Using Palettes

Palettes provide easy, visual access to many Portfolio features and options. All the features available from palettes are also available from pull-down menus in the menubar. Having these features available on palettes allows you easy access and will make using Portfolio quicker and easier than ever.

There are six palettes: Galleries, Finds, Sorting, Catalogs, Categories and Master Palettes (predefined lists of words for a field, including Master Keywords). Each of these palettes is described in detail later in this manual. Palettes are catalog specific. That is, when you change catalogs, palette information changes to reflect the current catalog.

Dock and undock as often as you like to keep your workspace organized the way you like it.


Docked palettes: Dock as many or as few palettes as you like by simply dragging a palette by its tab and dropping it over another palette.


Undocked palettes: Undock a palette by dragging it by its tab and dropping away from where it was docked.


To show or hide a palette:

To dock a palette:

To undock a palette: