Conditional offer of enrolment --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- On the basis of the information made available by you to the Canadian --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Forces at this time, you have been found suitable for a conditional offer of --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- enrolment. This offer of enrolment is subject to the following: You must --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 1) meet Canadian Forces medical standards and citizenship requirements; --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 2) consent to and be able to meet the current reliability and/or security --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- assessment requirements of the Canadian Forces; --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 3) possess sufficient military potential as assessed by a Recruiting Officer --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- in accordance with current recruiting standards; --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- 4) accept assignment to and employment in a military occupation for which --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- you meet all requirements and in which there is a vacancy.