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     Operating DW Host

     If the DW Host drive/directory is the current default, and your  modem
     is turned on, simply enter the following command to run:

                             DWHost    (or HOST if employing batch file)

     The complete syntax of DW Host is as follows:

                         DWHost  [ L|[ C|T ]   [ S ] ]  [ O ]

     The C and T are optional parameters which invoke the callback mode  or
     triggered  callback  mode  (but  only  if  the  callback mode had been
     configured during the setup of DWCONFIG).  If the S parm is  specified
     alone or  appended to  another parm  such as  C or  T, the "slow" BIOS
     screen  write  method  will  be  used  for  writing to the host system
     screens.  Otherwise, fast screen writing methods are used.  If running
     under a multi-tasker such as Omniview or DoubleDOS, some bleed through
     may be noted if  DW Host is operating in  a background partition.   In
     such cases, specifying the S parm clears up that problem.  Examples:

                   DWHost  T   or   DWHost  CS   or DWHost  S

         (or  HOST C   or   HOST TS  or  HOST S  if employing batch file)

     The L  parm specifies  local mode  (no communication  with a modem) as
     mentioned  in  an  earlier  section.    The  O  parm is used only when
     employing  the  batch  file  option  to  recycle  the code externally.
     DW Host invoked with  the O disconnects  the caller and  exits back to
     the batch file.  When used the O parm must be the only command line

     To terminate DW Host operation from the host console, hit F1 or F2. If
     a caller is logged on to the system and currently operating at the DOS
     level, DOORWAY COM1 or DOORWAY COM2 in effect, a more drastic means is
     necessary to terminate DW Host (i.e., the power switch).

     As the caller who  has successfully logged on  to the system, you  may
     log off  in an  orderly manner  by entering EXIT from any directory.

     If  you  are  using  either  of  the  callback  modes and awaiting the
     callback, you  may answer  DW Host's call  to your  location in one of
     several different ways:

      - Set up to receive a call per your modem and/or communications
        program documentation, or

      - If using one of the communications programs which, in terminal mode
        before a connect leaves the Hayes compatible modem in command state
        (e.g., PibTerm,  Qmodem, or ProComm),  you may type  the command
        ATA when the onscreen report of RING is received from your modem,

      - You may setup your modem before or during the session to
        Auto-Answer mode by entering ATS0=1 or including ATS0=1 in the
        modem initialization string. If your modem has indicator lights,
        the AA light will be lit after that command takes effect.

     When operating in the callback  security mode, DW Host makes the  call
     using the baud rate established during the initial call into  DW Host.
     Upon successful connect at your location, you are immediately  granted
     access to the host machine (just as though you had entered the correct
     password in normal mode).

     When calling out under  "Triggered Callback" operation, the  baud rate
     specified in the configuration file DWCONFIG is used.  Upon successful
     connect  you  are  presented  the  configurable one-line greeting that
     normally is presented to callers  when DW Host answers a call.   Entry
     of the correct password is required before dropping to DOS on the host

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson