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                                 PROBLEM REPORTS

    If you have  problems  in  getting BNU to run on your system,
    remember that I cannot solve that  problem if you do not take
    the time to  let  me know.  If you do decide  to  pursue  any
    problem, please give  as much detail regarding your system as
    possible so that I can more readily  evaluate  why  something
    may or may  not  be  occurring.  Please keep the  information
    relevant (ie. I  don't need to know your shoe size, but I may
    want to know what's in your CONFIG.SYS!).

    Some information I'll probably need:

         o    Machine type/model and class (XT/AT/386 etc.)

         o    Type of USARTs installed (8250/16450/16550 etc.)

         o    Communications software you're running

         o    Contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS or other
              batch files which may be relevant

         o    Switches used to load BNU.COM

         o    Whether  you've  used   BNUPORT   to   change  port

         o    Brief description of modem if at all unusual ie.
              high speed, non-standard or sub-standard<grin>

         o    Version of MS-DOS in use

         o    Multitasker in use (if any), including version

         o    Other TSR's loaded during communications activity

         o    What other FOSSIL drivers have worked in the past

         o    An accurate and complete (oh, I wish!)  description
              of your problem

         o    Contents of a diagnostics window when the problem
              is occurring (if at all possible)

         o    If  you  have  TurboPower's TSR utilities or Andrew
              Wylie's DOSMAP program  (or some similar DOS memory
              control block  mapping  utility),   then   redirect
              output of  this  to a file and include it with your
              report.  Try to duplicate the exact state of memory
              when the problem occurs.   Then  execute a command,
              something like:

                   "mapmem -v -h >output.mem"

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson