To order MegaMaze please complete the following form and return it to:- DIGICRAFT SOFTWARE P.O. BOX 533 ELTHAM, VICTORIA 3095 AUSTRALIA Requirements:- 286 or above, Hard Disk Drive, VGA graphics, 640K RAM, Mouse. If you have any queries or advice please contact us at the address above or at one of the following E-mail addresses:- STUART CAMERON: (probably until end of 1996) ANDREW LEIGH: (until end of 1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * MEGAMAZE ORDER FORM * Yes, I would like to purchase MegaMaze! Name:________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City:________________________ State:____________ Zip/PostCode:_______ Country:________________________________________________________________ Telephone:________________________________________________________________ Please tick ONE of each of the following:- Disk Size: [ ] 720K (3.5") [ ] 1.2M (5.25") Type of CPU: [ ] 286 [ ] 386 [ ] 486 [ ] Pentium or better(ooh!) Indicate number of units:- ___ Copy(s) of MegaMaze. x $10.00 each (max. 5) $___________ + $5.00 postage & packing. ($10.00 postage & packing outside Australia) $___________ Total: $___________ Please include a cheque or money order payable to DIGICRAFT SOFTWARE. Date of order (DD/MM/YY): ____/____/____ * Please make payment in Australian Dollars.