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                          Keyboard macros

                         Allows you to define up to 20 (24) macro
                         strings. These can be used to transmit common
                         text, such as names and passwords, etc. The
                         first 10 (12) function keys are accessed
                         through <Shift-F1> - <Shift-F10> (F12), the
                         second 10 (12) function keys are accessed
                         through <Ctrl-F1> - <Shift-F10> (F12).

                         To enter characters with an ASCII code below
                         32 (space), hold down the <Alt> key, enter
                         the ASCII code on the numerical keypad and
                         release the <Alt> key.

                         This is referred to as the default macro set.

             Xlat.In and Xlat.Out
                         See Editor.Xlat In for a detailed explanation
                         of translation tables. The Xlat.In table is
                         used for characters received from the modem
                         (remote). The Xlat.Out table is used for
                         characters typed on the keyboard.

             EMSI Profile
                         Defines the default IEMSI (Interactive
                         Electronic Mail Standard Information) profile
                         used to negotiate interactive EMSI sessions
                         with BBS software supporting it.

                 Active  Determines whether or not IEMSI support
                         should be active by default.

                 Name    The username you wish to use. If this field
                         is empty, the ACTIVE field (above) is
                         automatically toggled to "NO".

                 Handle  The handle you wish to use, or empty if none.

                         The password you wish to use.
                 New mail
                 New files
                 Screen Clr
                         Specifies default user profile options,
                         allowing you to customize the BBS or on-line
                         service's behavior.

                 The Terminal allows you to configure separate
                 profiles for each individual telephone number in the
                 Terminal Phone Directory.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson