Shanghai: Great Moments Introduction Thank you for purchasing Shanghai: Great Moments. We have included the following supplemental documentation to assist you in the event of any problems during the installation or running of the program. It contains additional technical tips that were not printed in the original Shanghai: Great Moments documentation and should be considered a part of this program documentation. This document is arranged in the following sections: Customer Support Bulletins System Requirements Before You Install Changes To Your System Running the Game System Tune-up Improving System Performance Troubleshooting Windows, Win32s and WinG Troubleshooting Sound or Video Problems DVA.386 File Networks Questions & Answers Hardware Manufacturers System Manufacturers Sound Card Manufacturer List Video Card Manufacturers CD-ROM Manufacturers Customer Support Bulletins The information contained in this document is the latest information Activision has on this program to date. In an effort to keep you informed on any further developments with our games, Activision has created Customer Support Bulletins. These files contain updates on the latest technical information that may affect our programs. Look for these files on our support areas on various on-line services. System Requirements The minimum system requirements for Shanghai: Great Moments are: IBM PC or 100% compatible 486/33 MHz or faster 8 MB RAM Double-speed CD-ROM drive (300K bps) Hard disk drive with 12 MB available 256 color SVGA Windows drivers (640x480 or higher) MS-DOS¨/PC-DOSª 6.0 or higher Microsoftª Windowsª 3.1 Mouse Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card with Windows driver NOTES: You must have the latest Windows drivers for your sound and video card. If you have any problems running the program, older sound or video drivers are the most likely cause. Please see the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for more information on where to obtain the latest sound and video drivers. You need a permanent swap file at least 10 MB in size. For more information on creating permanent swap files, please consult your Windows manual and the additional System Tune-up information in this document. Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5 and Windows 95 are not supported at this time. Before You Install As with most programs installed into the Windows environment, certain files are modified and can be difficult to restore to their original state. In the event you want to restore your Windows environment to the way it was before installing this program, we suggest you back up your Windows directory and the Windows System directory. It is in general a good practice to back up your hard drive from time to time. Please consult your DOS or Windows manual for more information on backing up your system. The installer will make a backup of two key Windows files, WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI, and create a log of the changes it makes to your system. The backup files are called WIN.SGM and SYSTEM.SGM; the log file is called SHGM.LOG. These files can be found in your Shanghai: Great Moments directory, which is usually C:\SHGM. While these are created to provide you with a quick means of restoring your system, they are by no means a substitute for a full backup of your software. We highly recommend that you perform a full system backup before installing ANY program. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you install Shanghai: Great Moments a second time, the .SGM backup files will be overwritten by the Windows configuration created the first time you installed the program and your original .INI files will be lost. We highly recommend that after you install the program for the first time, you copy these files to a floppy disk for safe keeping, should you wish to return to this configuration once you have installed Shanghai: Great Moments. Please keep in mind that as you install other Windows software on your system that also make changes to the WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files, these backup files created by our program will become unnecessary. These files are only for an emergency situation during the installation of Shanghai: Great Moments or within the first day or two after installation. For instance, if your system will not run properly after the game is installed, you have a means to restore your old system quickly. If your system continues to function properly after Shanghai: Great Moments is installed, then you will most likely never need to restore these old .INI files. In fact, as you install other Windows software on your system, it would be undesirable to return to the old configuration, since it might cause your newly installed programs to stop functioning properly. In addition to backing up your system, we strongly recommend that you install and run the program under the following conditions. Before installing, close all other applications. Make sure you have the following statements in your CONFIG.SYS file. Win32s setup may fail if you do not: FILES=50 BUFFERS=30 If at any time you receive an Error 4 message, try increasing the FILES= line in increments of five. (Example: FILES=50 to FILES=55) Then reboot your machine and try again. Make sure your color resolution in Windows is 256 colors. Shanghai: Great Moments will only install on a system set to 256 colors. Do not install this program to a shared network copy of Windows. The program needs to make changes to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory that are not possible under shared network conditions. Do not install if you are using Windows NT or Windows 95. While the program may function on these versions of Windows, they are not supported, and you may experience problems. We do not recommend using Shanghai: Great Moments with Windows NT or Windows 95 at this time. For proper installation and best performance, make sure you are running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode with at least a 10 MB permanent swap file. For more information on creating permanent swap files, please consult your Windows manual and the additional System Tune-up information in this document. We do not recommend installing this program to a compressed drive. If possible, please install to a non-compressed drive and run the program from there. If you do need to install to a compressed drive, the disk space requirements listed above are 24 MB of free disk space rather than 12 MB. Before installing the game, you should first disable any alternative Windows desktop shells (PC Tools for Windows, Norton Desktop for Windows, Dashboard, Kids Desk, etc.) other than Windows Program Manager, and then run the program from the Program Manager. Please refer to the documentation for your Windows desktop shell for more information on disabling it, or running Program Manager while using it. Changes To Your System Q: So, the game is installed on my system now. What changes have been made to my Windows setup? A: We’re glad you asked. Since Shanghai: Great Moments uses the new Win32s and WinG libraries to give you the ultimate multimedia Shanghai experience, many changes had to be made to your Windows setup in order for the game to run. In the next couple of paragraphs we will describe those changes to you. First, there were three new directories created on your hard drive. Those directories are C:\SHGM, C:\SHGM\DATA and C:\WINDOWS\WIN32S (We are assuming that you used the default directories when you installed Windows and Shanghai: Great Moments). The SHGM directory contains the necessary files to run Shanghai: Great Moments and the DATA directory contained within the SHGM directory is where the various tile sets and animations used in the game will be decompressed to as you play. The WIN32S directory in your WINDOWS directory stores the new Win32s extensions we added to your Windows setup. A fourth directory, C:\SHGMTEMP may be left on your hard drive after installation is complete. Please delete this directory if it appears on your hard drive. The files contained in it are unnecessary once the game is installed and running properly. The following files are installed in the C:\SHGM directory on your hard drive: SHGMRES DLL SHGM EXE SHGM HLP SHGM LOG (A list of what occurred during installation) SYSTEM SGM (Your original SYSTEM.INI file from the Windows directory) WIN SGM (Your original WIN.INI file from the Windows directory) TECHHELP WRI Initially, no files are installed to the C:\SHGM\DATA directory. However, as you play the various games and tile sets, different files will be de- compressed from the CD to your hard drive into this directory to enhance the speed of the game. Several files are added or changed in your Windows directories. The next four lists will tell you exactly what is changed and why. First, the following files are added to your C:\WINDOWS directory: ACTIVISI GRP (This is the new Activision program group window) The following files are modified in your C:\WINDOWS directory: PROGMAN INI (Modified to add the new Activision program group window) SYSTEM INI (Modified to add the new Win32s and WinG drivers) WIN INI (Modified to add the new Win32s and WinG drivers) The following files may be added or modified (if they existed prior to installation) in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: DVA 386 (Please see the Troubleshooting section for more info) W32SYS DLL WIN32S16 DLL WING DLL WING32 DLL WINGDE DLL WINMM16 DLL WINGDIB DRV WIN32S INI WINGPAL WND The following files may be added or modified (if they existed prior to installation) in the C:\WINDOWS\WIN32S directory: W32S 386 COMDLG32 DLL CRTDLL DLL LZ32 DLL MPR DLL NETAPI32 DLL NTMSG DLL OLECLI32 DLL OLESVR32 DLL SCK16THK DLL SHELL32 DLL VERSION DLL W32SCOMB DLL W32SKRNL DLL WINMM DLL WSOCK32 DLL WINSPOOL DRV WIN32S EXE CTYPE NLS LOCALE NLS L_INTL NLS P_037 NLS P_10000 NLS P_10001 NLS P_10006 NLS P_10007 NLS P_10029 NLS P_10079 NLS P_10081 NLS P_1026 NLS P_1250 NLS P_1251 NLS P_1252 NLS P_1253 NLS P_1254 NLS P_437 NLS P_500 NLS P_737 NLS P_850 NLS P_852 NLS P_855 NLS P_857 NLS P_860 NLS P_861 NLS P_863 NLS P_865 NLS P_866 NLS P_869 NLS P_875 NLS P_932 NLS P_936 NLS P_949 NLS P_950 NLS SORTKEY NLS SORTTBLS NLS UNICODE NLS Running the Game This product uses the new WinG graphical libraries for Microsoft Windows 3.1. If you have never used a WinG product before, there are some steps you should be aware of. When you run the game for the very first time, your display is tested by WinG to allow the game to achieve its best performance on your system. DO NOT interrupt this test. This test will run for a few moments and determine the fastest way to send video to your existing hardware. WinG performs the display test when a program using WinG is run in the following situations: 1. After being installed for the first time. 2. After the display size is changed, e.g., you switch resolutions from 1024x648 to 640x480. 3. After you update your display driver or install a new display card. When running the program, we strongly recommend that you run under the following conditions. Before playing, close all other applications. Some users have experienced random errors while playing Shanghai: Great Moments if they have other memory-intensive Windows applications running at the same time. Activision highly recommends running Shanghai: Great Moments as a stand-alone Windows application. If this is not possible, Activision recommends starting all other Windows applications prior to starting Shanghai: Great Moments. For the best performance make sure you are running Windows in 386 Enhanced Mode with at least a 10 MB permanent swap file. For more information on creating permanent swap files, please consult your Windows manual and the additional System Tune-up information in this document. Make sure your hard drive has at least 12 MB of free disk space. If you use a compressed drive, the disk space requirements are 24 MB of free disk space rather than 12 MB. Before playing the game, you should first disable any alternative Windows desktop shells (PC Tools for Windows, Norton Desktop for Windows, Dashboard, Kids Desk, etc.) other than Windows Program Manager, and then run the program from the Program Manager. Please refer to the documentation for your Windows desktop shell for more information on disabling it, or running Program Manager while using it. System Tune-up The following section offers tips on how to configure Windows for maximum performance with multimedia titles. The following instructions have been prepared by Activision's Quality Assurance and Customer Support departments as an added service to our customers. These steps are suggestions only. You do not have to perform any of these steps, although some of them may help improve performance on your system. Please make a backup of your system before performing any of these steps in case you wish to restore your system to its original state. NOTE: Activision does not make any claims, guarantees, or promises that the following instructions will benefit all computer systems. Before undertaking any of these changes on your system, consult your DOS, Windows, video card, sound card and any other related manuals for additional information. The basic rule of thumb being “If you don't understand it, don't do it! Activision Customer Support can only provide assistance for specific problems with the program, they cannot walk individuals through the steps to a complete system tune-up. We suggest that you ask a knowledge- able friend or a professional at a local computer store if you need help with these steps. Improving System Performance Our Windows games take full advantage of your multimedia computer's capabilities, and require that your system meet the minimum requirements listed on the outside of the package and in the documentation. However, some systems, especially those that just meet the basic requirements, sometimes need a little more help to run faster. Here are some suggestions you can follow that may improve performance on your system. 1. We recommend that you enable Microsoft’s SmartDrive disk caching software before playing the game. Consult your DOS documentation about SmartDrive, or you can type HELP SMARTDRV at the DOS prompt for information about configuring SmartDrive. (Note: You may experience problems installing Win32s when SMARTDRV is loaded with write-caching enabled. When Windows restarts, the SYSTEM.INI file is sometimes in a corrupt state. You may want to temporarily disable SmartDrive, or at the minimum, the disk write-caching while installing Shanghai: Great Moments.) 2. Create a permanent swap file that is at least 2 MB larger than the amount of physical RAM memory in your system. Although it is usually best in systems with 4 MB or 8 MB of physical RAM to set the size of this file to twice the size of their RAM. For users with systems that have more than 8 MB of RAM, a large swap file becomes redundant. Users with 10 MB or more of RAM can set the size of their permanent swap file to about 4 MB. You may need to run the DOS DEFRAG utility on your hard drive before you can create a swap file this size. A swap file is a space on your hard disk that Windows can use as if it were RAM in your system, so a swap file gives you the effect (though not the speed) of having additional RAM in your system. There are two types of swap files: temporary and permanent. Permanent swap files are faster and are the better choice. Shanghai: Great Moments requires that you use a permanent swap file for proper performance. Please refer to your Windows manual for more information on how to create permanent swap files. Please note that a swap file is not a replacement for physical RAM. The program requires that you have at least 8 MB of physical RAM installed in your system. 3. If you use HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE to manage the memory on your system, run MEMMAKER to maximize the amount of available memory on your system. Often you will need to run it twice to obtain the best settings. 4. Use a third party memory manager. Windows HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE do a good job of managing your memory, but programs like Quarterdeck's QEMM 7 can do an even better job, often helping to improve your performance in the process. One note however: Many of these programs offer stealth or cloaking technology to use sections of memory they would not ordinarily use. We do not recommend that you use these features when using a third party memory manager. 5. Create a clean Windows environment. Make sure that there are no other Windows programs running. Disable all screen savers, virus scanners, sound utilities. Remove or minimize any unnecessary windows or icons. If you are using an alternate Windows desktop shell (PC Tools, Dashboard, Packard Bell Navigator, etc.), disable it and use Program Manager instead. Most alternative shells do not interface with Windows very well and can reduce performance on your system. Also, turn off your Wallpaper in Desktop in Control Panel. Wallpaper can sometimes take up a considerable amount of memory and impede system performance. 6. Increase the amount of physical RAM memory in your PC to 16 MB or greater. Systems with more RAM available for Windows-based programs generally perform better than systems that just meet the minimum requirements. 7. Get the best video card you can afford. If your system has VESA Local Bus (VL-Bus) capability, get a fast VESA Local Bus video card. The same goes for PCI-based systems. If you can afford to upgrade your motherboard in your system, then upgrade to a fast 486 or Pentium motherboard that supports VESA Local Bus or PCI type cards. These systems out-perform the standard ISA-type cards found in most PCs. Check the major computer magazines for recommen- dations on the best video cards. 8. A faster CD-ROM drive will dramatically improve the performance in your system. Shanghai: Great Moments requires a double-speed CD-ROM drive with a 300KB per second or faster transfer rate. While this gives you good performance, a quad-speed CD drive will give you fantastic performance, especially when coupled with a well-tuned Windows system and a fast video card. All of these tips are intended to help you improve performance on your system. There are many other tips that can help, such as removing unnecessary fonts in Windows, deleting excess program groups. We highly recommend that you check out some of the annual Troubleshooting Tips issues of popular magazines like PC Computing or Windows magazine. These issues are published once a year and contain some great information on improving performance in your PC. Troubleshooting Windows, Win32s and WinG Troubleshooting Most problems you may encounter in Windows can be solved quickly and easily. We test our games thoroughly on a variety of systems before they are released, but we cannot test on all possible combinations of software and hardware. Many of the problems you could encounter in Windows are caused by device drivers for display cards, sound boards or CD-ROM drives. We used the latest Windows technology, WinG and Win32s, to create Shanghai: Great Moments. A system with the latest video, sound and CD-ROM drivers will perform properly. However, many users may not have these drivers or know how to get them. While it may seem to be an inconvenience to some users, taking the time to obtain these drivers and install them on your system will result in a better system. In this document we have provided lists of the Technical Support and BBS numbers for many of the major PC, video card, sound card and CD-ROM manufacturers in the industry. For easier access, this document is installed in the Activision program group as an icon. Double-click the Shanghai Troubleshooting icon to view this file. The following section is intended to assist you in solving some of the common problems that can occur with these new Windows technologies. If after trying these solutions you are still having difficulties, please contact Activision's Customer Support department, listed at the end of the printed Installation Guide inside the CD case. Sound or Video Problems If you experience sound or video problems while using this program, you should first make sure you have the latest Windows drivers for your sound and video cards. The Windows drivers are commonly included on the diskettes that came with your sound or video card. Updated drivers can also be obtained in a variety of places. The dealer who sold you your hardware should have access to the most recent drivers. Most manufacturers maintain a BBS containing the latest drivers for free downloading. Drivers are available on America Online, CompuServe and other popular on-line services. We have also provided a list of manufacturers at the end of this document, containing Technical Support and BBS numbers for many of the major manufacturers. Please make every effort to install the latest drivers for your hardware before calling Activision Customer Support. Please consult the manuals that came with your sound card or video card for assistance in identifying which card you have and what version of the drivers you are currently using, or call the Technical Support department of the manufacturer of the card for help. DVA.386 File Microsoft’s DVA.386 file is required by many video cards to properly display Windows programs. Microsoft WinG (used in this program) uses an up-to-date version of this file to perform its tasks in Windows. If this file exists in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory when the installation program is run, it is tested to see if it is an older version of the file. If it is, the installer replaces it with the new DVA.386 file for WinG. Unfortunately, some video cards have special requirements or bug fixes built into their older DVA.386 file, and when this file is replaced by a newer version of DVA.386, Windows may not load. Unfortunately, there is no way to test for these specific situations. It is up to the manufacturers of these video cards and drivers to keep Microsoft updated on these changes and bug fixes. If you experience this type of problem, you will simply see a black screen when Windows tries to load, and your system will freeze. At this point, you can do one of two things. First, you can try copying your old DVA.386 file from the disks that came with your video card into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory to get your system running again. If you made a backup of your Windows directory before installing the program as we suggested, you can restore that one file from the backup. Second, contact the manufacturer of your video card and request the latest drivers for your video card in Windows. They should have a newer DVA.386 file. See the Hardware Manufacturers section for help in obtaining the latest drivers. Important Note: For proper performance, you should have the latest drivers for your CD-ROM drive, sound card and video card. If you have any problems running the game, one of these drivers is most likely the cause! See the Hardware Manufacturers section for help in obtaining the latest drivers. Networks When installing Shanghai: Great Moments on a system connected to a network, log off of the network and disable any network software before installing and running the program for the first time. Network software may interfere with WinG’s display profiling test, and you will not receive the best performance on your system. When installation is complete and the program has been run at least once, then reestablish your network connections. Questions & Answers Q: Why won’t the program install? A: You may have insufficient hard disk space for the program to decompress the files it needs from the CD to your hard drive. Free up more hard disk space. -or- A: Your video card is not set to 256 colors. Shanghai: Great Moments will only install on a system set for 256 colors. Q: Why do I get a “Shared Application Error” when I try to install the program, and what can I do about it? A: This error occurs when a file is in use by Windows that Shanghai: Great Moments needs to update during installation. You can try two things when this occurs. First, try pressing CTRL-ESC to bring up the Windows Task Manager window. Make sure that the only things open are Shanghai: Great Moments Setup and Program Manager. All other programs should be closed while you install the program. If you see any other applications on the Task List window, click on the name of that program to highlight it and then click on End Task. That will close the program. Then when the list contains only the two necessary programs, Shanghai: Great Moments Setup and Program Manager, click on Shanghai: Great Moments Setup and then click on Switch To to go back to the setup program. You should be able to click on Retry in the Shared Application error box and the setup program will continue normally. If this does not work, your second option is to exit the setup program, close down Windows and then try again with no other programs running. Q: Why won’t the Setup program create a program group window? A: You may have too many program groups on your screen. Consolidate some smaller groups into other groups and try installing again. Q: Why do I get an error message that says “Win32s - Error. Improper Installation. Win32s requires W32S.386 in order to run. Re-install Win32s when I try to run the game? A: Win32s may not be completely installed on your system, or you may have restored your old configuration from the backups of your original WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files. If Win32s is not being loaded by Windows, Shanghai: Great Moments will not run. You may need to reinstall Shanghai: Great Moments and Win32s in order to run the program. Please consult the section called Changes To Your System for more information on how to determine if Shanghai: Great Moments, Win32s and WinG are installed properly on your system. Q: How do I know which lines in my .INI files were changed by the Shanghai: Great Moments installation program? A: You will see sections of your .INI files that contain notes similar to the following: ;;Following line modified by Shanghai Great Moments Installation ;;drivers=mmsystem.dll ;;-- This is the original line drivers=mmsystem.dll winmm16.dll ;;-- This is the updated line As you can see, there is plenty of notation to inform you of what was changed. The original line is commented out by the “;;” characters and it has been noted that it is the old line. The new line is also noted at the end of the line. You can actually go back through your .INI files and delete the new lines and remove the ;; from in front of the old line to restore it to its original state. If you do this, Shanghai: Great Moments will not operate properly, and you may actually cause problems for Windows as well. We recommend that if you want to restore your old Windows setup, that you restore the complete version of Windows from a backup. Q: How do I remove Win32s from my system? A: If you want to remove Win32s from your system, you can try the following steps. Please note that Activision does not recommend using these steps. We are simply providing them for your convenience. We highly recommend that you restore your older version of Windows from a backup rather than taking this course of action. Remove the following line from the [386Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI: device=C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S\w32s.386 Modify the following line in the [BOOT] section of SYSTEM.INI: drivers=mmsystem.dll winmm16.dll Change it to read as follows: drivers=mmsystem.dll Delete the following files from the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory: W32SYS.DLL WIN32S16.DLL WIN32S.INI Delete all the files in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WIN32S directory and remove the directory. Restart Windows and Win32s will no longer be part of your Windows setup. Please also note that Shanghai: Great Moments will not run without Win32s installed. Q: Is there any way I can restore my old setup that did not use Win32s? A: Yes, provided you did not run the setup program more than once and that you have not installed other programs that have made additional modifications to your WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files. Your original WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI files are stored in the files WIN.SGM and SYSTEM.SGM in your C:\SHGM directory or the directory where you installed the game. You can rename them to WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI and copy them back into your C:\WINDOWS directory to restore your original configuration. Any programs installed after your original .INI files were created may not function properly at this point. NOTE: If you ran the setup program more than once, your original files are no longer available. Refer to the section of this document called Before You Install. This section can be used as a guide to restoring your system to its former state. Q: Why does my system freeze up on a black screen? A: You probably have a video driver or sound driver that is incompatible with Win32s or WinG. You need to upgrade to the latest video and sound drivers for your hardware. Call your video and/or sound card manufacturer for an updated version or download the newest driver from the manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for your convenience. Please see the Before You Install section above for information on recovering from this situation. -or- A: A newer or updated DVA.386 file is required by many video cards to properly display Windows programs. WinG uses a newer modified version of this file to perform its tasks in Windows. If this file exists in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory when the installation program is run, it is tested to see if it is an older version of the file. If it is, the installer replaces it with the new DVA.386 file for WinG. Unfortunately, some video cards have special requirements or bug fixes built into their older DVA.386 file, and when this file is replaced by a newer version of DVA.386, Windows may not load. Please see the DVA.386 section above for more information on solving this problem. Q: Why am I having so many problems (General Protection Faults) with the program using my ATI Mach8 (38800) based video card? A: ATI has released newer drivers for cards based on this chipset. Please use the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document to contact ATI. In the meantime, try changing the DevBmp parameter, found in the [display] section of SYSTEM.INI to read DevBmp=0. This will most likely prevent the errors you are seeing. Please call ATI Technical Support if you continue to experience these types of problems. Q: I installed your program on my system and now I am getting General Protection Fault messages all the time, what happened to my system? A: You may have a video card that uses an S3 driver. Certain S3 drivers can be made to operate properly with Win32s by changing the following line in SYSTEM.INI in the [display] section: aperture-base=100 Change the line to read: aperture-base=0 Restart Windows and the display problems will no longer occur. If this does not help, obtain the latest S3 drivers from your video card manufacturer. S3 driver should be version 1.3 or higher. Q: Why doesn’t the game start? A: WinG or Win32s may not be installed correctly. Run Install again from the CD, and make sure that the game, WinG, and Win32s are all successfully installed. NOTE: Before you run the installation program again, please copy the files WIN.SGM, SYSTEM.SGM and SHGM.LOG to another directory or a floppy disk. Please see the section of this document called Before You Install for more information on why you should do this. -or- A: Some other aspect of Windows may not be properly configured. Check the sound and video drivers as described above. Click on the Help menu in Program Manager and then click on About to ensure that your system is in 386 Enhanced Mode. Check 386 Enhanced in your Control Panel to ensure that you have a large enough permanent swap file under Virtual Memory. -or- A: This problem may also be caused by lost clusters on the hard drive. Exit Windows and run CHKDSK or SCANDISK from the DOS prompt to determine if this is the problem. See your DOS manual for more details on the CHKDSK and SCANDISK commands. Q: I receive a Share Violation whenever I run the setup program or the game. What is wrong? A: Early versions of Windows 3.1 required that the SHARE.EXE driver be loaded before entering Windows in order to run in 386 Enhanced Mode (Windows 3.11 and Windows for Workgroups do not require it). If you receive a Share Violation error at any time while using Windows 3.1, you should ensure that the following line is included in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /F:4096 /L:512 Refer to your DOS manual for more information on the Share command. Q: My computer has 4 MB and the program needs 8 MB. In Windows, with virtual memory, I can get 7 MB but the game doesn't start. Do I really need 8 MB of actual RAM or can I use virtual memory? A: Yes, you really need 8MB of physical RAM, in addition to at least 10 MB of permanent swap file space. Q: Why do I get an error message that says General Protection Fault caused by GROWSTUB in POINTER.DLL? A: This problem is caused by Microsoft Mouse driver version 9.01. Microsoft is aware of this problem and has a fix for it in v9.01b. One of these three suggestions should correct the problem: 1) Remove POINTER.EXE from the load= line in the file WIN.INI and then restart Windows. 2) Download the file HD1061.EXE from the Microsoft BBS at (206) 936-6735. This file is self-extract ing. Run HD1061 and follow the instructions in the newly created README.TXT file. 3) Upgrade to the Microsoft Mouse IntelliPoint software version 2.0. For information about obtaining this upgrade, call the Microsoft Sales Information Center at (800) 426-9400 for more information. There is a charge for this upgrade. Q: Why do I get a WinG error or incompatible video card message? A: Your video drivers for Windows have not been updated to support WinG. Update your video card with the most recent drivers. Call your video card manufacturer for an updated version or download the newest driver from your video card manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for your convenience. Q: Why are my tiles so small and hard to see? A: Your monitor may be set at 1024x768 resolution or higher which is much larger than the 640x480 screen size Shanghai: Great Moments is optimized to use. Try setting the monitor to 640x480 resolution. See your Windows manual for details. Q: I can't see the entire game field on screen, I have to scroll around the screen to see the entire field. Why? A: Your monitor may be set to a resolution lower than 640x480. Shanghai: Great Moments requires a minimum of 640 pixels wide by 480 pixels high and 256 colors. Q: Why do I get an error message that says Midi file may not play properly? A: Just click on the OK button; the music will most likely play just fine. If music played properly when you pressed "OK" before, and you get the dialog box again, you can select "Don't display this message" to turn it off. This should not affect the performance of the program. Q: Why is there no sound in the program? A: There must be a 100% Windows (Sound Blaster) compatible card in your computer. Also, make sure your speakers are plugged in correctly, turned on and the volume is turned up to an audible level. If you still do not have any sound in the program, make sure you have the latest sound drivers for your sound card. Call your sound card manufacturer for an updated version or download the newest driver from your sound card manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for your convenience. -or- A: Make sure you have Sound and Music selected in the program on the Preferences menu. Q: Why am I only getting partial sound from the program? A: Make sure you are using the latest sound driver for your sound card. Some sound card companies do not have Windows drivers that take full advantage of the functions Windows has available. Contact the manufacturer of your sound card for information on improved drivers for Windows. We have provided a listing of Hardware Manufacturers at the end of this document for your convenience. -or- A: Make sure you have Sound and Music selected in the program on the Preferences menu. Q: Why don’t I get any voices or sound effects? A: Your sound drivers for Windows may require updating. Update your sound drivers with the most recent versions. Call your sound card manufacturer for an updated version, or download the newest driver from your sound card manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for your convenience. -or- A: Make sure you have Sound and Music selected in the program on the Preferences menu. -or- A: Your sound card is not installed properly, or the wrong sound driver is installed. Check your sound cards installation and setup parameters within Windows to be sure all is correct. See your sound card manual and your Windows manual for details. Q: Why am I not getting any music in the program? -or- Why doesn’t the music in the program play properly? A: Your sound drivers for Windows may require updating. Update your audio drivers with the most recent versions. Call your sound card manufacturer for an updated version, or download the newest driver from your sound card manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for your convenience. -or- A: Your sound card may not be installed properly. Check your sound card's installation and its setup parameters within Windows to be sure all is correct. See your card's manual and your Windows manual for details. Q: Why is the game so slow on my system? A: Make sure you are running Shanghai: Great Moments on a 486/33 or higher system with at least a double speed CD-ROM drive capable of 300 KB per second transfer rates. A 486/25 or slower system usually will not perform at an acceptable speed, nor will a single speed CD-ROM drive. Make sure your video driver is running in 640x480x256 colors. A higher resolution driver running at 800x600, 1024x768 or higher may slow the game down. Make sure you are using the latest driver for your computer's video card. Older drivers may not be compatible with WinG. Call your video card manufacturer for an updated version, or download the newest driver from your video card manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturers section of this document for your convenience. Q: Why does my game freeze up? A: Make sure your computer has at least 8 MB of RAM and that you are using Windows 3.1 or 3.11. Windows NT and Windows 95 are not supported at this time. Q: Why do I have a little white mouse cursor instead of my normal mouse cursor? A: Some systems use a power management system that, if your system is left idle for a certain amount of time, starts to power down certain portions of the PC hardware. If you select ALT-F4 when the system is in the middle of doing this, it can get confused and cause the mouse cursor to be temporarily lost. Exit the game and then restart it to return the mouse cursor to its normal state. Q: Why do I get an error message when trying to change tile sets? A: You may have insufficient hard disk space for the program to decompress the files it needs from the CD to your hard drive. After initially installing, you may have left a "smaller" tile set installed, then filled up the hard drive so that a "larger" tile set cannot replace it. You need to cancel the tile set load, exit the game, and free up more hard disk space. -or- A: Doublespace or another disk compression program is installed. These are the same circumstances as above, only you have a disk compression program installed. Free up 24 MB of disk space for the program to use. Disk compres- sion utilities report an estimated amount of available disk space and are rarely accurate. Making twice as much space as is required free will most likely solve the problem. Q: Why does the text in Guide To This Tile Set, View Games..., and View Tile Sets... look so strange? A: The Arial font is not present on your system and Windows is using another font to simulate it. Shanghai: Great Moments expects that your system has the font Arial installed. If not, these screens won't look the way we intended. Q: Why don’t the movies play properly on my system? A: Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for the program, especially your CD-ROM drive. The program requires a CD-ROM drive with a minimum access rate of 300K bps (a "double-speed" drive). -or- A: You do not have enough RAM to run movies. Check the minimum requirements to make sure you have sufficient RAM to run this product. -or- A: Your video drivers for Windows have not been updated to support WinG. Update your video card with the most recent drivers. Call your video card manufacturer for an updated version or download the newest driver from your video card manufacturer. A list has been provided in the Hardware Manufacturer s section of this document for your convenience. -or- A: Too many other applications are running. Close down other applications (especially DOS boxes or modem programs) and try again. We strongly recommend that you do not run other applications while running Shanghai: Great Moments. Q: Why don’t the Hi-Res movies play properly on my system? A: Your video card may not be a "local-bus" or faster card. A non-local-bus card will probably not be able to play the Hi-Res Movies. Contact your computer manufacturer for more information on local bus and PCI motherboards and cards. NOTE: You can use the Special Ultra Secret Trick listed in this document to try playing all of the Hi-Res movies. Some of them may play properly on your system even though others won’t. You can also switch back to Hi-Res movies at any time using the Preferences menu in the game. Q: Why do the reward movies, intro movies, and host hint movies give me a Win32s error on my Packard Bell or Compaq computer? A: Some Packard Bell and Compaq computers have the Cirrus Logic GD54-2x video chip hard-wired onto their motherboards. This means two things: 1) it cannot be removed from the system (although it can be disabled and replaced), and 2) your computer may have some serious compatibility problems with Win32s due to this type of video card. We recommend updating the video driver for the Cirrus Logic GD54-2x, in hopes that the latest video driver will correct this problem. To circumvent this problem in Shanghai: Great Moments, change the option under the Preferences menu to No Movies. If this error occurs on your system, please open File Manager, delete the file called DEFAULT in the C:\SHGM directory, and restart Windows before you run the program again. Q: The program froze on my system and when I pressed CTRL-ALT-DEL to terminate the application, I exited Windows. Why? A: This is by design. Win32s was designed by Microsoft to close Windows down in this situation when a Win32s based application like Shanghai: Great Moments freezes. Q: I got a Win32s error on my system. I closed down the program and then restarted it, and now the error happens every time I run the program, why? A: If this error occurs on your system, please open File Manager delete the file called DEFAULT in the C:\SHGM directory and restart Windows before you run the program again. Q: Why do I get an AD.EXE error message when closing Shanghai: Great Moments? A: Shanghai: Great Moments isn't compatible with the After Dark screen saver. Shut down After Dark while playing. Consult your After Dark manual for instructions on how to disable it. Q: I have a Gateway 2000 computer. When I exit the program using ALT-F4, sometimes I get a Win32XXXX error, followed by SHGM caused a General Protection Fault in module Win32s16.dll@0001:80C5. What’s going on? A: The Gateway 2000 uses a power management system that, if your Gateway is left idle for a certain amount of time, starts to power down certain portions of the PC hardware. If you select ALT-F4 when the Gateway is in the middle of doing this, it can get confused and decide to hit the emergency brakes on all processes, including exiting Shanghai: Great Moments. This in turn sends an error message to your Windows drivers (now functioning through Win32s), and Windows displays the message on your screen. If this error occurs on your system, please open File Manager, delete the file called DEFAULT in the C:\SHGM directory, and restart Windows before you run the program again. We also highly recommend that you exit the game rather than leaving it idle on your PC. Q: I have a Dell Pentium. Why can’t I see the special cursor for X-Ray mode when I move the mouse around? A: Our Dell Pentium systems exhibited this problem with certain mice and their drivers. Unfortunately, there is no solution for this problem. You will still be able to use this feature, you just won’t be able to see the cursor unless it is stationary over a tile, which is where it has to be to use it anyway, so it is merely a minor inconvenience. Hardware Manufacturers The following is a listing for system, sound card, video card, and CD-ROM manufacturers. Wherever possible, we have tried to include the Technical Support and BBS numbers for each company. Activision has made every effort to ensure that these numbers are correct, however, you may want to consult the documentation for your PC, video card, sound card or CD-ROM drive for more up-to-date information on each company. System Manufacturers Acer Technical Support (800) 733-2237 BBS (408) 428-0140 BBS (800) 833-8241 AST Research Technical Support (800) 727-1278 BBS (714) 852-1872 Compaq Technical Support (800) 652-6672 BBS (713)378-1418 Dell Technical Support (800) 624-9896 BBS (512) 728-8528 Epson BBS (310) 782-4531 Gateway Technical Support (800) 846-2301 BBS (605) 323-2224 or (605) 232-2109 Download Service (800) 846-7562 Hercules Computer Technology Inc. Technical Support (510) 623-6050 BBS (510) 623-7449 (V.32 bis) (510) 623-7034 (9,600 baud) (510) 623-7142 (2,400 baud) IBM Technical Support Multimedia (908) 329-7131 Technical Support PS/1 PRO (800) 765-4747 Technical Support Valuepoint (800) 772-2227 Technical Support Valuepoint (213) 621-5576 Intel Technical Support (800) 538-3373 BBS (503) 645-6275 Leading Edge Technical Support (800) 225-2283 BBS (503) 836-3971 Micronics Technical Support (510) 651-2323 BBS (510) 651-6837 Packard Bell Hardware Support (800) 733-4411 Software Support (801) 579-0161 BBS (801) 250-1600 BBS (818) 773-7207 Tandon Technical Support (805) 523-0340 Tandy Computer Technical Support (817) 878-6875 Toshiba Technical Support (800) 999-4273 BBS (415) 656-5159 Zenith Technical Support (800) 227-3360 BBS (800) 888-3058 Sound Card Manufacturer List Advanced Gravis Technical Support (206) 881-6945 BBS ATI Technologies Inc. Technical Support (905) 882-2626 BBS (905) 764-9404 Aztech Technical Support (800) 886-8879 Boca Research Inc. Technical Support (407) 241-8088 BBS (407) 241-1601 Cardinal Technical Support (717) 293-3124 BBS (717) 293-3074 Creative Labs Technical Support (408) 428-6622 BBS (408) 428-6660 Diamond Technical Support (408) 736-2000 BBS (408) 524-9301 Logitech Technical Support (510) 795-8100 BBS (510) 795-0408 Media Vision Technical Support (800) 638-2807 BBS (510) 770-0968 Microsoft Technical Support (206) 637-7096 BBS (206) 936-4082 BBS (206) 936-6735 Reveal Technical Support (800) 473-8325 Roland US Technical Support (213) 685-5141 Turtle Beach Technical Support (717) 843-6916 BBS (717) 845-4835 Video Card Manufacturers Actix Systems Technical Support (408) 986-1625 BBS (408) 970-3719 Advanced Integration Research Technical Support (408) 428-0800 BBS (408) 428-1735 Advanced Micro Technology Technical Support (909) 598-6120 BBS (909) 594-5770 Alpha Systems Lab Technical Support (800) 576-4275 Altech International Technical Support (800) 882-8194 BBS (408) 946-2227 Artist Graphics Company Technical Support (800) 627-8478 BBS (612) 631-7664 ATI Technologies Technical Support (905) 882-2626 BBS (905) 764-9404 Atlaz Intl., Limited Technical Support (516) 239-1854 Boca Technical Support (407) 241-8088 BBS (407) 241-1601 Cache Computers, Inc. Technical Support (510) 226-9922 BBS (510) 226-7486 Cardinal Technical Support (717) 293-3124 BBS (717) 293-3074 Celerite Graphics, Inc. Technical Support (510) 226-6390 BBS (510) 226-7851 Cirrus Logic Technical Support (510) 435-8808 (510) 623-8300 West Coast (508) 470-3380 East Coast BBS (510) 440-9080 Colorgraphic Communication Technical Support (404) 455-3921 BBS (404) 452-8238 Cornerstone Technology Technical Support (800) 562-2552 x306 BBS (408) 435-8943 CSS Laboratories, Inc. Technical Support (800) 966-2771 BBS (714) 852-9231 Diamond Computer Systems, Inc. Technical Support Phone (408) 325-7100 BBS (408) 325-7175 (14,400 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop) (408) 325-7080 (2,400 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop) Edge Technology, Inc. Technical Support (800) 438-3343 ELSA America, Inc. Technical Support (800) 272-3572 BBS (415) 588-6286 Focus Information Systems, Inc. Technical Support (510) 657-4586 BBS (510) 657-9451 Genoa Technical Support (408) 432-8324 BBS (408) 943-1231 Headland (Video Seven) Technical Support (800) 553-1850 BBS (415) 656-0503 Hercules Computer Technology Inc. Technical Support (510) 623-6050 BBS (510) 623-7449 (V.32 bis) (510) 623-7034 (9,600 baud) (510) 623-7142 (2,400 baud) Identity Systems Technology Technical Support (800) 723-8324 BBS (214) 705-7213 IOcomm Intl., Corp. Technical Support (800) 998-8919 Liberty Electronics USA Technical Support (800) 497-8324 Matrox Electronics Systems Limited Technical Support (800) 462-8769 BBS (514) 685-6008 Metheus Corporation Technical Support (503) 690-1550 BBS (503) 690-1559 MicroStep, Inc. Technical Support (818) 336-8991 BBS (818) 961-9992 Mirage Computer Systems Technical Support (310) 440-1460 National Design, Inc. Technical Support (512) 329-5055 BBS (512) 329-6327 Number Nine Computer Corporation Technical Support (617) 674-0009 BBS (617) 862-7502 Nth Graphics Technical Support (800) 624-7552 BBS (512) 832-1964 Oak Technology Technical Support (408) 737-0888 BBS (408) 524-9014 Orchid Technology Inc. Technical Support (510) 683-0323 BBS (510) 683-0327 Paradise Technical Support (800) 832-4778 BBS (415) 968-1834 Sigma Designs Technical Support (510) 770-0100 BBS (510) 770-0111 SixGraph Computing, Limited Technical Support (800) 561-2892 BBS (514) 336-4169 STB Systems Technical Support (800) 234-4334 (214) 234-8750 BBS Phone (214) 437-9615 or (214) 237-9615 BBS SuperMac Technology, Inc. Technical Support (408) 245-0646 BBS (408) 773-4500 Swan Technologies, Inc. Technical Support (800) 468-7926 BBS (814) 237-6143 Trident Microsystems Inc. Technical Support Phone (415) 691-9211 BBS (415) 691-1016 Tseng Labs Technical Support (215) 968-0502 BBS (215) 579-7536 Video Logic, Inc. Technical Support (617) 494-0530 BBS (617) 494-4960 Video Seven Technical Support (800) 553-1850 BBS (510) 656-0503 or (415) 656-0503 VidTech Microsystems, Inc. Technical Support (800) 752-8033 BBS (612) 780-3564 Willow Technical Support (212) 402-9500 CD-ROM Manufacturers Hitachi Technical Support (800) 241-6558 Mitsubishi Technical Support (800) 344-6352 BBS (714) 236-6286 Mitsumi Technical Support (408) 970-9699 NEC Technical Support (708) 860-0335 BBS (508) 635-6328 Panasonic Technical Support (800) 222-0584 BBS (201) 863-7845 Sony Technical Support West (714) 826-6410 Technical Support East (201) 368-3774 BBS (408) 955-5107 Teac Technical Support (213) 726-0303 Ultra-Special Secret Trick Since you made it this far, we figured you deserved some kind of reward. Most people don’t usually get this far into this type of file. You did, so you get the reward! While you are in the program, press and hold the CTRL and SHIFT keys and then click your right mouse button. This will bring up a window called Open. This window will allow you to play any of the movies in the program that are stored in the \DATA\MOVIES directory on your Shanghai: Great Moments CD. In the List Files of Type box at the bottom of the window, you can select the three types of movies we use in the program, .MOV (Hi-Res), .SMV (Lo-Res) and .LMV (Full Screen). You can also select *.* for all files, but we highly recommend that you do not attempt to run any type of file other than those listed above while the program is running.