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                         11 Miscellaneous

 This chapter contains functions and options that are global to all
 programs in FrontDoor.

     11.1 Destination of messages

     When you are prompted for an address and/or SysOp name for a
     message, you can use the look-up function. This is true for both
     FD, FM, and the Terminal. FM only allows you to use the look-up
     function for messages written in the NetMail folder.

     You do not have to use the look-up function, of course. You can
     enter a short form address, such as 10 (for node 10 in your own
     net), .1 (for point one in your own point net) in which case the
     SysOp's name is taken from the nodelist data. This is one of the
     most flexible functions in FrontDoor.

         11.1.1 Name lookups

         If you specify "Homrig" as the destination, you will be
         prompted to select from a list of all users with a last name
         matching "Homrig" (Homrighausen for example). The network
         address will also be taken from the name you select.

         11.1.2 Address browsing

         To enter the address browse mode, specify an incomplete
         address, such as "2:?", "2:270/?" or "2:270/17.?". You can
         then browse through all zones, regions, networks and
         pointlists known to your system.

         If you press <Enter> (and the input field is blank) when you
         are prompted for an address, you will be placed in browse
         mode in your own net.

         11.1.3 Address macros (NAMES.FD)

         You can also create a file containing short names which
         expands into a full address/SysOp name. The macros are
         located in a file called NAMES.FD which must be placed in the
         SYSTEM directory. The format of NAMES.FD follows:

                 <alias>,<user name>,<address>[,<subject>]

         ALIAS       The name you want to use for the macro.

         USER NAME   The name you want FM to place in the TO: user
                     name field.

         ADDRESS     The network address you want as the destination
                     when using the macro.

         SUBJECT     The fourth and optional parameter can be used to
                     insert a default subject in FM and also in the
                     "File(s):" field in FD when using the "Mail
                     services" options "Request files" and "Transmit

             Eg.     oci,James Smith,1:132/300
                     joho,joaquim homrighausen,2:270/17
                     tebe,tomas bremin,2:270/7
                     tj,Tom Jennings,1:125/111

             Would allow you to place "*oci", "*am", "*joho", "*tebe",
             and "*tj" anywhere you are prompted for a network address
             or user name, including carbon copies (CC).

         A special format can also be used to automatically address
         messages to UUCP and INTERNET gateways. By putting a
         commercial at character (@) as the first character of the
         user name field (second field), you indicate to FM that the
         macro should receive special treatment.

             Eg.     dn,@INTERNET/david@csource.oz.au,2:241/999

                     Would place "INTERNET" in the message header's
                     TO: field and address the message to 2:241/999.
                     On the first line of the message text, it would
                     put "TO: david@csource.oz.au".

                     If no forward slash (/) is found in the user name
                     field (where "INTERNET" is above), FM defaults to
                     putting "UUCP" in the message header's TO: field.

             This cannot be used for carbon copies (CC).

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson