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                                 LICENSE OF USE

    This license applies  ONLY  to  non-commercial  use of public
    release versions.  Special terms  cover  use of BNU, BNU beta
    test versions, any   accompanying  programs  (including   any
    supplied source code)  and  its  documentation  in commercial
    environments.  "Commercial" here  is  defined  loosely as any
    environment in which  software assists - either  directly  or
    indirectly - in   any   venture   concerning  making  profit,
    financial or other (material) gain.

    Vendors of commercial (for sale)  packages  should contact me
    regarding distribution arrangements.  Special versions of BNU
    are generated for  specific  commercial  products,  and  that
    product name is   displayed  as  a  part  of  BNU's  standard
    copyright message.  Any version of BNU distributed as part of
    another package or  product   which   does  not  display  any
    indication of it being a "special" version in  this way is in
    breach of this license.

    Programs and documentation  are supplied free of charge on an
    as is basis to the Fidonet (and othernet) community.  You are
    free to use them in any non-profit venture with no obligation
    on either myself or my company  to  support or be responsible
    for any such use (or misuse).

    BNU, any accompanying programs, source and this documentation
    are the exclusive property of Unique Computing  Pty  Ltd, and
    is protected by international copyright laws.  By obtaining a
    copy of the  package,  you  do  not  "own"  a copy - simply a
    license to use it.  All property  rights  are retained by the

    You may use the package and/or give copies of  the package to
    others including posting  for  download  on a bulletin board,
    but only in a form that permits  inclusion  of  all  files as
    found in the  original,  archieved  form  in   which  BNU  is
    distributed.  You are  not permitted to modify any portion of
    the package in any way, including,  but not limited to adding
    files to or  removing  files  from the distribution  package,
    changing or editing  the  documentation,  and/or  changing or
    modifying the executable program.   Permission  is granted to
    repack the distribution  archive  using  a different  packing
    method, provided that the uncompressed contents EXACTLY match
    the uncompressed contents of the distribution archive (I have
    no particular affiliation   with   or   preference   for  any
    particular archiving method.

    BNU is not provided with a warranty  of  any kind, including,
    but not limited  to  fitness  for any particular  purpose  or
    consequential loss.

    This package may  be  posted  for download or file request by
    any FidoNet or compatible network  system  in  archived form,
    and in adherence  to  the  terms  of the License  above.   No
    profit may be   realised  directly  from  such  distribution,
    although BNU may  be  provided for download on "pay systems."
    Distribution on diskette form  is  strictly prohibited unless
    done for free  for  a charge not exceeding the  cost  of  the

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