Clone Campaigns

Whether you're playing as the Confederacy or the Republic, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds -- Clone Campaigns offers heaps of tactical challenge. So we recruited the game's developers to show us how to beat each and every mission with Jedi-like precision. Have at it!

_____________________________________________________________confederacy walkthrough

Mission 1: Strategic Retreat


ò Eliminate enemy units along the canyon path

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

ò Count Dooku must survive

This mission is time-critical, so itÆs a good idea to keep moving. Right from the start, if you use SevÆRance to explore toward the east and south of your starting position, youÆll find some reinforcements that you can bring with you. YouÆll find several Trooper Recruits here mixed in with the regular Troopers. YouÆll want to separate them out and assign them their own command group because they move much slower than your other troops, and if you group them all together your army will be moving as slowly as the Recruits.

As you move up along the canyon you encounter several groups of Clone Troopers, which are easy to dispatch with your troops and with SevÆRance herself. SevÆRance is a skilled fighter in the fencing style of lightsabers, much like Count Dooku. Remember that her hit points regenerate, so she can take a lot of punishment (on Hard mode you have to watch out for Bounty Hunters, though). YouÆll acquire more troops along the way, so remember to add them to your main attack group.

If youÆre careful and search along the canyon walls closely, you can find several hidden areas with extra units to be picked up, including some Strike Mechs and a Mech Destroyer. Tann can be useful for taking out the hardier Republic units, such as their Mechs or Jedi. Let your troops handle their troops.

Toward the end of the mission youÆll encounter Two Assault Mechs. DonÆt let your troops stray into their fire. SevÆRance can handle these baddies on her own because of their minimum range. After this youÆll begin to encounter Jedi Knights, which can kill your troops pretty quickly. Again SevÆRance does well at stopping them. You can also acquire a couple of Bounty Hunters to help you with the last fight: they are located in a cleft in the upper-left wall of the canyon after you first encounter a Jedi (and acquire some Grenade Troopers). The final group consists of several Jedi and Strike Mechs as well as Clone Repeaters. At this point you shouldnÆt need to use SevÆRance if you have the Bounty Hunters, and the Repeaters can deal a dangerous amount of damage to her if you arenÆt careful. Once you clear out this area, Count Dooku should arrive soon to complete the mission.

Mission 2: Building the Army


ò Build 20 Strike Mechs

ò Build 20 Mech Destroyers

ò Escort the army back to your transports

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

ItÆs wise to play this mission defensively, as the Republic has a well-established base on the platform and you donÆt have to defeat them to win. From the start, notice the large semi-circleûshaped craft to your left (your transport ship) ù this is where youÆll need to bring your army when itÆs built. Now bring all of your units toward the east, where youÆll find your initial base of operations. Start building workers immediately and set the workers you already have to gather food from the mynocks around the command center. ItÆs also a good idea to research the Motivator upgrade in your command center. Take your military forces (including SevÆRance) and power droids further along the path of the platform. YouÆll pass by a large patch of Carbon and a large patch of Food stockpiles. (At the food patch youÆll capture a storage facility that will tribute you extra food instantly.) YouÆll eventually need to harvest both of these patches, so leave one of your power droids here. For now, continue building workers and moving your military and other power droids further along the platform. Just after the food stockpiles the platform path splits two ways. Send your power droids and SevÆRance to the northwest, and leave your troops and AA mobile at the intersection to guard it.

By now youÆll want to begin assigning more workers to carbon. You need a lot of food to get the workers you need, but you need more carbon than food to build all the mechs required to complete this mission. Another good idea is to begin mining the ore patch near your command center, and begin moving workers to the large Carbon and Food stockpiles you found along the way. Build Food and Carbon Processing centers at these places to gather quickly, and donÆt be afraid to build multiple centers for greater efficiency. Use the power droid to power the centers while you research the upgrades in them to make your workers gather faster. Now take a couple of workers and use the ore you are collecting to build a turret or two at the intersection where your troops are.

If you continue toward the northwest with SevÆRance and your power droids, youÆll find two Mech Factories. Make sure to power them and have SevÆRance protect the power droids. Begin building your mechs, and remember to set the gather point for the Mech Factories at your original starting position, so theyÆll automatically gather where you need to take them. Bring a worker up to your Mech Factories and explore toward the northeast of them, where youÆll find a passageway. Build a couple of turrets at the entrance here as well. The Republic will eventually try to come down that way and take out your power droids. All you have to do now is continue to gather resources and protect the two areas where you set up turrets. You may need to build some AA troops to aid your Mobile in air defense, as the Republic sometimes brings more fighters than your single Mobile can handle.

Mission 3: Perilous Dealings


ò Find Boorka the Hutt and eliminate any of his henchmen you encounter

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

ò Destroy the spaceport in the Republic Trade Outpost

ò Take out the Jawa camp to acquire worker droids

ò (Optional) Trade with Mos Osnoe Spaceport to increase your Nova supply

Again, itÆs to your benefit to move quickly and not give your enemies time to build up an army. Right at the start, organize your units into command groups and then move along the path to the southeast. YouÆll encounter BoorkaÆs henchmen along the way, and they deal damage like Bounty Hunters, so itÆs good to keep SevÆRance back during the fighting. If you keep following the path, itÆll turn south and bring you to Boorka, who will strike a deal with you: Destroy the Republic spaceport to the south, and heÆll give you the information you need.

At this point youÆll be told to take out the Jawas to get worker droids. Head west with your forces to find them; theyÆre easy to defeat with your troops. With your worker droids you can now start building your base. (A good place is north of Mos Osnoe, where youÆll find plenty of resources.) At this point, you should also send SevÆRance and a couple other units to the east part of the map. DonÆt stray too far south, or youÆll encounter the very large Republic base. At the middle of the southeastern edge of the map youÆll find a herd of banthas being guarded by sand people. Kill the sand people, then send your newly acquired banthas back toward your base, and assign whatever units you brought with SevÆRance to guard the banthas. (That way, a Republic scout wonÆt steal them from you while theyÆre headed to your base.) Also, be careful not to send the banthas through Mos Osnoe, as there are a couple ally units there that may steal some of them from you. Explore just south of where you found the banthas with SevÆRance, and youÆll find a holocron that you can pick up with her and bring back to your base.

Set up your military units just to the south of Mos Osnoe to stop any invading forces. Take three of your workers and build a Carbon Processing center and an animal nursery and begin collecting carbon. YouÆll need housing before you can start building any workers, so you donÆt need a command center right away. Take your one other worker to build houses, and use the houses to your advantage ù build a wall with them to secure your base. You can test your house-wall for gaps by sending your worker to a point immediately on the other side of the wall. If the worker goes all the way around the wall you know itÆs free of holes. Watch your pop cap and begin building a command center with your other workers a little bit before you have enough houses to support new workers ù this way youÆll be ready to start building more workers as soon as the command center is up. Drop the holocron in your base and explore north of your base with SevÆRance, and youÆll find another holocron to bring back. Build a Sith temple as soon as possible to put the holocrons into to generate free nova. Also build a spaceport to trade with the Mos Osnoe spaceport ù this brings you an extra nova bonus when your first cargo ship reaches the spaceport.

Remember to defend your base from air attacks, and begin pushing south with your forces. Once you reach tech3 build a forward fortress and shield generator, then go for tech4, bring in Cannons and Air Cruisers, and protect them with Repeaters, Mech Destroyers, and any other units you like to support with. The Republic base has many turrets and fortresses defending it, so a slow push with long-range bombardment is the way to go. All you have to do is destroy the spaceport in the center of the base, so itÆs possible to rush in there with Mounted Troopers or Reeks once the perimeter defenses are down. Watch out for enemy Air Cruisers ù they can take out your whole army if you arenÆt careful. Build at least 5 AA mobiles to prepare for this possibility.

Mission 4: Pressing the Advantage


ò All Decimators must survive

ò Defeat the Republic bases and capture the Decimators

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

The first order of business here is to begin scouting and mining carbon. YouÆll find herds of banthas to the immediate east of your base, a short distance away to the northeast across the river, and near the west corner of the map. Grab them quickly, otherwise the Republic will find them and take them first. ItÆs a very good idea to build a wall of houses to shut off attack routes to your base, as the enemy sometimes attacks with strong forces early. Be very mindful of gaps between the houses and carbon patches/trees, as the enemy tends to sneak through difficult-to-see gaps. YouÆll want to build Troopers early, as well as Anti-Air Troopers. ItÆs very possible to play this mission defensively as well as offensively. You can wall off, build up your forces, and research the tech levels before attacking, or you can hit one of the enemy bases early and take their resources (on the sides of the map only ù donÆt attack the north base until you have a significant force).

The controllable animals in the nursery are particularly effective on this mission ù you can use the Nexus to perform worker raids, and large masses of Reeks are great for taking down buildings in the bases. Build lots of troop centers and nurseries in your forward bases to produce a continuous wave of animals and troops. Artillery is also useful for handling the larger forces that will come at you once you press on the northern base.

Make sure not to destroy the decimators, and remember to protect them as well ù once you capture them the Republic will try to destroy them. Building an AA turret next to each will help protect them.

Mission 5: Opening the Wound


ò Destroy the Republic transmission tower

ò Escort the Data Droid to the Decimator facilities

ò Destroy the Decimator Facilities after unlocking the operational codes

ò Escort Tann and the Data Droid back to the landed Confederacy transports

ò Data Droid must survive

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

You are surrounded by enemy bases on all sides at the very start of the mission, so tread carefully. First off build a command center next to two different resources; keeping in mind you may want room to farm around it later. Take your military forces, including SevÆRance, and move them to the southern tip of the island. YouÆll capture several transport ships. Board your army onto them and head east. Disembark on the shore there and head northeast with your army. Remember to scout your island ù there are a lot of resources, including nerfs, to be found on it. YouÆll also find nerfs on the mainland with your army, and if you capture them load them onto your transports to bring them back to your base.

The transmission tower is surrounded by turrets and a few troops. Send SevÆRance in to attack the nearest turret, and then use your troops to take out the units that are distracted by SevÆRance. From there itÆs easy to take out the transmission tower with your Pummels and Mounted Troopers. Once the transmission tower is taken out, itÆs time to build up your forces at home because the Wookiees will be attacking with a lot of air and you do not start with AA units. YouÆll want to create a strong AA grid in your base, as the enemy will attack it constantly with air.

ItÆs possible (and fun) to systematically remove each of the Wookiee bases, making the later game easier, although itÆs not necessary. The Decimator Facilities lie to the west of your base. To the southwest of your base is a nice open area full of resources that is a perfect place to build a forward base to take on the Decimator Facilities. Be very careful in protecting your Data Droid when you bring him there. Once you receive the codes, you must destroy the Decimator facilities, and then bring SevÆRance and the Data Droid back to your island. One way to ensure the Data DroidÆs survival is to garrison it inside a Mech Destroyer ù just donÆt confuse it with your other mechs and send it into battle!

Mission 6: Into the Grid


ò Destroy the Power relay on Asteroid 426

ò At least one transport must make it to the landing site

ò (Optional) Destroy the Asteroid Supply depots to gain additional resources and buildings

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

You must navigate a large array of AA turrets to get to the main asteroid. Luckily your Air Cruisers out range them (this is because the Republic does not have all of the range upgrades researched in the War Center ù in other situations this may not be the case, which can still be overcome by creatively using the Attack Ground command and taking advantage of the Air CruiserÆs huge area of effect attack). In this mission you simply can tell the Air Cruisers to attack the turrets and they will be safe ù however, pay very close attention to other AA turrets hiding out beyond the fog of war. They can quickly take out your units if you are not watching. Also keep your Fighters just behind the Air Cruisers to defend against republic Fighters that will swarm in to try to take them out. The shortest route through the grid is straight north. Be sure to fan out with your Air cruisers so you clear a wide path through the AA turrets, otherwise you may miss one that can take out SevÆRance or your transports.

Once you reach the main asteroid youÆll come across the supply depot if you went straight north from the start. Once you clear out any nearby AA turrets, set your Air Cruisers on No Attack stance so that they do not accidentally kill your own ground units or any buildings you may need at the depot. They only buildings there you want to destroy are the two labeled as ôAsteroid Supply Depot.ö Once you destroy these, the other buildings will become yours to control. Begin building your base and set up defenses at the north section of it, for just beyond lies the Republic main base, and itÆs heavily defended. YouÆll want to build up a massive, fully upgraded force before attempting to attack it. The forces located there are well mixed ù they have almost every variety of unit defending the base, so youÆll want to mix your forces as well. Build Repeaters, Strike Mechs, Mech Destroyers, Bounty Hunters, Mounted Troopers, plenty of Anti-Air, and Cannons. Be prepared to lose your entire force in the first attack, so have a number of military buildings ready to replenish your forces quickly. You do not have to take out the whole base, just the Power Relay in the north corner of the map. Pushing forward and then building fortresses and shield generators inside the walls of their base is a good way to do this.

Mission 7: SarapinÆs Fury


ò All energy-collection repositories must survive

ò Destroy Mt. Corvast Citadel

ò (Optional) Destroy all Republic forces

ò (Optional) Destroy all energy-drill platforms

ò SevÆRance Tann must survive

The longer you take to build your army on this mission, the more difficult it becomes. You have a number of Civs all building up at the same time as you, so they will outnumber you more and more as the time passes. However, you cannot attack right from the start. YouÆll want to scout out and find banthas to bring back to your base. Watch out for lava flows on the ground ù they will kill your units very quickly if you walk on them. Build your base forward from the start, moving east and then north along the narrow isthmus of rock. ItÆs smart to attack the closest enemy as early as possible, however this proves difficult ù they are defended from the start by Assault Mechs and Bounty Hunters. If you are careful, you can build a forward turret, then use SevÆRance to lure units toward it. If you can take out the Bounty Hunters, the Assault Mechs are helpless against SevÆRance and a few Mounted Troopers. The green base can be very resilient, and may fall back and build up again if you drive them out of their base. Use your Decimators to take down buildings very quickly, but protect them well. Remember to always bring AA with you as well as Bounty Hunters to defend against the RepublicÆs strengths in Air and Jedi.

As you move from base to base, continue researching at your home base and keep building more military units as youÆll need all you can bring to the final battle. If you need to take a breather and build up your forces at any point, find the next bridge you must cross and defend it with turrets to give you a chance to replenish your forces. Many of the Republic bases tend to get congested later in the game because they donÆt have much room to build on. Take advantage of this and use Air Cruisers to take out multiple buildings in a blast radius, as well as units getting stuck between them. Flooding with Reeks to cause havoc is a great way to distract the enemy while tearing down their bases. When you finally reach the eastern corner of the map, be prepared with Cannons to take down the turrets and fortresses at the entrance. Watch out for Mounted Troopers that will try to take out your Cannons. Also bring Bounty Hunters to deal with the Jedi protecting Mt. Corvast. Finally be sure not to destroy any of the energy collection repositories or youÆll fail the mission.

__________________________________________________________________republic walkthrough

Mission 1: The War Erupts


ò Take out the Confederacy battleship cores to the south and east of your starting position

ò Keep all of your heroes alive

A large battle between the Confederacy forces and the Republic forces are happening just as you start the level. There will be fighting between your allies and enemy forces while you try to complete the objectives. This is a set piece, which means there will be no building additional units; the units you get are pretty much your entire force. One of the benefits for this level is you can convert enemy units and there will be allied forces fighting as well.

At the beginning, create four hotkey unit groups, one for the Troopers, one for the Jedi Heroes, one for Jedi Knights, and one for Stam. Stam gets his own group since he must survive and is a bit less sturdy than the other heroes. Having his own group allows you to more easily move him out of harmÆs way.

Head east following the ravine, and it will lead to the south battleship core. You can use your hero units to convert some of the units along the way; Confederacy Assault Mechs are plentiful and good units to convert. For converting, just use the ôCö hotkey once a hero is selected. If you want to convert a lot more units you can assign each hero to their own group and it makes for faster converting.

Usually by the time you destroy the southern core your Republic allies have dropped some transports with pummels on the eastern core. It usually doesnÆt take much to finish this off.

After both cores are destroyed you are instructed to head north to the hanger. YouÆll lose control of your Troopers and Knights, take Stam and Echuu north and there the end cut scene will play. You are victorious, but with a priceà

Mission 2: Power Play


ò Gain control of the eight Drill platforms and make sure theyÆre not destroyed

ò Escort Echuu and Naat to Mt. Corvast Citadel

ò Capture the Confederacy officer Zian Finnis

ò (Optional) Eliminate all the Confederacy Forces

This is a level where the basic premise is you have to clear a path, claim objects along the way and eventually secure an area. This is a builder level that entails fighting up to 4 civs, although one of the 4 will not be much opposition. There is heavy Anti-Air all around so if you use Air, use it carefully.

Starting out, keep your AA Troopers where they are for now and assign the other units to their own groups, one for Troopers, Echuu, and Naat. The Geonosian Mining Camp (Orange civ) is right by where you start out, and they will have a small force of some Troopers and Mounteds, these should be easy enough to take out with your forces. At this point itÆs a good idea to position your Troopers on the outskirts and eliminate the other buildings before deciding to take down the Command Center.

There is an Energy Drill Platform just northwest of the Mining Camp Command Center, when you claim it youÆll get three workers. ItÆs not a bad idea at this point to make a carbon-processing center and have the workers start getting some carbon. They will need to eventually make a Command Center to produce more workers to create an army.

You can convert the workers one at a time with Echuu or what is a pretty good method is to take your Troopers, set them on No Attack stance, and target workers individually. This is a good method because almost always since you kill them with one shot (from all the Troopers) they will not garrison within the Command Center. Once the workers are all gone have the Troopers and Naat take out the Command Center. There is a turret on the northeastern section that Echuu should take out.

At this point after all the Mining Camp is eliminated, you can either (a) Start building up, or (b) Harass the Confederacy Civ and slow their building process. (But still build up.)

Option (a) is pretty self-explanatory, however if you let the Confederacy civ build up they could pose a challenge. If you chose option (b), using Echuu to take out the Turrets in their base as a well as power cores can slow them down quite a bit. Additionally placing turrets within their base to harass their workers does well too. If you use turrets more than one should be used, as the Confederacy Workers will try to take down the turrets.

ItÆs not necessary to completely eliminate the Green Civ, but removing their buildings makes a good spot for additional areas for you to expand. At this point teching up to Tech 4 would be a good idea. There are two energy drill platforms in this area, one to the west of where the Confederacy Command Center is, and one just north of there.

The next civ in the way is Trade Federation Prospectors. There is a Fortress just past the Confederacy base to the right, once you eliminate that Fortress and punch through the gate, the Trade Fed should not be much of a threat. As this is a level in which you get Jedi Masters, itÆs a good idea and effective to convert their military buildings, shield gens, turrets and power cores. Once those are down, a few cannons and the rest of your army should have no trouble. There are three drill platforms in this area. One just south of where the Fortress was, one due east of where the TF Command Center, and one south from CC and a little west.

Leaving from the ProspectorÆs base, head east across bridge, following the same bearing continue east to claim another energy drill platform. There is the last drill platform just south of that bridge. Directly south from the last platform, there is another bridge leading to the last Confederacy Army, Zian Finnis forces. At this point building some production centers and a Fortress right before the bridge would be a good idea.

There are a lot of forces here: Geonosian Warriors, Repeater Troopers, Mech Destroyers, Mounteds, Grenadiers and bounty hunters. So plan your counters carefully. The Republic unique tech ôGalactic Senate hubö combined with a Fortress stocked with Repeater Troopers would be a good thing to use here. Combined with some cannons to eliminate the Fortresses, it shouldnÆt be hard to clear out the path.

Once all the enemy buildings have been cleared for Echuu and Naat walk them down to the Citadel. You ôcaptureö Zian Finnis just by being next to the Citadel, the end dialogue will play and you are victorious.

Mission 3: Never Trust a Hutt


ò Meet with Jabba

ò Infiltrate the ConfederacyÆs base and destroy their main Command Center (the Command Center thatÆs visible to the north in the Fog of War)

ò Go to Jundland Station

ò Eliminate the Tusken Raiders for Jundland Citizens

ò (Optional) Eliminate Boorka the Hutt and his henchmen

Create a group for the Troopers, Mounteds, Medic, Echuu and a group for Naat. DonÆt worry about moving the workers, as youÆll not need them yet.

Moving just northeast of your location reveals Jabba, he wants to help but canÆt, he does tip you off to the location of the Confederacy Command Center which youÆll later have to destroy.

Proceed just outside of JabbaÆs area and youÆll run into the Jundland citizens, they will tell you they need you to eliminate a Tusken threat before they can help. Directly east of the Jundland citizens are the Tuskens. The first 4 are 3 Melee and 1 Riflemen; lure the melee ones back with Echuu and use him and the Troopers to take them out. Keep the medic close at hand since they can be pretty damaging.

There are some BoÆMarr monks near that might help you if they get in visual range of the Tuskens. Next up are some more Melee ones, some Bantha Troopers and more Riflemen. Echuu can convert the Riflemen on the ledge, which helps. In the back section of the Tusken area there are some tents, be careful about trying to destroy too many at once, because as soon as the tent is destroyed more Tuskens will pop out. This includes the fierce Tusken Mother, and the Tusken Child, who is a junior lightweight boxer. There are some Banthas back there, and you can try to move them to your location, however if there are the BoÆMarr monks in the way you wont move the Banthas past them. By putting a nursery where the Banthas are presently at, you can avoid this.

YouÆll get 2 power Droids, resources, and an extra worker for completing the Tusken objective. At this point take your 4 initial workers and build a bunch of prefabs, the area where you start out is a good place to place some, but make sure to save 275 carbon for a Command Center.

A good place to set up camp is in the southern area below Jundland station, right next to the carbon, Ore, Nova, and Rontos. If you build too far north youÆll attract the attention of the Way Station as well as BoorkaÆs forces well before you are ready to fight. There are more Banthas among the carbon as well. ItÆs recommended that you garrison them in a nursery as there are enough food sources such as Rontos and Dewbacks to get you started, and the food trickle will be useful later on.

As you build up youÆll encounter some of the Confederacy forces this will usually consist of some Troopers, AA, Artillery, Mounteds and Grenadiers. Teching up quickly is usually advisable. Some well-placed turrets along the north end of Jundland, by the Moisture farm can be very useful. Before tackling the Confederacy base, itÆs recommended you tech up to tech 4.

Once in Tech 4 a Fortress and some military buildings near the ore patch in northern Jundland is a good offensive spot, from here you can use cannons to slowly take down the Fortresses, Turrets and Gates. Again the Galactic Senate Hub upgrade is a very useful upgrade here.

There is a lot of AA present on this level, so be careful about using air; Air cruisers on this level can be helpful if mindful of all the AA turrets. The Confederacy forces will mostly consist of Artillery, Troopers, AA, and some Air so plan your army accordingly. ItÆs not necessary to totally eliminate the base, only to take out the main Command Center.

If you want to complete the optional objective to eliminate Boorka, a fun way to do itÆs to build shielded Adv. Jedi Starfighters in a group of about 15 to 20 and swoop in, kill Boorka, and swoop out, which results in 5,000 nova tribute, more than paying for the Starfighters.

Once the Command Center is destroyed victory is yours!

Mission 4: Laying the Foundation


ò Find and kill Plure Barron

ò Destroy the Mining facilities

ò (Optional) Destroy the secondary mining remotes

ò Keep your Heroes alive

This is a unique level because itÆs a builder level, but you cannot farm (except on Easy). Since your other food sources are mynocks and some food stockpiles, itÆs a good idea to try and take down the enemy nurseries and steal their nerfs. However do not slaughter them, use them as a food trickle in your own nursery. Additionally there are a lot of other resources like Nova and Ore on the map, so buying and selling resources with a spaceport is viable option.

Assign your units to three groups, one for the Troopers, one for Naat, and one for Echuu. Have three of your workers build a command center near the carbon where you start out and have the other worker build some houses and one nursery.

Just to the south of where you start out is a medium turret, have Echuu take this out. There is generally some Trade Fed Workers milling about this area near the carbon, so you can use Echuu to convert a few of them. Use your Troopers to kill the rest.

In the eastern middle section of the map there is a nursery with some nerfs around it, rush either Echuu or Naat over to that area to claim them and move them into your nursery. Do not slaughter them. There might be a few inside the nursery too so destroy that.

Continue to produce workers, and put them on carbon, every now and then take sets of 5 workers or so off carbon and build some food processors near the food stockpiles. There are areas where there are food stockpiles next to mynocks, so these are ideal locations.

At this point you primary concern should be teching up, but have some military ready, as the Trade Fed will attack eventually. You can go down south to harass them and take out their power cores with Echuu, but advanced turrets protect the main base so it will be a little while before you can break through that. There are two more nurseries below to destroy and take any nerfs/banthas as well. ItÆs a good idea to build the nursery close to the enemy nurseries, as the TF workers will try to claim them back to their side.

You are limited to a pop of 75, but there is plenty of Ore, so use Fortresses to your advantage as offensive weapons.

If you get low on food, be sure to mine Ore or Nova and sell it off.

Your enemy will use quite a few Pummels and Artillery; make sure you have some melee counters such as Mounted Troopers handy. Quite a few Destroyer Droids will be used; Echuu can convert these, but make sure you have some Mech counters as well. In Tech 4 fully upgraded Grenadiers (Explosive yields with Grenadier Training) is excellent to use against the highly Mech based army of the TF. These mixed with some Mech Destroyers should more than handle the Mechs.

The Plure Barron is located in the Command Center just outside the main base; youÆll notice a garrison icon on this Command Center. Once the Barron is eliminated, all that remaining is the mining facilities within the main base. Air Cruisers and/or cannons work well for this, but there are some AA turrets (un-upgraded, which the Air Cruisers will out range) around this area as well.

Once the mining facilities are destroyed victory is yours.

Mission 5: TemptationÆs Folly


ò Destroy every Decimator Factory

ò (Optional) Destroy Anti-Air Turrets to allow Air Transports to drop reinforcements.

ò Locate SevÆRance Tann

ò Hero units must survive

Echuu and Naat are hot on the trail of Tann. This is pretty straightforward, you have a set amount of units and you are required to push through and destroy specific buildings along the way. There are AA turrets that if destroyed result in extra units to use. You have Heavy Artillery in this level, and while they are not crucial, they can outrange the defensive structures, which is very useful.

Create hotkey groups for your Repeaters, Strike Mechs, Mech Destroyers, Pummels, Heavy Artillery, Echuu and one for Naat.

As you move north youÆll encounter a group of Wookiee units: Repeaters, Grenadiers and Medics, you can group the Grenadiers with the Mech Destroyers and putting the medics with the Repeater is not a bad idea. As you proceed west youÆll encounter some enemy Troopers and Grenadiers ù your Repeaters can handle these fine. Further south is a few more enemy units as well as some frigates. Mech Destroyers and Grenadiers will make short work of the frigates.

Move the Artillery down by the bridge and have them attack the gate. ItÆs not really a good idea to use the Pummels as they will have Mounteds near the gate and youÆll take fire from the Turrets trying to protect the Pummels. The Artillery has a range advantage that is useful here. Make sure to keep your Repeaters and/or the Strike Mechs near for when the Mounteds and Troopers attack.

After the units and gate are destroyed, the Pummels will make short work of the turrets and you can move your other units forward. Generally in this level youÆll be dealing with confined spaces and since the Artillery has splash damage and can damage your own units, itÆs within your best interest to put them on no attack stance and then direct them on the targets that you want them to attack.

When the buildings in that vicinity are destroyed itÆs helpful to take out the two AA turrets. An Air Transport will drop off some additional Strike Mechs, Mech Destroyers and an Assault Mech. For the same reasons mentioned above it might be a good idea to keep Assault Mech on no attack stance. Just past this there is another turret and another Decimator Factory.

This next section leads to another gate, when this gate is attacked a bunch of enemy units will come to defend it. Some Heavy Artillery, Mounteds, Repeaters, Reeks, and Grenade Troopers will come for you. Keeping your units behind the gate will be in your favor, for if you get outside the gate, there is another turret that will fire at you. Your Artillery should make short work of the turret once the units are gone, and then move onto the next gate past that. There are two more AA turrets here as well. Destroying these gives you some more Repeaters, a Strike Mech, and another Assault Mech.

Just past the 2nd set of AA turrets is another enemy turret, a Fortress, Heavy Troopers and Mounteds. Your Artillery can out range the Fortress and turrets or you can use the Pummels. Some Acklays and Nexus will attack but Strike Mechs or Repeaters can easily handle them. There is a Decimator near the factories too, it packs quite a punch, but is vulnerable to melee units. Echuu can handle it with relative ease.

After Destroying the Factories in that area just past the Fortress there are two more AA turrets below, destroying them gets you some Strike Mechs and a Mech Destroyer. Proceeding further south there is another Fortress and some Decimator factories. South of these are more factories and two more AA turrets. Destroying them gets you some Grenadiers, a Strike Mech and a Mech Destroyer. Some enemy Mech Destroyers will be attacking you at this point.

Just north of this is the last area, there are enemy Grenadiers, Repeaters, Mounteds and an Assault Mech in the way ù itÆs not a bad idea to lead the units out of there since there is a Fortress and 2 turrets there as well. Once you move into this area after the buildings are destroyed, your units except your heroes will be whisked away.

Bring Naat and Echuu through the gate ù this will trigger the end scene, and youÆll be victorious, sans one Padawan.

Mission 6: The Resolution on Krant


ò Find Naat Reath in TannÆs Fortress

ò Search Droid Facility

ò Bring power Droids back to the base

ò Keep your Heroes alive

Having lost his Padawan to Tann, Echuu again sets out to get her back. This level is a builder level with fairly early fighting. Initially it will be necessarily to shore up your defenses before pressing on since the enemy will be strong when you are just starting out. Echuu will play a pretty important role early on since he is one of the primary defenses against the A.I attacks.

Assign your units to separate hotkey groups. ItÆs important that Echuu has his own, as he will be moving around a lot.

Move north and slightly west, and youÆll discover an abandoned Wookiee base. It will require a power source you are told ù search the Droid Facility just southwest of the base, it will turn up three power Droids. Bringing them back to the command center will trigger it to convert to your side.

Once you have taken control of the base you have enough resources to get some workers going and get your worker population rolling. There is a bunch of nerfs around the command center and in the general vicinity, since you have enough food to get rolling and other food sources near; itÆs recommended to garrison these in a nursery for a food trickle.

Soon after you acquire the base the enemy will attack first from the left. The units will be Troopers, Mounteds, Geonosian Warriors, Strike Mechs, Artillery, and some Scouts. You start with enough AA Troopers to handle the Warriors but they are pretty effective against troop units, so using Echuu to draw their attention and then target them with the AA Troopers works well.

Pummels and some forces from the west will attack; Echuu is best used to attack the Artillery, Pummels, and Strike Mechs first. Your other military should be able to handle the rest. Once those waves are over, try to keep Echuu at the left end and your other forces on the right until you get more military. Western Encampment will send some more forces, but mostly itÆs the Geonosian Warriors and some Fighters so you might need some additional anti-air.

A Fortress protecting each end of the base is very helpful, just across the marsh bridge on the left is a good place for a Fortress, and to the north of the base, before the other marsh bridge is another good place for a second Fortress. Combined with a shield generator and Troopers garrisoned within it will become a solid stopping force to allow you to tech up.

Once your defenses are in place next step is to concentrate on teching up to tech level 4.

While itÆs not necessary to eliminate all enemy civs, it is somewhat helpful. Eastern encampment will need to be attacked since itÆs in the way of TannÆs stronghold, but Western encampment doesnÆt have to be destroyed.

However if you choose to, the next best step is to attack the Western Encampment. A well-rounded force of Repeaters, some AA mobiles, Grenadiers, Mech Destroyers, Strike Mechs and some Cannons would be good choice.

Once Western Encampment is defeated, proceed northeast to attack Eastern Encampment. Same sort of forces here as were at Western so plan your army the same. In the northern part of Western EncampmentÆs base is a good place to set up an additional base to attack TannÆs Stronghold.

Attacking the gates to TannÆs Stronghold will trigger a large counter-attack. It might be a good idea to have an additional Fortress near for a defensive structure. TannÆs defensive force will comprise mostly of a lot of Repeaters, some Assault Mechs, some Grenadiers, some controllable animals (Reeks, Acklays, Nexus), Bounty Hunters, and some AA Mobiles. You can use Jedi Masters here to convert the Assault Mechs, which will help, as would some Air Cruisers.

Once that Force is pushed back youÆll need to take out the two turrets by the gate, from here it becomes a slow push with cannons to knock buildings out of the way. There is a Fortress near the gate down the path as well as some more turrets and another Fortress. After these are cleared out a voice line will play where Tann says that Echuu must face her alone, and any military units in this area at this time will vanish. Bring Echuu up into the area north of the base; there is a corridor that leads to a room with Naat. Here an end scene will play at this time and you are victorious.

Mission 7: The Taking of Coruscant


ò Imperial Palace Must Survive

ò Heroes must survive

ò Rescue Kath Taylor from the Imperial Palace

ò Destroy the Elite Force and claim the Imperial Palace for the New Republic.

This is a pretty straightforward mission, which requires a lot of stopping at key points and eliminating the defenses before proceeding. The units you start with are all the units you get. Protecting your cannons is very important; there are a lot of Turrets and Fortresses, which due to the AA all around can be difficult to take out if you do not have cannons. Using Luke to scout ahead can be very helpful as he is a bit sturdier than the other units. There are a lot of AA turrets around the level which makes using air more difficult but not impossible.

Create hotkey groups for all of your units; Keep a separate group for Luke, as he will be scouting around a lot. ItÆs not a bad idea to put Rand Taylor into an Assault Mech to protect him.

Directly north from your starting area is a gate and two turrets. Use your cannons to take these out. Some enemy units will attack at this point: some Repeaters, Dark Troopers and some Probots. Strike Mechs, Repeaters and Assault Mechs make short work of these. There are three paths to take from this point; the most efficient route is the lefthand side.

Proceeding left youÆll encounter another gate. There are two turrets behind this and a Dark Trooper. Use your Cannons to eliminate the turrets and gate and your Strike Mechs for the Dark Trooper.

Just past this will be another two turrets, two AA turrets, a heavy weapons factory, AT-AT and Heavy Artillery. Luke can convert the AT-AT if you want an extra Assault Mech but most likely youÆll not move it past the turrets before it dies. You can also convert the buildings and turrets. ItÆs not necessary, but it is handy to convert one of the AA turrets, since there will be some air ahead.

There will be 5 Fighters ahead, lead them back to the converted AA turret, or use your X-Wings. When using the air just note the AA turret locations before flying them in. Luke can also convert the TIEs one at a time without taking much damage. East of here youÆll encounter some more Dark Troopers and Repeaters.

Just north of the troop center is a fortress. There are a lot of enemy units here ù some Assault Mechs, Mech Destroyers, dark Troopers, AA mobiles, and Fighters. ItÆs possible to lead some of the units down in small groups at a time, or if you want to fight them all at once, attack the fortress with your cannons.

There is also an Assault Mech with Gen. Tal Ashen in it. Once he is defeated the Imperial Guards will appear and attack you. They are melee based so try to use range to your advantage. If you have cleared the AA turrets you can use your air here.

Once they are defeated the imperial palace is searched and Kath Taylor is found. At this point you are Victorious.

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