way to override the effects
     of a ROUTE-FILES command is to use the DIRECT command.

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