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                    9.2.1 <Alt-T> in edit mode

         Import file
                     Allows you to import an ASCII file into the text.
                     The contents of the file will be inserted at the
                     current cursor position.

         Insert line
                     Inserts a blank line after the current line. The
                     cursor will remain in the same position.

         Line to buffer
                     Adds the current (where cursor is positioned)
                     line to end of the temporary buffer and moves the
                     cursor down one line. The last eighty lines of
                     deleted/marked text is always retained in a
                     temporary buffer and can be reinserted with
                     <Alt-F1> or <Esc>.

         Delete word
                     Deletes the word to the right of the cursor.

         Go to line#
                     Allows you to specify an absolute line number to
                     place the cursor on.

         Delete to EOF
                     Deletes all text from cursor to end of message.

         Find        Searches for the specified string, and if found,
                     places the cursor on the first character of the
                     found word.

         Find & Replace
                     Allows you to replace a string with another. Note
                     that this function will restore the cursor
                     position (the find function will not).

         Re-format   Reformats a block of text (from cursor to the
                     next blank line) and removes any hard CRs from
                     the reformatted lines. It will add a hard CR to
                     the end of the reformatted block.

         Line drawing
                     Allows you to draw lines and boxes using a
                     variety of line sets.

                     This is not available in the noncommercial

         Undelete    Inserts the last deleted line at the current
                     cursor position. The last eighty lines of
                     deleted/marked text is always retained in a
                     "scratch" buffer.

         Save & Exit
                     Save (or discard changes to) the current message.

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