Server Administration

The Portfolio Server is a powerful catalog server, allowing access to Portfolio catalogs using standard Portfolio 5.0 application software. Unlike typical server applications however, the Portfolio Server is easy to set up and use, and requires almost no maintenance.

While standard Portfolio 5.0 application software is capable of providing access to shared catalogs through standard system filesharing, the Portfolio Server provides superior performance in multi-user situations. Using the Portfolio Server instead of regular system networking yields:

With Portfolio Server you can:

Note: For instructions on creating and administering Portfolio catalogs for access from a web server, see PortWeb.

Tip: For information on administering Portfolio SQL Connect, see Getting Started with SQL.

Server Administration versus Catalog Administration

When using the Portfolio 5.0 application in conjunction with the Portfolio Server, two different types of Administration are available:

Portfolio Servers are accessed and administered from the Portfolio 5.0 application via the Administer Servers command.

Tip: Before you can perform any Portfolio Server Administration operations, the Portfolio 5.0 Server software must running on the server machine (see Server Installation), and the Portfolio 5.0 application software must be running on the machine from which you wish to access the Server.

Once a Portfolio Server has been made available to the network, the Server Administrator can:

Refer to other sections of Portfolio Online Help for assistance in creating, maintaining, and administering Catalogs.