Parental/Guardian consent necessary if applicant is under 18 years of age --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Le consentement du parent/tuteur est nécessaire si le postulant a moins de 18 ans --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Regular Force --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Force régulière --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Reserve Force --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Force de réserve --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Special Force --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Force spéciale --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- I know him/her to be the full age of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Je sais qu'il/elle a atteint l'âge de --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- years --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- ans et --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- months. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- mois. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Declared at --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Déclaré à --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in the province of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- dans la province de --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- this --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- le --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- day of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- jour de --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- (Year – Année)