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              12.4.8 Protecting files and directories

         You may want to protect access to certain files and
         directories, just like another system may require you to
         present the proper password to request one or more files. See
         "Outbound Requests".

         The Request Manager in FDSETUP is used to protect Inbound

         Directory   Defines the filename/directory you want to
                     protect. This is NOT an exclusive name. If you
                     set this field to C:\HIDDEN\ and define a
                     password, all Requests that result in files being
                     sent from C:\HIDDEN\ are protected. If you set
                     this field to MYSECRET.ARJ and define a password,
                     the file MYSECRET.ARJ will only be sent if the
                     requesting system presented the proper password.

         Password    Defines the password for the specified
                     file/directory. The requesting system have to
                     present this in its request to get the file(s).
                     These passwords are treated case insensitive.

         Entries with inactive status in the Request Manager are
         ignored by FD. Note that Alias definitions can also be
         protected by placing the name of the Alias definition in the
         Filename/Directory field.

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