Canfield for the PocketPC. Rules. There are four groups of cards in the game: FOUNDATIONS. These are the group of 4 piles of cards grouped together at the top of the screen. There is one group of cards for each suit and cards can be placed in ascending order, face up on these piles. The order wraps around so that an ace can be placed on a king. The object of the game is to get all the cards onto the foundations. TABLEAU This is the main card area, situated directly below the foundations. It consists of 4 packs where you can place cards, face up if the card you are placing, or top card of the group you are placing is of the oposite colour and one below the card present or if there is no card there. ie. you can put a black 5 on a red 6, a red jack on a black queen or a black king on a red ace*. you can move any number of cards from the same stack if you select at the top of the card you want to move. STOCK. This is located at the bottom on the opposite side The stock contains 13 cards at the start of the game. They are layed face up and can only be removed singly. DECK The deck is above the stock and is where all the other cards are. The Game To finish the game, all the cards have to be moved in order to the foundations. The score that you will get doing this depends on how fast you did it and how many times you went through the cards in the deck. Cards can be moved into the foundations from anywhere. Cards can be moved into populated tableau spaces from anywhere but can only be be moved into an empty tableau space from the deck when the stock is empty. Cards in the deck can be moved through either one at a time or three at a time. When there is no more cards left in the deck or the stock, victory is assured and if set to do so, canfield will clear up the last cards itself.