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                          9.8.1 Main menu

         Kill            Removes all selected messages.

         Print messages  Prints all selected messages.

         Range select    Allows you to select a range of messages
                         matching a certain criteria.

         Select all      Allows you to select all messages in the

         Move            Allows you to move all selected messages to
                         another folder.

         Copy            Allows you to copy all selected messages to
                         another folder.

         Export to file  Allows you to export all selected messages to
                         an ASCII file.

         Go to message   Returns to view mode and makes the
                         highlighted message the current message.

         Select          Selects or deselects the current message.

         Exit            Returns you to view mode.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson