Unistalling reference

All my apps need the eMbedded Visual Basic runtimes in order to run. These runtimes are included in each game.

The problem now is, if you want to uninstall one of these games, the uninstall utility automaticly deletes not just the program itself, but also the Visual Basic runtimes. Without these runtimes, other of my apps on your Pocket PC won't work any longer.

There are two possible work-arounds for this problem:

  • You don't use the automatic uninstall wizard, but delete the applications by your own. For that you have to delete the appropriate folder in the "program file"-folder and to delete the entry in the start menu (its in the "windows\start menu"-folder).
  • Or you can use tho unistall wizard but afterwards you need to reinstall at least one of my programs.

I'm sincerely sorry for that, but it seems there's no other sollution. The problem lies in the Application Install Wizard that is included in eMbedded Visual Basic, and all we can is to hope that Microsoft will fix this problem soon.

(c) 2000 by Maximilian Wimmer