Myth III: The Wolf Age

Having a hard time beating Myth III? Well, donÆt fret, young one ù weÆre here to reveal all the tactics necessary to easily conquer all 25 single-player missions. Time for gore!

__________________________________________________________________mission walkthrough


As the title suggests, your mission is to defend the people of Yursgrad. Simply stay within the circle and defend yourselves against the oncoming Myrkidian creatures. Any formation will work, but we found that the Long Line formation proved most efficient. Once youÆve killed enough creatures, the level will automatically end.


Move your party to the northern portion of the map and youÆll see the nest entrance. Use the Tight Box formation to keep all your men together in the small paths of the nest. Eventually youÆll make your way to the leader, who can be eliminated easily with an Outward formation. Make sure that you select the Outward formation in advance of the attack so that your party can incorporate it before your attack.


Always study your map to locate which direction the enemy is coming from. Maintain Short Line formation for the most controlled attacks. Send in your Guards for charging attacks and use your Archers and Warlock for enemies that use arrows or with foes that donÆt charge. Always keep your Warlock and Archers protected with your guards and Connacht. DonÆt forget to check stats and use Damas and the GuardsÆ limited healing abilities after every battle as needed. Using the Warlock and ArchersÆ special abilities (Scratti Sun and Flaming Attack) on faraway groups will also make melee attacks much easier afterward.


Maintain a Loose Line formation from the beginning so your whole party is within view and each member is easily accessible. One of your biggest threats will be the Soulless Archers, as they have a long range that only your own Archers can counteract. Avoid any close-range encounters with Wights and eliminate them with Archers if you want to survive. Once you reach the Pack-Mage, heÆll bring to life dozens of his minions from the dead. Avoid them and focus your WarlockÆs Scratti Sun on the Pack-Mage. If you do this right, you can destroy him, instantly winning the mission.


Prepare to face many tough minions, including the undead Thrall and the dreaded Iron Warriors. Be resourceful and try incorporating a Rabble formation so your party is separated at all times. Separate your Archers and Warlocks from the rest of your party so you can minimize friendly fire. YouÆll receive new units when you reach certain parts of the map. Avoid melee contact with the Iron Warriors at all costs.


The goal is to gain access to the forgotten lands by opening up a closed entry to a crypt. The strategy here lies within Enni Circles. The Enni Circles are located at different points on your map. There are three of them, and each one will respond to a certain character. Find each circle and leave the character that gets a response within the Enni Circle. Note: Beware of the Staggian Knights that guard each circle. Once all three Enni Circles are filled, the door will open. Gather your party back up and prepare to continue your journey within the crypt.


The Crypt of Mazzarine will require you to trek through the various dark corridors, lighting torches and activating controls. As you activate controls, various rooms will open. Continue this process until you eventually finish the mission. Keep an eye out for the Lichs, whose deadly spells can easily cripple you. The best tactic for killing them is to go into Rabble formation so they have a harder time locking their throwing spells on you. This is a good opportunity to make use of the Dream Dispersal ability, but make sure to keep your party far away from the explosion.


As you make your way north, additional Warriors, Warlocks, and Archers will join your team. The majority of the level can be easily conquered with a Rabble formation. Use the Dwarves and Archers against the packs of Wights you encounter. Toward the end, dozens of monsters, including the infamous Ghouls, will charge you. Take the defense here and move all the Guards and warriors out of the way. Prepare all of your Warlocks and Archers in a Loose Line formation and use their special-ability attacks. By doing this, youÆll make mincemeat out of the evil beasts in no time.


The best way to defend the gates is to evenly distribute your parties (Dwarf and Dwarf Warriors) to both the North and South gates. Make sure to keep both ranks separate as well so the DwarfÆs explosions donÆt hurt your warriors. The best tactic is to keep Dwarves and Dwarf Warriors on separate sides (left and right) so theyÆre facing each other. The enemy will run right in between, allowing you to inflict maximum damage from both sides.


As you make your way to the castle entrance, make sure to use ConnachtÆs Tain ability to suck in large groups of enemies. This ability can also affect your party, so be careful with your aim. Look for an opening into the castle yard on the northwest portion of the map. You can easily kill the large Myrkidian creature at the entrance with your ArchersÆ Flame Arrow ability. Make sure the rest of your party is nowhere near the fire.


Stay back when you see Myrkidian Mages and use only your Archers against them. If done right, you can eliminate the mages before they can call on their army of the undead. If too late, lure the undead through the tight hallways so you easily eliminate them without getting hounded. You will face Thall at the end. To kill Thall, make sure you destroy the eye first, or heÆll keep reanimating.


Send all your Archers evenly to the roofs of the entryway. Focus the majority of your assault on the Trow Iron Warriors before the Oghres. Watch out for the sneaky Wights, who will always come from corners when you least expect them. Proper use of the map/radar system will yield victory.


As you make your way north to the rod, avoid all patrols. If you have to face the patrol, do so, but make sure to keep Sardonae alive at all costs. His Dispersal Dream ability is essential to breaking apart patrols. Use the explosions and spells sparingly to avoid the attention of nearby patrols. Eventually youÆll have to face two Iron Warriors before you can destroy the rod.


To complete the level you must use MydredÆs Release Dream ability on as many Oghres as possible. The creatures will then convert to your side. Mydred must survive or the mission is lost, so keep the Oghres in Sphere formation around him at all times. Convert enough Oghres for the rebellion, and the mission will be a success.


Rebellion will have you seriously outnumbered, so draw out your enemies to a useful vantage point before going into battle. Use your explosives and flame arrows from hills to get the upper hand on the enemy. Make precise use of MydredÆs Release Dream ability against all Oghres. By using the Release Dream ability on the groups of Oghres from a distance and doing it properly, youÆll gain an easy victory.


Immediately make an Outward formation so youÆre able to attack without hurting any refugees. Look for various Berserkers located around the map ù theyÆll join your party and are essential. Control Ravanna precisely: your refugees follow where you direct her. Separate the Berserkers from the Dwarves and Archers. This way, the explosions and arrows wonÆt hurt your own. DonÆt rely just on your Berserkers ù remember that the use of Archers and Dwarves is essential to defeating this game. If a certain amount of refugees die, then the mission is over.


Make sure you click on any of the bodies you might see along the way in the SmithÆs Forge. If the Smiths are alive, theyÆll get up and join your party. Make good use of the SmithÆs welders, which will do some serious damage to groups. Watch out for spiders that will hang off the ceiling and drop in on your group. A Tight Box formation will make this level a breeze.


Before you face the spider god, make sure you pick up the Tain and the Sunhammer. Only Tavar can use the Tain, so keep him alive at all costs. Use the Tain to kill the oncoming groups of enemies and save your army for the faceoff with the god of the spiders. The Tain wonÆt work with her, so separate your group into two networks and attack her from both sides. Use explosives to get rid of her in no time.


Separate the Dwarves from your party so they never damage your crew via explosives during a battle. Avoid all unnecessary battles and move in a Tight Box formation. Keep an eye out for Soulless on the hills. Use explosives and arrows on all upcoming herds. Stay focused on making it out of the swamps and remember that you donÆt have to kill everything to win this mission.


Connacht has the Sunhammer, and heÆs got six deadly charges with which to destroy five temples. Have your party protect him at all times, especially when heÆs going to use the Sunhammer. Have Connacht use the Sunhammer once at each of the five temples to destroy them. You must use the SunhammerÆs charges properly or youÆll run out ù and that means restarting your mission.


This mission has a time limit, so be quick. YouÆll need to destroy the Heartstone of Nyx, which is located in the far-right corner of the map. Feel free to sacrifice some of your men to the Trow to slow them down, letting you continue your search for the stone. Once you spot the stone, destroy it as quickly as possible.


ItÆs time to finally face BahlÆal. Destroy the two hordes visible on your map at the beginning of the mission using a Loose Line formation. Make use of your Archers here. Upon the destruction of the two hordes, youÆll be pointed toward where BahlÆal is hiding. Remember, only Mydred has the ability to destroy BahlÆal, so keep him protected at all times. When the time comes, send all your men into battle with BahlÆalÆs army while you sneak Mydred around to face BahlÆal personally.


Fight off the oncoming swarm that Moagim sends your way. This missionÆs success lies with the Dwarves. Get into a Loose Line formation and group the Dwarves in front and out of your menÆs way. Watch out for the Soulless and make sure to regroup as soon as possible if your party gets separated.


Use a Rabble Formation and stay separated. Now make your way to Moagim. When you find Moagim, use your Archers to their full potential via the Flaming Attack, and when you see an opportunity to send in your frontal assault against Moagim, do so. Make sure you save right before the battle, as it might take a few times to use this strategy properly.


The final mission is easy enough: simply make your way through the snow and defeat the minor groups of Warlocks and Warriors that attack along the way. The difficult part is the final Warlock located on the top of a huge hill. HeÆll cast a simultaneous group of fireballs at you depending on where you are, and his range is extremely long. If Connacht dies, the gameÆs over, so be careful. Leave most of your army behind. Take one Berserker with you and make your way up the mountain while dodging the fireballs. This partÆs tough, but after a few times, the pattern will make sense and youÆll be able to make it up the hill and slaughter the Warlock.