Register Now for More Free Applications

So WebSurfer and Ping isn't enough to satisy your thirst for the Internet?

As a Sampler user, you are automatically qualified to download more great applications, compliments of NetManage.

To register now, first connect to the Internet through the Custom application, and then click here to register your Sampler and download more free NetManage applications to add to your Chameleon WebSurfer Sampler. By registering, you will also receive NetManage newsletters and product update information.

Click here to go back to the Introduction to the Chameleon WebSurfer Sampler.

NetManage, Inc. -- the Makers of Chameleon TCP/IP applications for Windows
10725 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino, California 95014 USA, (408) 973-7171,