1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. How to use Noose 4. How to create a Noose category file 5. Disclaimer 6. Revision History --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction Thank you for downloading Noose. I created this game to be simple and fun to play. The Noose engine can scan the Noose directory and load up custom databases for use in the single player game. We will periodically release new database catagories for download from our website, and we also encourage you to create your own. If you would like to contribute any catagories you create, we will gladly post them on our site and give you the credit for making them. I hope you enjoy this game. This game has been tested on english color Pocket PC's only. I have no way of knowing if it works on any other language, or greyscale versions. *******Demo Restrictions******* Please note that if you are using the demo version the adding of extra category files is not supported, only one database can be used. The full version also comes with an Icon for an excutable, and has the nag screens removed. Viist www.softwarefetish.com/PDA/ for more information 2. Installation *******Demo Version******* Please note there is only one setup file for the demo verion, as it does not install the device specific comiled icons. The demo version will install on Arm/Mips/SH3 english color pocket PC's *******Full Version******* The install versions for each type of device are located in the appropriatly named folders. Use the provided setup program within to initiate the install. If you choose to install to the default directory the install path will be to \Program Files\Noose\ If you click NO and select the storage card, the software will be installed to \Storage Card\The PDA Initiative Noose\ Arm - Compaq Ipaq Mips - Casio SH3 - HP Jornada 3. How to use Noose To begin a single player game, choose a category and a random puzzle from that catagory will appear. If you select new puzzle without first selecting a category, you will be prompted to select a category. In the 2 player mode enter a phrase for a friend to guess, and take turns. Please note that only alphabetic characters are allowed to be entered for the input phrase. 4. How to create a Noose category file Noose ships with one catagory file for single player games, which is a database of movie titles. It is very easy to create your own, as long as you adhere to the format. A noose category file is a simple text file with a *.txt extension. I purposely chose this so that any word editor could be used to create the files. You can create these files right on the Pocket PC itself using Pocket Word, just save as a text file and copy to the noose directory. The layout of a category file is as follows... "Number of Elements + 1","Element1","Element2","Element3", ... The Number of Elements is equal to the total number of comma delimeted fields present, and the data is in one continous line with no carriage returns or enters. For example, the following could be a complete category file for food. "5","Banana","Apple","Lemon","Peach" It's important to remember the first entry is equal to the number of elements + 1 5. Disclaimer The software that is distributed in this zip archive is provide as is. The software has been fully tested, but this does not guarentee that the software will work on all devices, and under all configurations. The PDA Initiative takes no responsibility for any damage to your device, or loss of data that may occur. If you encounter any problems while using Noose, please email comments or suggestions to Sales@SoftwareFetish.com 6. Revision History Version 1.0 - Initial Release