Empire Earth

You can play Empire Earthæs four campaigns in any order, but you donæt have to ù especially since weære giving you a complete walkthrough of the game! Have fun and pay attention!

______________________________________________________________Basic Gameplay Strategy


The resources in Empire Earth are food (fish, vegetables, and game), wood, iron, stone, and gold. Food and wood are the building blocks of your civilization, for they allow you to make citizens and build many of your basic buildings. To increase production, you can assign up to six citizens to every one plot of vegetables, stone, gold, or iron.

When it comes to priorities, at first youÆll want food so that you can make more citizens. When you have enough citizens (10 to 15 is a good start), keep six on food and assign the rest to cutting wood. After building the appropriate buildings, begin mining the heavier metals ù starting with at least two citizens on each resource area. (Build up to six if you know youÆll need more resources later.)

Maximize your citizensÆ efficiency by putting up to six workers on each hill. >  

Fishing is a good way to avoid worrying about food gathering. If there are fish in the water and you can build a dock, build six fishing boats and put them to work. This tactic is especially good when game is scarce, and itÆll free up your citizens to do other chores.  Build at least two warships to protect your fishing fleet.

Turning a settlement into a town center is a good idea only if your settlement is far away from your starting town center, or if you need extra defenses. The added hit points and the ability to crank out citizens to go right to work is a nice bonus, but if the settlement is near your starting town center and/or within castle walls, itÆs best not to waste the citizens populating it.

As you get further into the episodes, youÆll start to get a firmer grasp on what resources youÆll need and will be able to adjust your citizen workforce appropriately. If you get a stockpile of 1,000+ food or wood, youÆll want to reassign most of your citizens to start getting other resources. Idle citizens are useless, but citizens who stockpile a little-needed resource might as well be idle for all the good theyÆre doing.

A neat little feature in Empire Earth is the ôexploreö command. The command instructs a unit to wander the map, and heÆll run away if attacked. In prehistoric times, you can even create a canine scout to do the exploring so you donÆt have to waste a human unit, who would be better used for gathering food or attacking a foe.


Empire Earth has hundreds of different battle units. Most of them still boil down to the basics weæve all seen before. The game adheres to a strict "rock, paper, scissors"-type game-design system, so the thing to remember is shock weapons beat arrows; arrows beat spears; and spears beat shock weapons. The same rule applies to ships: galleys beat battleships; battleships beat frigates; frigates beat galleys. Diversify your army and conquer!

 < Enemy citizens repair buildings well, so make sure you kill the people before moving on to destroying the buildings themselves.


Each unit type can be upgraded in many different ways. These upgrades affect things like the attack power, range, armor, and speed of all units of that type. Because these upgrades are costly, you probably wonÆt want (or be able) to upgrade every attribute of every unit type. If youÆre going up against towers, for example, then upgrading the range and power of your archers and siege engines will be important; but if youÆre wading straight into bloody battle, attack and armor are most important. On the seas, speed for your transports and attacking power for your warships should be a high priority. Keep watch over your scarce resources: you may have to decide if a group of upgraded phalanxes is more important than one more battleship.

Campaign points are given out as rewards when you do something momentous like finishing a level, establishing a base, and so on. You can use them to upgrade specific things such as unit attack power, cost reductions, and speed or range bonuses. You can also upgrade more abstract things like building range, your population cap, and resource-gathering efficiency. Once you spend these points, theyÆre gone, so plan carefully. During the Greek campaigns, for instance, you wonÆt want to waste any points upgrading any aircraft or cyber units because you wonÆt encounter any! Duh!

_______________________________________________________Campaign 1: The Greeks


A fairly straightforward mission. Concentrate on heading west, west, and more west. Once your town is established with working citizens and a barracks pumping out little rock throwers and club wielders, move west to take over TroasÆ dock. The bad news is, these guys have towers. ItÆs safer to take out the towers first, and any bad guys along the way, and then deal with the dock straight away. After taking the dock, create two transports. Again, go west (make sure you take citizens as well as warriors) and then slightly southwest to find the plateau Hierakles talks about. Strong warriors on horses will attack you, but the goal here is to construct buildings, not fight. If you can get your three buildings up while keeping your heroes alive (a good strategy: lead your attackers on a merry chase with the priest as bait to buy your citizens time to build), youæll win!
Upgrading tips: Armor for all troops.


DonÆt waste a lot of time on your little island. Have Pelops and his sons explore and kill any bad guys as your citizens build a dock, town center, and barracks. Send a sacrificial warship ahead to draw the fire of the enemy ships as you send two transports filled with citizens and warriors to the north. Wait until the town center on the island is destroyed before you build another one in the north, since building a settlement and converting it to a town center costs 100 wood and 250 food (in citizens) while building a new center after the old one is burned costs only 100 wood. Once your town is established (make sure you have a hospital!), send some warriors and citizens south to build a dock and west to settle near your only supply of stone. When it comes to making your strikes on the enemiesÆ town centers, the key is religion. Keep two priests to convert any sole enemy you come across, and keep two prophets to rain malaria on your enemies. Firestorms will work to take out town centers if you want to focus your war units on towers and enemy forces. Be careful, though: the enemy AI isnÆt stupid. It knows where the attacks are coming from and will make a beeline for your defenseless priests and prophets, so make sure theyÆve got some bodyguards. ItÆs a long trek to the enemy towns, so send some citizens along to build a barracks and a hospital near the battlegrounds.
Upgrading tips: Weapons for ground troops.

(above) Have your prophet curse the troops with malaria before the fighting begins, or youÆll end up killing your own warriors. 


Before you run off to get the help of the other kings, make sure your town is secure. Set some of your citizens to build a granary and farms, and send Agamemnon and a troop of 10 warriors north to secure a sweet patch of resources. Immediately wall off the area, build some towers, and create your settlement and upgrade it to a town center. (DonÆt forget to put a gate so your troops can exit!) After youÆre sure the area is secure, start visiting the neighboring kings as instructed. Bolster your troops with several archers and warriors, including two to three sampsons, two prophets, and at least one priest. DonÆt forget to send citizens! Send your warships ahead to get rid of any Trojan fleets. When you make it to the Trojan shores, get your citizens to immediately build a barracks, archery range, and hospital. The best way to attack the formidable forces outside of Troy is to send one unit out as bait and lead a bunch of enemies back to camp to be slaughtered. Use at least three sampsons to take out the towers by the gate. When youÆre loading the Trojan horse, put all four heroes, two sampsons, and all your archers and elite warriors into the horse (any unit with a horse besides the heroes will not fit). Concentrate your efforts on PriamÆs palace and Priam himself, and the destruction of Troy will be quick and easy.
Upgrading tips: Archer and Javelin ranged shots; sampson attack rating.


This episode hinges on doing everything in the right order. Set your citizens to build a granary and a settlement outside the walls. Build a mixed army of about three to five of each unit type (except sampsons). Head north to Aphidna first. If their army gives you too much trouble, retreat to your town and fight within the vicinity of the hospital. After you conquer Aphidna, take a moment to put a settlement in the area rich with resources south of the town. As you lick your wounds, youÆll notice a bunch of Aphidna warriors heading east. Follow them for the easy routing of Pallene. Train some sampsons and break the walls down in the town of Eleusis to take care of their army. When Sparta and Thebes attack, stay in your city and let them come to you. Your new allies will do a lot of the work. Keep your warriors near the hospital for easy cleanup.
Upgrading tips: Cavalry and bowmen attack and range rating.

< Enemy units can attack through their own walls, so concentrate on them and their towers where possible.


Patience is your main virtue in this episode. Put your citizens to work gathering wood and stone. Train three diplomats and build two of each warship. Before sending off your diplomat, send all your ships through the waters to clear out enemy ships. These ships will also be needed as escorts back to the docks. Do this for every grain mission. When plague strikes, move the sick people next to the hospitals ù thatÆll keep up their hit points until the sickness goes away. While youÆre waiting for your ships to get to their destination or be repaired, upgrade some of your units. But ONLY do the upgrades that require wood or stone: you canÆt afford anything else. Once your food comes in, you can build up your army to fight Sparta. Send two full transports of troops and citizens to the far west port of Segesta. Establish a settlement for the resources and keep the troops there to protect against Spartan attacks. As youÆre building your resources, go ahead and send some bait out to lure some Spartans inside the walls to kill them. (DonÆt send everyone outside or youÆll be targeted.) Keep luring units inside until theyÆre all gone. You can then start advancing west to get rid of all the leftover Spartans.
Upgrading tips: Ship speed (especially transports and grain ships).


Your first goal is optional: you can choose to take Aristotle back to Mytilene to gather some herbs to elevate him to a prophet, but you donæt have to. Maneuver carefully through the hurricanes on the way there and back. HeÆs an expendable hero, though, so donÆt panic if you lose him. Train some Companion Cavalry and head south to conquer Thebes. Use the extra gold you get to replenish your troops. Athens will also be relatively easy to take, but right after conquering them, Spartans will swarm the shore and head north to take your city. Follow them north and attack their backs, and then send all the units you can muster to stop the invasion. After they stop attacking, youÆll have to set your remaining warriors on ôexploreö to catch the last of the invaders.
Upgrading tips: Unit speed and Companion Cavalry attacking.


Concentrate again on luring the Persians across the river a little bit at a time to protect your units. After taking the city of Antioch, build six catapult ships and start taking out the battleships and towers surrounding the Persian isle. After eliminating the towers and a wall section, take a moment to annihilate the troops rushing to the beach. Land transports with your ground troops and focus the bowmen and phalanxes on the troops and focus the catapults on enemy siege units and remaining towers.
Upgrading tips: Build catapult ships up to 10.

Catapult ships are the best tools for removing walls. >   


You need to decide whether to (a) set up town centers in villages to get the food, wood, and civilization points, or (b) raze the cities to the ground to plunder for gold and iron, which are scarce. Given that there are two cities of this kind, itÆs best to plunder the southern and take over the northern, building a hospital and military buildings to support your next attack. Since the enemy baiting has worked so well so far, donÆt stop now. Bring enough of the Persian army across the strait to be slaughtered by your men, and then pursue them to the walls. Save your gold for siege engines youÆll need for the walls. Follow the canyon and get rid of any stray people or catapults youÆll find. Then, when you enter, watch out for a final surprise attack by assassins.
Upgrading tips: Siege engines attack an
d range.

<  Luring enemies into well-armed traps will keep your troops alive longer than sending them directly into the middle of an army.

_______________________________________________________________Campaign 2: The English


You have much traveling and building up to do before your assault. Take William southeast first, then north. The towns you encounter will give you warriors to accompany you, and the town in the center will give you a better weapon. Falaise will surrender to you only after you defeat the guards at the bridge and gate. Once Falaise is yours, set your citizens to gather resources. Send some citizens directly east of the town to find some stone. Once youÆre comfortable with your supply, go south of Falaise to buy some siege engines. Buy at least two trebuchets. Take all your troops south of the siege engineer to find gold mines within a bandit camp. Once the resources are coming in at a good rate, you can build up your forces and head northeast to attack ToustainÆs keep. Guard your trebuchets well and let them take out enemy towers and forces. The episode ends when the castle falls.
Upgrading tips: Trebuchet range and damage.


Take the jester, Gollet, west of Bayeux and run away from the ambush. Follow GolletÆs comments to investigate a sound to the north, where youÆll find a chest with a weapon inside, as well as supplies to heal your wounds. Gollet is now strong enough to fight off the pursuing ambush and the nearby wolf with no problems. He will not be allowed into Valognes, however, and will need to talk to a farmer just to the east of the town. Once disguised, Gollet can warn William of the assassination attempt. Gollet and William can leave town through a secret passage in the trees east of town that will put them out by the chest. From there, they need to head south. They should be able to deal with whatever problems they encounter, and William can be healed at a church found along the way. Hide from the mounted assassins that will ride by after William heals himself, and continue south. An old knight will give you his three sons to escort you, and you can safely skirt a massive enemy ambush as the sons sacrifice themselves for you. Once you get to Falaise, you can start gathering your troops. Some towns hosting volunteers are near Falaise, although William will have to fight one townÆs champion. When you have your army, you can fight Guy of Burgundy. Try to focus your firepower on Guy himself: once heÆs slain, the army will quickly be defeated. Remember to keep William alive, or all is lost.
Upgrading tips: Archers and long swords attack.

Enemies on high ground will sometimes be out of your infantryÆs range, but not your priestsÆ. >  


Send your citizens to the resource camps and get them started. Set your barracks' rally point at the settlements to guard your camps. Send your initial troops all the way west, where youÆll encounter a town that asks you for help in getting their children back. Follow the coast back east until you discover the camp, and youÆll have no problems defeating the bandits and taking the children back. This will get your tribute of resources. From there, continue gathering resources and building your forces. When you reach your population count, you can select a dock to aid you in moving north. DonÆt select a dock until youÆre ready to leave. Head north across the channel to England and encounter the army waiting for you on the other side. When WilliamÆs horse falls, take your entire army to the hill ù not just him. This move will give your army a good high ground to continue the attack. Once your army has regrouped, go after Harold: if he dies, his army will be demoralized. Once heÆs dead, all you need to do is go west of London to procure a horse and ride into the city in glory.
Upgrading tips: Long sword attack and armor.


The French fleet is very strong, and you wonÆt be able to take them head-to-head. Use all the resources you have to add to your fleet. (DonÆt upgrade.) Send a ship to lure some of the French fleet away into a trap of battleships, keeping your ships close to the docks for quick healing. Do this a couple of times. Use other ships to lure the fleet south and sneak your demolitions ship along the northern coast and down to the flagship. Sinking the flagship will demoralize the French, but theyÆll still be up for a good fight, so prepare to finish off each ship. Your next step is fairly easy: conquer the town of Caen with the Black Prince. Take out the four towers with trebuchets and kill the defending forces. ItÆs important to focus on the four buildings in the center of town and not on the surrounding buildings, although your army will attack anything within range. Once you build your town center, those buildings are yours. Send some citizens directly north to the gold and iron mines there. When your forces are very strong, max out your units (donÆt forget siege engines!) and head to Calais. Bring some citizens with you and build a hospital and barracks outside the town. YouÆll need to add to your forces frequently ù this fightÆs a tough one. Once the towers are gone, head straight for the town center and destroy it.
Upgrading tips: Trebuchets first, and then anything else you can afford.

 <  High ground gives your army a decided advantage against the French.


This episode starts off with a simple goal: get treasure. Go southeast for the first treasure, then west for the second. Here a priest will cast a volcano on you, and youÆll have to keep your army away from the falling fire until it goes out. The third and fourth treasures are guarded by more forces to the east; make sure you have two men guarding your existing treasure outside the fight, or it may be destroyed. After you have the treasure, rocks will bar your way back, so you have to go north. YouÆll be ambushed in an apparently empty town, so keep alert. Helping a merchant with bandits back west will give you transports to get you and your treasure back to the starting point. From here you need to take Voltieres to the north. Once you climb the high ground outside the city, the French will attack. The important thing here is to make sure your forces donÆt get caught up in the destruction of the farms and then forget to engage the army. The battle shouldnÆt be too difficult, and after the army is destroyed, you can take the castle keep.
Upgrading tips: None (no resources).


At the beginning of this episode, flee immediately west to Oxford. From there, take your troops to the temples in England to root out the treasonous priests. Your biggest danger at this point is enemy priests converting your units, so you might want to boost conversion resistance. Four of the seven temples will be taken over by the Lollards; when you take the fourth one, you can choose to kill the leader or convert him with a priest and take him to the Tower of London. At this point, build forces to your population cap to attack France. Be sure to make some priests. When youÆre done, send everyone ù including the citizens ù to the dock to travel to France. Travel to the east to take Harfleur, and then scout east with Henry and the Earl of Westmoreland. After you regain control of them, your citizens can build settlements around FranceÆs many resources and set up the necessary buildings to beef up your army. When youÆre ready for the final battle, be sure to send cavalry to take out the four deadly bombards first  Send only a few at a time, as a group will get tangled up in each other and be demolished by the bombards. Once the bombards are out of the picture, it wonÆt be too hard to defeat the army.
Upgrading tips: Cavalry speed, long sword attack, and archer range.


As you take your troops to France, skirt the far western edge of the map. Your frigates will encounter two enemy ships they shouldnÆt have any problems with. Once you land in Lisbon, you wonÆt have any trouble taking out the existing troops; JunotÆs army will attack from the north, only to surrender shortly after engaging. Now you can start building up your army. A very important note here: YouÆll have no iron or gold in this episode. Once you get some siege engines, you can take Badajoz to the south ù just destroy the gates and each tower (some towers are inside the town walls), and the rebels are on your side. However, they will immediately attack Talavera. If youÆre ready with your army, you can go along with them for an easy victory (theyÆll be massacred otherwise). After Talavera, take Toledo and Salamanca for tribute of more resources, and then send some citizens up to Salamanca to build a hospital, barracks, and a stable at the foot of the Pyrenees. While theyÆre building, send knights around the mountains to take out the snipers hiding up there. The French will send their formidable army to the mountains at this time, and wonÆt come down the other side, even if you bait them. If you have the resources, up the speed and attack with your knights. Send them to the mountains in groups of three ù rush in, attack, and rush out. This tactic will minimize your losses and allow you to defeat the army.
Upgrading tips: Knights attack and speed, siege engine range.

 <  Cavalry units are your strongest mountain fighters.


You have to move fast during this episode. When youÆre sending your messenger south, ignore the French snipers: they wonÆt hurt you very much. During the skirmish between the Prussians and the French, try to keep as many Prussians alive as possible, since theyÆll back you up later in the episode. Send your army to the walled area west of Mt. Sainte Jean and have your citizens build towers at the western side of the walls. Your citizens should then go north and build barracks and the like to fortify your army. Now you should take the French with no problem, and the remaining French will flee south. DonÆt follow them; have your citizens build a hospital and a settlement near the stone mine a little west of Mt. Sainte Jean. When they have enough stone, build some towers guarding the entrances to Brussels. (DonÆt forget the southeastern entrance to your camp ù itæs a weak spot.) The Prussians should help you during the final battle with the French, but watch to make sure an attacking party doesnÆt slip into Brussels without your knowledge, or all is lost.
Upgrading tips: None (donÆt waste your resources).

____________________________________________________Campaign 3: The Germans


Stealth is the key to the first part of this episode, as you have only enough ammo to save the peasantÆs wife from the Russians. Have the peasants cut a path through the trees for you. From here, go north to your first site to be photographed. Head north again to the next site, where youÆll find a map to all the other sites. The next two sites should be fairly simple with the map ù the site to the west will have ammo (which you probably wonÆt need), and directly south of the third site should be your last one. Keep clear of Russian guards and you should be fine. From here you can use the troops to clear a path. Build up your army with a balanced group of forces, including several from your siege factory. Leaving some behind to guard the camp, begin inching forward with your artillery to take out pillboxes and buildings. Keep to the north and punch a hole through which your heroes can move quickly back to camp.
Upgrading tips: Artillery range and attack.

Your bombers are excellent for taking out pockets of infantry. >   


Get your four town centers creating citizens to gather resources. YouÆve got plenty of resource areas, so donÆt skimp on the citizens. Build some docks and naval yards and start building your fleet. Send a larger fleet (battleships and submarines) north to encounter the British fleet amassed there. (DonÆt worry about the southern route.) Build an airport to bring the Red Baron over to your side. If you have the resources, build a lighthouse to keep an eye on the British. YouÆll need to have AA guns and towers to protect against the ships and airplanes. Have the Red Baron and his planes defend the transports of the southern route. Contacting the spy with your subs will be difficult, but you can do it by sending several subs at once, hoping that one gets through.
Upgrading tips: Sub attack and battleship attack and range. Plane attack, speed, and flight time.


This episode can take some time. You need to get your citizens north to the resources and immediately start mining gold and iron. Build a granary. Build your forces at the barracks and build a siege factory to the northwest of your camp. Put in a second airport and start building fighters and bombers. Build artillery and infantry to protect your camp. Set the Red Baron and his fighters to protect the perimeter of the camp at the south. Send your bombers and fighters from the west all the way to the west side of the map to take out their airfields at the top of the hill. From there, go south and take out the AlliesÆ supply areas. Build several artillery and ground units to protect your home base ù especially partisans. YouÆre limited to 10 tanks, so be careful with them. The key here is to get rid of the support buildings nestled in the French towns before you take the fortresses. Once you remove the AA guns around the towns (using artillery protected by ground forces), you shouldnÆt have any problems sending in protected bombers to destroy the buildings inside. When the last building falls, send the Red Baron and all your fighters near your capitol building where the AA guns protect him, and let them try to assassinate him.
Upgrading tips: Fighter and bomber flight time, attack, and speed.


You have a glut of resources here, so upgrade all units you can up to 10. You donÆt need to gather resources, so have your citizens build AA guns and pillboxes to protect your town, and set several AA guns around the settlement to the southeast of town. Your citizens will need protection when they start gathering wood. Build fighters and set them to patrol the camp perimeter to make sure you arenÆt spotted. When you reach the population cap, you need to begin building resources. At this point, start sending in your beefed-up bombers and fighters to eliminate a British airfield to the west. Once you eliminate the majority of the British troops with the air attack, you can bring in infantry to clean up. When you control the northern third of the map, build a settlement at the foraging areas and leave a tank to protect it. Take your troops across the bridge and start moving east. Leave the planes at home for now. Send a citizen along to build a hospital, barracks, siege factory, and several AA guns at the small forest between the bridge and Peronne. Send artillery and infantry to take out the AA guns north of Peronne to let your planes come in and help take out the town. Build several AA guns at Peronne once you take it, but avoid building a barracks at this point ù the Red Baron will leave your employ when you do. Build a second airfield at this point to help protect from the barrage of planes. Move south with fighters and bombers to take out the artillery stationed on the hills protecting Roye. When theyÆre gone, itæll be safe to crush the infantry and airfields. At this point, build your barracks. YouÆll want to start building up a defense team of infantry at each city in case the Allies try to attack. From Roye, build an airfield, and start sending troops and bombers (with fighter escort) west to take the tank-heavy town of Montdidier.
Upgrading tips: Everything to 10 ù you have the resources and the time.

 <  All armies need at least two medics to heal troops on the fly.


Set your citizens building AA guns at the west and north of Germany and another airfield. Begin building bombers and fighters first, then infantry and artillery (and lots of tanks and at least two cargo trucks). Start with the easy target: Poland. Post rally points above Poland for your planes. When you have enough forces, declare war. Move in your bombers to pulverize the buildings north of Warsaw, then Warsaw itself. Bring in your land forces, and beware of the Polish tanks. South of Warsaw are airfields, and further southeast are more siege factories to knock out, along with more resources. Send in five citizens to build a settlement and then to populate it. From there, build a settlement to the east and start mining gold and iron, and then send citizens south to settle near the gold and iron deposits near the buildings you just knocked down. Start building towers, pillboxes, and AA guns right at the border of Belgium (north of Germany). Once you declare war, the towers and pillboxes will start attacking the closest buildings, and Belgium will be even easier to take than Poland. Be careful of French and British planes. Once Belgium is reduced to rubble, move to northern France and level the buildings there before you send bombers to destroy the Arc de Triomphe and the capitol. Send cargo trucks with citizens to build and populate a town center; just keep in mind that the pillboxes and towers will still attack, and your citizens will need protection. Taking Norway is a simple matter of patience and planes. Their air force isnæt worth worrying about (though theyÆll have British support), so max out your planes and start attacking. Begin with the capitol to reduce morale, then move to airfields and siege factories. Take out the towers and donÆt forget that you can attack the waiting battleships with your bombers. When most of Northern Oslo is rubble, send in some tanks and infantry to protect your cargo trucks full of citizens, and populate your town center.
Upgrading tips: Bombers, fighters, and AA guns need to be maxed-out.

Your towers can begin their attack the instant war is declared. >   


Get your citizens building AA guns pronto, and have your subs keep their eyes out for convoys to take down. YouÆll need only ships, subs, and planes for this episode, so donÆt worry about infantry. Protect your citizens and buildings from the sky attacks, and work on building a formidable fleet and air force. Set your rally point for your fighters at home to protect from bomber attacks; keep the bombers in the airfield for now. Send out two more subs to help the existing convoy-hunters while youÆre waiting for the Bismark to be finished. The key to this episode is building a massive and balanced navy ù make sure you have plenty of battleships, cruisers, and subs. Once you hit the population cap, begin upgrading, starting with the ships and then moving to the planes. Start taking out the AA guns at the southern coast with your ships to clear a way for your bombers to take on the inner buildings. DonÆt forget to destroy the ports and naval yards you come across, although remember that Ireland is neutral and will heal you. The bombers should first focus on capitols and airfields, which will cripple their air defenses and keep the citizens from healing the buildings.
Upgrading tips: Take all of your sea-faring units as high as your resources will allow.


Your strongest forces here are your planes, so start organizing your air forces to patrol the coastline and protect your docks. As usual, always keep fighters with bombers. Build transports to be ready for the incoming reinforcements: itÆll be too late after they arrive. Send your ships to smash AA guns along the coast and to eradicate whatever radar facilities they can reach. Your bombers can also help with these missions, but be careful of too much AA fire. Then you can use your air force and subs to protect the ships as you start moving your units across the English Channel. Protect Rommel by sending him over with AT guns and panzers. Focus the ground troops on the AA guns as your bombers wipe out troops and buildings. Set your ground troops to take down the wall at the south of the palace, and then the AA guns to have the bombers finish off the job. Make sure your ground forces donÆt attack any other buildings ù you can use those later. Send over some citizens and infantry in transports and get them to build a capitol on the ruins of the palace. Move the army west so you can start taking over existing buildings with spies who will let you build reinforcements. Destroying town centers will also get you resources. Your navy should move west to encounter the Americans: send them with an escort of fighters and bombers to help take out American planes and ships. Your army will also encounter Americans on land, so keep your army tightly together and protect them in the air as well. If youÆve used a spy to take over a hospital, itÆll be useful now. The Americans are tough and have many tanks. Once youÆve destroyed the American buildings in Wales, the war is won!
Upgrading tips:
AT guns, navy, and planes as high as your resources will allow.

 Bombers with fighter escorts can be effective against battleships.

_____________________________________________________Campaign 4: The Russians


Take a hint from the opening dialogue of this adventure: The trunk is a good place to hide Grigor only while the town car is within the city walls. By driving east within the city you can discover a potato truck by some fields ù stay far enough away from the guards while you make the exchange and youÆll be able to leave the city and enter Volgograd with no problems. Once the city is yours, set your citizens to build settlements and start gathering, but donÆt spend any resources yet ù youÆll need your gold and iron. When you send diplomats to the respective cities, keep them moving: towers will attack them until they get to the destination keeps. Once youÆve allied with the surrounding cities, the final assault on Voronezht will be relatively easy with considerable plane and helicopter support. In this episode you can also use your resources to take Russia to the Digital Epoch, but doing so does take considerable resources.
Upgrading tips: Fighters and helicopters should be maxed-out


This episode will be exceedingly difficult if you donÆt demolish the rebels to the south, and fast. Your stone resources are limited, so keep that in mind when youære building your two Wonders. Concentrate defenses to the northwest to protect against air strikes from Britain and Oslo. Send your forces south to take out the rebels while organizing your citizens to build defenses and start gathering resources. After taking out the rebels, move north to Arkhangelsk; once you take it, send citizens to build defenses in the town. Arkhangelsk will allow you to beef up your navy greatly. While working on defending your cities, start working on your ground forces, and send a great number of infantry, tanks, and artillery with a fighter escort to work south toward Kiev. Send some bombers to help. Once you capture Kiev, youÆll be able to build cybers, which should help greatly as you move toward Copenhagen. Hopefully, you havenÆt forgotten your fleets, as they will help you out with the taking of this seaside country. Try your new cybers ù including your new toy, the Rostov JK 1 ù and use maxed-out planes and ships to take Copenhagen. Make sure to scour the countryside to eliminate all rebel forces!
Upgrading tips: Air force should be maxed-out.

Nuclear attacks are one of the exciting new weapons youæll learn to use in the Modern Age. > 


Remember when you rooted out the disloyal Lollards? YouÆre doing something similar here with Grigor checking garrisons in the area for loyal troops who are in favor of him establishing a cybernetic as his heir. Touring the garrisons is fairly simple, but Grigor will have a heart attack partway through the campaign and youÆll need to get him to the hospital in the southwestern corner immediately. Afterward, you can continue collecting your troops and attack the central city. Attack the barracks that is sending fresh troops into the fight, and then take down the rebel headquarters. Keep Grigors I and II and Molotov safe till the end, when Grigor I will breathe his last breath.
Upgrading tips: None.


Starting out behind enemy lines, you need to take over the town. First, destroy all the universities and then take over the temple and begin converting priests. Keep a force guarding the temple from the natives taking it over. Once you get some priests, start converting the citizens and work on taking over the town, focusing on the cyber factory. DonÆt forget to guard it from the attacking Chinese. Your next goal (after you take over the town) is to infiltrate XiÆan at the southwest corner. Before you do that, though, youÆll need to convert eight cyber factories ù Baotou is the closest, but it has only three. Tianjin has the most with six ù you can finish your goal quicker that way, making sure you protect your ground forces with cybers. After that, the episode is timed: you must break into Beijing with Molotov to stop the Chinese from using their time machine. Complete your earlier mission to XiÆan by sending a force of cybers (five or six) to get the intelligence you need to enter the Nano Age. Then, after taking a little time to upgrade your cybers, send some Ares while using the Apollo Diffraction Shield to protect Molotov.
Upgrading tips: Apollo and Ares should be maxed-out.

 <  Keeping your diplomats and spies moving even when theyÆre attacked will keep them (somewhat) safe.


When you land on Hispaniola, eliminate the enemy garrison to give you more room to build your camp. The Americans will target any building within range of their battleships, so keep inland. When youÆre heavily built-up, take over Cuba ù but destroy only their capitol, and build a town center in its place. Try not to build anything in Cuba besides the town center and a hospital. At this point, start invading Florida, but treat it like Cuba: destroy very little and build nothing. When Molotov defects to the Americans, youÆll be fighting the army you just built up. Build up your American forces and head back to re-take Cuba, where your time machine will be built.    
Upgrading tips: None.


Creating a heavy defense is your initial goal here. Grigor II will be throwing Nano epoch forces at your Modern epoch defenses, so build a heavy defensive force as well as many AA guns. Send Molly quickly to the Ukraine to ally with them. Keep her moving to avoid getting her killed. As you defend against the superior Grigor II forces, take a little time to build a well-defended Espionage Center. Start sending spies, one at a time, to infiltrate Grigor IIÆs buildings and steal Nano technology. This will begin to level the playing field. Once youÆve gained equal power, start building several heavy air and ground attack forces to enter Volograd and kill Grigor II. YouÆll also need to destroy the city (bombers are your friends here), but donÆt destroy Grigor IÆs bunker ù Molly or Molotov will need to talk to him before the episode is over.

Upgrading tips: Upgrade your Modern epoch defenses, but try not to waste too much money upgrading until you steal the Nano technology.

Cybernetic infantry brings warfare to all-new levels. > 

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