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DWREDIR allows you to turn DOORWAY redirection on and off.  For instance,
lets say you are in dos, and wish to transfer a file called temp.doc from
your host to your remote using DSZ then place following batch files in your]
dos, in the path:

file - SZ.BAT:

dwredir off
dsz dx %1
dwredir on

file - RZ.BAT:

dwredir off
dsz rz
dwredir on

Then you could type sz temp.doc, and the batch file will take care of turning
DOORWAY on and off for you and tell DSZ to send temp.doc.  If you type rz,
then that batch file will receive the data for you.  Of course you can use
DWXFER, which is easier to use, but slower than DSZ.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson