Welcome to THUNDERSCAPE. Below you will find brief instructions that will help you as you play the demo. If you are running on a 50 mhz you may experience some slowness, this is because of the music and sound fx. When we release 1.0 this will not be a problem. If you would like to run this demo without sound and music append a -s to the exe. That is type RUN -S. Note that this will turn off sound in the game, not the intro. cine. MOVEMENT: You will need to use either the number keypad on your keyboard or your mouse. The number pad is your best option. Please make sure that your Num Lock is OFF otherwise you will not be able to move with the number keys. 9 key: Moves the party forward and to the right 8 key: Moves the party forward 7 key: Moves the party forward and to the left 6 key: Turns the party to the right 5 key: Moves the party backward 4 key: Turns the party to the left 3 key: Side steps the party to the right 2 key: Moves the party backward 1 key: Side steps the party to the left * key: Jumps the party in the direction they are heading If you wish to move with the aid of the mouse you must hold down the right mouse button and your icon will change from a sword to an arrow. Then move the mouse (while depressing the right button) in the direction you want to move. You will notice three icons at the bottom of your adventure screen. These buttons are described below: Disk and Triangle: When either is clicked using the sword icon you will be taken back to the main menu. Chest: When this is clicked you will be taken to a view character screen. A simple left click on the exit button will put you back in the game. Sometimes during play you will venture into a room with a description, you may scroll through the text with the arrow keys (down for down and up for up), or you can hit either the space bar or the enter key to make the text go away. When you come to a door, move the sword icon over the door, and the icon will change into a fist. When this happens right click or hit the space bar, and the door will open and you will be able to go into the room. Combat is a big part of the game and listed below are the options that are available to you in this demo. You will not be able to use all combat options. Button 1 Crossed Swords: Left clicking on this will bring up attack options and a second menu, that menu is described below: Button 1a: Thrust attack. Button 1b(right of 1a): Beserk attack, doubles chance to hit but also increases your chance of being hit. Button 1c(right of 1b): Vital shot. A difficult shot but if you hit you will do more damage. Button 1g(bottom row 1st button): Kick attack. Button 1i(last button on bottom row): This will take you back to the main combat window. Button 2 Shield: Left clicking on this will bring up defense options and a second menu, that menu is described below: Button 2a: Dodge option. Character will attempt to dodge an incoming blow. Button 5 Hand with Magic Ball: Left clicking on this will bring up cast-spell menu. Simply left click on the spell you wish to cast, then select how much mana you want to put into the spell. You can select mana by clicking on the arrows on either side of the mana bar (near the bottom). When you are done left click on the cast button. Button 6 Pouch: This will let you use items in combat. (Note: there are no items in the demo that can be used in combat.) In combat you will notice the screen will move. This is to show you which monster the character is attacking. This information should help you through our demo. Good luck....