NUM_FILES=8&filename1=PC GAMER OLYMPICS&fileversion1=&fileurl1= all you Unreal Tournament fans who have been clamoring for a PC Gamer sponsored mod, here's a piece of candy. It is a single-player race against the clock that we affectionately call the PC Gamer Olympics. Post your times on the PC Gamer web site forums. Good luck!&filepub1=PC Gamer&filepath1=Files/ut/pcgo.exe&filetype1=UT MOD&filereadmepath1=Files/ut/PCGamerOlympics.txt&filename2=PAD SKIN CONTEST WINNERS&fileversion2=&fileurl2= are the winners of ENTE's skin contest for his excellent PADMAN model for Quake III Arena. To install them, extract the model files to your baseq3 folder, as well as whatever skins your would like to use.&filepub2=ENTE&filepath2=Files/Quake3/ 3&filereadmepath2=Files/Quake3/Contest_PadPack.txt&filename3=PADSHOP&fileversion3=&fileurl3= our slightly biased opinion, this is the best Quake III map ever. You have the exclusive opportunity to wreak havoc in a PC games shop, where you are only a few inches tall. Over two months in the making, PadShop is the creation of ENTE, maker of the popular series of Padmaps. He is nothing short of an artistic and architectural genius, and we hope you enjoy his latest effort. It's bot-ready, and is best suited to games with at least four players. There are plenty of secrets, including four hidden rooms. Can you find them?&filepub3=PC Gamer&filepath3=Files/Quake3/padshop.exe&filetype3=QUAKE 3 MOD&filereadmepath3=Files/Quake3/padshop.txt&filename4=HALF-LIFE&fileversion4= to click README for more details about this patch.&filepub4=Sierra Studios&filepath4=Files/Patches/hl11061107.exe&filetype4=PATCH&filereadmepath4=Files/Patches/hl11061107.txt&filename5=AGE OF EMPIRES II &fileversion5=&fileurl5= click README for more details about this patch.&filepub5=Microsoft&filepath5=Files/Patches/age2xpatch.exe&filetype5=PATCH&filereadmepath5=Files/Patches/age2xpatch.txt&filename6=ANACHRONOX&fileversion6=1.01&fileurl6= click README for more details about this patch.&filepub6=Eidos Interactive&filepath6=Files/Patches/anoxv1_01.exe&filetype6=PATCH&filereadmepath6=Files/Patches/anoxv1_01.rtf&filename7=BLACK %26 WHITE&fileversion7=1.1&fileurl7= click README for more details about this patch.&filepub7=Electronic Arts&filepath7=Files/patches/black_white_v1100final.exe&filetype7=PATCH&filereadmepath7=Files/patches/black_white_v1100final.txt&filename8=Z: STEEL SOLDIERS&fileversion8=2.0&fileurl8= click README for more details about this patch.&filepub8=Eon Digital&filepath8=Files/Patches/zsteelsoldiers(English)patch2.exe&filetype8=PATCH&filereadmepath8=Files/Patches/zsteelsoldiers(English)patch2.txt&screens1=Yes&screens3=Yes&