Num_Demos=4&demoname1=MAX PAYNE&processor1=400&demorating1=mature&RAM1=96&API1=Yes&exclusive1=0&HD1=150&demourl1= said it would be one of the most talked-about action games since Half-Life, and now it has been. Love it or hate (we loved it), Max Payne is a unique blend of third-person shooter and modern film noire. In case you've just gotten back from Mars and haven't taken a look at the game, here's the demo so you can find out what all the shouting is about.&gameDX1=8&demopub1=Take 2&demodev1=Remedy&demopath1=Demos/MaxPayne/MaxPayneDemo.exe&readmepath1=Demos/MaxPayne/readme.txt&demoname2=INDEPENDENCE WAR 2&processor2=300&demorating2=everyone&RAM2=64&API2=Yes&exclusive2=0&HD2=256&demourl2= it's a gigantic demo, but you need 200MB to experience the graphics, sound and scale of Infogrames' ambitious space epic Independence War 2. You'll need to be not only a savvy pilot, and sharp tactician, but you'll have to be a hell of a trader too. See if you can survive the lonely life in space. &gameDX2=8&demopub2=Infogrames&demodev2=Particle Systems&demopath2=Demos/Iwar2/setup.exe&readmepath2=Demos/Iwar2/readme.txt&demoname3=BASEBALL MOGUL&processor3=300&demorating3=pending&RAM3=32&API3=Yes&exclusive3=0&HD3=25&demourl3= the MLB season may be over, that doesn't mean you still can't be the best skipper in the business. You make the trades, you make the calls in one of the most absorbing financial sims we've ever played (check our review in this issue.) This is the fourth installment in one of the best stat sims we've ever played, and we think you should play it too.&gameDX3=6&demopub3=Sports Mogul&demodev3=Sports Mogul&demopath3=Demos/BaseballMogul/bbm2k2v4-18demosetup.exe&readmepath3=Demos/BaseballMogul/readme.txt&demoname4=VEDERBALL&processor4=266&demorating4=pending&RAM4=32&API4=Yes&exclusive4=1&HD4=8&demourl4=You don't want to know&demodesc4=Vederman begged us to put this one on there. We can't even bring ourselves to play it. Don't install it. Trust us on this one.&gameDX4=5&demopub4=DarkWind Games&demodev4=some punk&demopath4=Demos/Vederball/vederball11.exe&readmepath4=Demos/Vederball/readme.txt&