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                          5.5.5 POINTNET

         If the POINTNET environment variable is set, mail from and to
         systems with the same net number as the value of POINTNET is

             Eg. AUTOEXEC.BAT:

                 SET POINTNET=1004

         Would force FD and FM to remap mail from and to 1004/1,
         1004/2, 1004/3, and 1004/4 to 2:270/17.1, 2:270/17.2,
         2:270/17.3, and 2:270/17.4; assuming your network address is

         FD automatically remaps messages that it extracts from mail
         packets. If you use the POINTNET variable, FD will treat
         1004/1 identical to 2:270/17.1; assuming your network address
         is 2:270/17.

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