Tank Commander Patch V1.1 11th May 1995. -------------------------------------------- This patch replaces V1.0. Users of faster PC's, Pentiums in particular, have found a problem with serial/modem data loss, with the effect of the game reporting that the two players are trying to play on different levels. This patch remedies the problem, and also improves the frame rate of serial/modem games. In addition there was a slight problem with the Sat Screen on the original CD. It seems that it was possible to inadvertantly click on DESPATCH without having set a waypoint. This had the appearance of locking the machine, but pressing the SPACE BAR regained control. Usage: ------ Copy the files PATCH.* into your installed Tank Commander directory. From the DOS prompt type: PATCH Follow the on-screen prompts, and it will automatically update your installed version of Tank Commander. ------------------------------ Jon Cartwright, The Big Red Software Company, UK.