Num_demos=4&demoname1=UNREAL II - THE AWAKENING&processor1=733&demorating1=mature&RAM1=256&API1=Yes&exclusive1=0&HD1=500&demourl1= said they weren't going to release a demo, but then they turned right around and made one anyway! If you've been wondering what all the buzz is about, give this exciting single player a demo a try!&gameDX1=8.1&demopub1=Epic&demodev1=Legend Entertainment&demopath1=Games/UnrealII/Unreal2Demo.exe&readmepath1=&demoname2=DEVASTATION &processor2=500&demorating2=mature&RAM2=128&API2=Yes&exclusive2=0&HD2=500&demourl2= post-apocalyptic team-based Unreal-powered action game should really get your juices flowing! With 36 levels, more than 40 unique weapons and numerous multiplayer modes (in the full version), Devastation offers FPS fans a lot of bang for their buck. Give this single player demo a try and see if it's your cup o' tea!&gameDX2=8.1&demopub2=ARUSH Entertainment&demodev2=Digitalo Studios&demopath2=Games/Devastation/setup.exe&readmepath2=&demoname3=HARBINGER&processor3=500&demorating3=teen&RAM3=256&API3=No&exclusive3=0&HD3=500&demourl3= is Diablo in space! The demo starts you off as a level 6 Human with advanced weaponry, armor, and skills. It offers 2 original quests, filled with dialog not found in the retail game, where you'll get to fight against 12 different enemy types (of the more than 65 in the full version). Give it a whirl. TheVede had a good time with this one!&gameDX3=8.1&demopub3=Dreamcatcher Interactive&demodev3=Silverback Entertainment&demopath3=Games/Harbinger/setup.exe&readmepath3=&demoname4=RESTAURANT EMPIRE&processor4=500&demorating4=everyone&RAM4=128&API4=Yes&exclusive4=0&HD4=500&demourl4=, design, and manage your own restaurant empire in this hot new strategy game from Enlight! Starting from nothing except some cash and a passion for food, build a restaurant from the ground up. Hire waiters, decorate, and even cook the meals! Will you use your culinary wizardry to out-cook other chefs? You decide!&gameDX4=8.1&demopub4=Enlight Software&demodev4=Enlight Software&demopath4=Games/RestaurantEmpie/RestaurantEmpireDemo.exe&readmepath4=&