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                  6.3 Some sample configurations

     US Robotics HST (older models)

         DIP Switches:

         0 (big)=OFF, 1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=ON, 4=OFF, 5=ON, 6=OFF, 7=OFF,
         8=ON, 9=ON, 0=OFF.

         Command/modem strings:

         CONNECT 300                     CONNECT|
         RING                            RING|
         OffHook                         ATH1|
         OnHook                          ~ATH0|
         Init-1                          AT&G2&K0&M4S19=2B&B1&H1&R2&N0
         Init-2                          ATV1X4S7=55EQM0S11=50S0=0|
         Down                            AT|
         Reset                           AT|

         Modem hardware:

         Lock port                       YES
         Baudrate                        38400, 19200 or 9600
         Reset modem to connect speed    NO
         Lower DTR when busy             YES
         Lower DTR to terminate call     YES
         Toggle DTR before dialing       NO

         Answer control:

         Manual answer                   YES
         Force answer                    ATB0A|
         Delay                           4

     US Robotics HST/DS/V.32bis

         DIP Switches:

         0 (big)=OFF, 1=OFF, 2=OFF, 3=ON, 4=ON, 5=ON, 6=OFF, 7=OFF,
         8=ON, 9=ON, 10=OFF.

         Command/modem strings:

         CONNECT 300                     CONNECT|
         RING                            RING|
         OffHook                         ATM0H1|
         OnHook                          ~ATM1H0|
         Init-1                          AT&K0&M4S19=2&B1&H1&R2&N0E0Q0
         Init-2                          ATV1X4S7=55M1S11=50S10=40S15=
         Init-3                          ATS0=0H0|
         Down                            <empty>
         Reset                           AT|

         Modem hardware:

         Lock port                       YES
         Baudrate                        38400, 19200 or 9600
         Reset modem to connect speed    NO
         Lower DTR when busy             YES
         Lower DTR to terminate call     YES
         Toggle DTR before dialing       NO

         Answer control:

         Manual answer                   YES
         Force answer                    ATB0M0A|
         Delay                           4

         In the MODEM MANAGER in FDSETUP:

         V32                             ATB0|
         HST                             ATB1|
         V32B                            ATB0|

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