TARZAN :-) This is a very simple experiment that shows how you can create "wires". Its more of a bungee jumping cable than a steel wire or anything hard. Its pretty interesting to see how the experiment changes when you totally remove the fluid friction. The first swings are very realistics but then.. the energy conservation (or creation :-)) ) laws makes it to that it never stops and will eventually break. so run it and see how it falls. then (for additional fun) go into ACTIONS/INTERACT.. check the "APPLY" button then select "FORCE" and press the mouse button in the white area to select how much force and in which direction. as you move the mouse in there you will see the effects of your force applied to the selected atom at the end of the wire ( the bigger one) . As always you can select/deselect others by choseing the mouse seleciton mode (press the right mouse button in the main screen) The material used to make this wire has been modified from the standard one to make it a little more elastic.