Num_Files=6&filename1=TRACES VIEWER&fileversion1=1.10&fileurl1= wonder what your browser cookies reveal to the average web server about your browsing habits? With this little proggie, you can peek inside those cookies, and elsewhere, to discover the inner workings of what you do on the Internet. I think I'm going to take a long, hot shower now.&filepub1=SurfPilot&filepath1=utilities/tracesviewer.exe&filetype1=Cookie Cleaner&filereadmepath1=&filename2=REGSCRUBXP&fileversion2=3.25&fileurl2= has some pretty unique and helpful features such as automagic restoration of previous values, exclusion lists, and searches by company name and file extension. It comes with a bonus-tips and tweaks document. As always, use it at your own risk. Practice safe hex, kids.&filepub2=Lexun Freeware&filepath2=utilities/RegScrubXPSetup_3.25.exe&filetype2=Registry Massager&filereadmepath2=&filename3=STARTUP CONTROL PANEL&fileversion3=2.8&fileurl3='t let the flashy name fool you. This app actually does quite a bit, especially when it weighs in at a hefty 34KB. SCP puts all startup programs under your control, with a simple interface and an intuitive process.&filepub3=Mike Lin&filepath3=utilities/Startup.exe&filetype3=System Tweakage&filereadmepath3=&filename4=SURE DELETE&fileversion4=5.1.0&fileurl4= Delete erases the heck out of any folder or file you want, quickly and easily. Works with Windows 95 though XP, and supports FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS. Sure Delete also wipes the free space on your drive, much of which is usually filled with data that's just been tagged for deletion rather than actually erased. &filepub4=Wizard Industries&filepath4=utilities/setup.exe&filetype4=File Deletion&filereadmepath4=&filename5=MR TECH SYSTRAY&fileversion5=2.1.33 beta&fileurl5= you just need a program that rolls a bunch of useful tasks into one. When we say a " bunch," we mean: MP3 renaming, ID3 tag editing, screenshot taking, rebooting, shutting down, launching common apps, event logging, various tweaks and hacks, and keyboard shortcuts. And then some.&filepub5=MR Technical Solutions&filepath5=utilities/MRTechSystray.exe&filetype5=All-in-One&filereadmepath5=&filename6=BELARC ADVISOR&fileversion6=5.1n&fileurl6= is a small, fast program that scans your system and gives you an info dump of all your hardware in HTML form for easy printing and/or sharing with troubleshooters.&filepub6=Belarc, Inc.&filepath6=utilities/belarcadvisor.exe&filetype6=System Info&filereadmepath6=&