=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LetterSlide ------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This game is shareware! If you enjoy it, please send in the $10 shareware fee to: Kenrick Mock 2300 Sycamore Ln, #18 Davis, CA 95616 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= System Requirements: MS-DOS, 1 Meg Memory, 320x250x256c VGA Recommended: Soundblaster (for maximal enjoyment) What is it? LetterSlide is a word/puzzle game based loosely on Sokoban. Each puzzle screen contains a number of letter blocks which you may push left, right, up, or down. You may not push blocks diagonally. Your job is to push these blocks so that they form words at least three letters long. The words may be vertical or horizontal, backwards or forwards. By creating words you will be able to collect jewels and advance to the next level. As an aid, you may also collect bombs which allow you to destroy any block. Thats all there is to it - sound simple? You'll find it to be quite challenging! The game comes with a 16,000+ word dictionary, so it will be capable of recognizing many words you may choose to create. An editor is also included so you may create your own levels. The game will run much quicker if you copy it to your hard drive. To start the game, first type "SETUP" to run the setup program. This will create a batch file called "LSLIDE.BAT" on your disk. Simply type "LSLIDE" to run the game. Documentation for the game is included within the program. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= IMPORTANT NOTE: This program is designed to run with 1 Mb of memory. However, if you have a lot of drivers and other items loaded then the game may not be able to allocate enough memory (symptoms of this will be random looking graphics as screen pages are unable to be allocated). The solution is to edit down your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT files to free up more memory, a procedure you are probably quite familiar with! It is recommended that you have at least 550K of conventional memory free before running. That game also comes with a level editor, so you can create your own levels! Make sure the levels you make are finishable. You can only go up to 99 levels, so if you wish to make more you'll have to create a whole new set. For those of you with soundblasters in a standard configuration, there are .VOC sound effects and three songs which constantly repeat. If you get tired of the songs, either use "S" to stop the music/sound, or you may replace the songs with your favorite .CMF files. Just copy them over the songs in the MUSIC folder (you must rename them to Bossa.cmf, NoHolly.cmf, or Spinning.cmf. The default levels which come with the game are all finishable, so there is no need to resort to bombs or cheating! Each individual level is finishable on its own (you don't need to come in with additional bombs). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Common Troubleshooting Questions and Answers: Q) The game crashes when I try to load it. A) Most likely you do not have enough memory to run the program. Make sure there is at least 550K in DOS. You can check this by typing "MEM" at the DOS prompt. The solution is to free additional memory by editing your config.sys or autoexec.bat files. You may also want to try reconfiguring the game without a soundblaster, if you configured with a soundblaster, and try running again. This will save a significant amount of memory. If the game runs, then most likely there is not enough memory to load in all of the sounds. If the above fails, make sure you have the proper hardware. You must have a VGA card capable of 320x200 resolution with 256 colors. Q) Some of the graphic screens look garbled. A) Most likely you do not have enough memory. See the answer above. Q) The game runs very slowly. A) Sorry! There is no real solution here, except to get a faster system. While the initial graphic screens may scroll slowly, the actual game screens should be quite fast. Q) I have lots of memory but the game won't run when configured with the Soundblaster. It does run when configured without the SB. A) Make sure your soundblaster is in the "standard" configuration. This means the port must be 220h and interrupt 7. Q) I want to insert my own music or sound effects. A) Replace your .CMF or .VOC files over the .CMF or .VOC files in the MUSIC or SOUND directories. You must replace the old files, as the game looks for the existing filenames. Q) The game doesn't work when I copy it to my hard drive. A) Make sure you copied all of the directories and the files within them. Q) When I go to play, I can't move the man around on the screen. A) Make sure the NUM LOCK key is DOWN. The game checks for the actual numbers, not for arrows. The arrow keys do not provide movement. - - - Credits Written in Borland C++ 3.1 (c) Borland Int'l. Inc. Graphics library - WordUp Graphics Toolkit WordUp Software Productions 94 Andover Drive London, Ontario, CANADA Letter Blocks - James Brookes Music - "No Holly For Miss Quinn" by Enya, Roma & Nicky Ryan "Spinning Song" by Albert Elmenreich "Bossa Nova" by Ed Bogas All music arranged by Kenrick Mock Design, Programming, other Graphics - Kenrick Mock - - -