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                           4.4.8 Manager

         The managers are used to define events, session level
         security, file protection (for file requests) and to define
         your various message folders.

         All managers require that the SYSTEM path has been defined
         since they store their data files (EVENT.FD, PASSWORD.FD,
         REQUEST.FD and FOLDER.FD) in that directory.

         4.4.9 Event Manager

         Events are discussed in a separate section.

         4.4.10 Folder Manager

         Folders are used to define different areas (directories, or
         boards for the Hudson Message Base) so that you can use the
         Editor (FM) to read and write messages in those areas. The
         Editor only knows about one folder by default. It is defined
         in the Filenames section of FDSETUP (described earlier) and
         is referred to as the NetMail folder.

         The folder manager has two modes. The first is the view mode,
         which is self explanatory. The second mode is the edit/create
         mode. It will now be described.

             Status      The status and type of the folder.

             Origin      The default origin line to use. This is only
                         used for EchoMail-type folders with the Echo
                         info status enabled. Origin lines are used to
                         identify the origin of a message in EchoMail
                         conferences. This is required because
                         echomail is not a point to point environment,
                         like a telephone conversation or NetMail

                         EchoMail conferences are usually widespread
                         and can have an unlimited number of
                         participating systems.

             Title       The title appearing in the folder list when
                         you select a new active folder in the Editor

             Board/Path  Depending on the type of the folder, this is
                         either the Hudson Message Base board number
                         or the DOS path (directory) where the
                         messages for this folder should be stored.

             Users       Defines which users should have access to
                         this folder. If a user does not have access
                         to a folder, it will not show up on his/her
                         list of available folders.

             Password    Defines whether or not access to the folder
                         is protected by a password. You can allow
                         users to access a folder, and the password
                         protect it.

             Use AKA     Defines which address (AKA) the Editor should
                         use for the folder. This is only important
                         for EchoMail-type folders with the Echo info
                         status enabled. The address is a part of the
                         origin line.

             Folder status

             Restricted  If enabled, users can only read Private
                         messages addressed to their username. Public
                         messages are not affected by this.

             Echo info   Whether or not an origin line should be
                         appended to newly created messages. See
                         Origin (previous page) for more information.

             Export OK   See Netmail.Export OK described earlier.

             Echomail    Defines the folder as an EchoMail folder (as
                         opposed to a Local or NetMail-type folder).

             MsgBase     Specifies that the folder is of the Hudson
                         Message Base type, rather than a directory
                         with .MSG message files. The Hudson Message
                         Base (HMB) is used by several BBS packages,
                         such as RemoteAccess.

             NetMail     Defines the folder as NetMail-type folder (as
                         opposed to an EchoMail or Local-type folder).
                         This enabled nodelist lookups, carbon copies,

                         This is not available in the noncommercial

             Local       Defines the folder as a Local folder (as
                         opposed to an EchoMail or NetMail-type
                         folder). This is usually used to access local
                         BBS message areas.

             Translate   Enables the translation tables for the
                         folder. They can be toggled on/off from
                         within the folder.

             Private     Specifies that the Private status should be
                         allowed (and the default) for messages
                         created in the folder. This should NOT be
                         used in EchoMail folders unless the EchoMail
                         conference explicitly allows this.

             Read-only   See Netmail.Read-only described earlier.

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