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     Advanced Answering Modes

     DW Host normally is set  up to answer a  call on the first  ring.  But
     where there is need  for the host computer  to share a phone  line and
     not intrude on voice calls, special answering modes may be configured.
     "Long Ring" may be configured such that DW Host answers only after the
     specified number  of rings  have been  received.  Alternatively, "Ring
     Back" may be chosen.  This mode requires a caller to dial twice before
     DW Host answers.   The first  call consists  of a  specified number of
     rings (or DW Host can be configured for a non-specific number of rings
     on the first call).  DW Host answers a second call if received  within
     one minute of the first that lasted the proscribed number of rings.

     Still another  answering mode,  Triggered Callback,  may be  specified
     where DW Host never answers but, instead, places a call to the  number
     with which it had been  configured.  Almost a combination of  callback
     and Ring Back, Triggered Callback is set up by two calls much the same
     as Ring Back.  The first call  must be of a specified number  of rings
     (or a non-specific number) and  a second call must be  received within
     one minute of the first.  If so "triggered", DW Host goes offhook  and
     dials out.   Upon connecting  to the  called computer,  a password  is
     required before the  called party is  allowed access.  Just  as in the
     callback process described earlier, 3 attempts at a successful connect
     are made.

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