102 This feature of Microsoft Fax is not yet implemented. 104 You must first select an item from the list.\n 105 A resource string was in an invalid format. 113 The Fax configuration could not start.\nQuit all other telephone-related programs, and then try again. 114 No local fax device was found.\n 115 A line device was closed. Please exit the Fax Configuration property sheet and restart.\n 116 The telephony location stored in the profile was not found. The current location will be used. 117 The value in this field must be numeric 202 The Microsoft Fax section in the profile is corrupted. The profile section will be initialized to the default values. 203 Before you can send a fax, you must specify the following:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to do this now?\n\n 204 '%s' is already in the list of available cover pages.\nDo you wish to overwrite it? 205 '%s' is already in the list of available cover pages. 206 There is already an open instance of cover page editor. Please close it before starting a new one. 207 Your name 208 Your fax number 209 The fax modem you will use when sending faxes 210 No shared folder name.\nEnter a full pathname of a folder to share, or uncheck the 'Share with...' checkbox 211 Please type your full name. 212 Please type your return fax number. If you don't receive faxes, type your voice phone number instead. In some countries you are legally required to provide this information. 213 You have not selected a fax modem. That's OK, but you will only be able to work offline.\n\nDo you want to select a fax modem ? 214 Setup is not available for this Fax modem 215 Fax configuration is not available 216 A fax server could not be added 217 A local fax modem can only be removed through the Windows 95 Modem control panel applet.\nDo you want to do this now ? 218 The fax server %s could not be removed 220 The share name you specified is too long and will be truncated to '%s' 221 You are running User Level security. You must give Full Access\nto a user or group so they may access this fax server.\n\nDo you wish to do this now? 222 Microsoft Fax detected that the fax section in your default Exchange profile is out of date. This might prevent you from using Fax.\n\nThe fax section will be reset to default values. 223 To create a new profile:\n\n1. Exit Exchange\n2. Bring up the control panel and start 'Mail and Fax'\n3. Click 'Add' and follow the wizard steps to create a new profile.\n4. Select the new profile as the default one. 500 Error: 501 Problem in loading the MAPI DLL 502 There was an error when trying to logon into a MAPI Session 503 There was an error when trying to logoff from the MAPI Session 504 Microsoft Fax could not allocate memory it needed. Some operations may not work as expected. 507 The program you are using or one of its components is not supported by this version of Windows. Try upgrading to a newer version of Windows. 511 A required file was not found. 512 Unknown problem 514 Problems in using the TAPI configuration dialog. 515 No location information is available.\nTry deleting TELEPHON.INI in your Windows directory and retry. If this doesn't work, call the Microsoft support line. 516 Microsoft Fax could not initialize the telephony manager (TAPI).\nThis sometimes happen if you have added or removed telephony devices while some TAPI applications were open.\nTry restarting your system. 601 Another instance of the Microsoft Fax property sheet is already open. Please close that property sheet first, and then try again. 602 An error occurred while installing the cover page file.\n\nInstallation was unsuccessful. 603 A share name cannot contain ':' or '.\nNote that this is NOT a folder name. 604 The shared folder could not be created 605 Failed to share the modem (folder).\nUse the Network applet in the Control Panel to see if sharing is enabled on your computer 606 There is already a share under the name %s 1000 Microsoft Fax 1001 At Work Fax 1002 Fax 1003 Information Message 1004 Warning Message 1005 Error Message 1006 awfax.hlp 1008 faxcover.exe 1010 Line %d 1011 Address %d 1012 Unknown 1014 (None - Dial as Entered) 1015 1 1016 Efwfmpqnfou; Boez!Xbufst Csvdf!Lfmmfz Kptfqi!Kpz Lfo!Ipso Lfou!Tfuumf Lfwjo!Hbmmp Ljn!Tufccfot Sbkffw!Evkbsj Sboe!Sfogspf Tufwf!Cbslfuu Zpsbn!Zbbdpwj 1017 RB; Cpc!Ifsopo Cpccz!Xboh Ebo!Tqju{mfz Ebwf!Sf{ptlj Ebwje!Dbsqfoufs Mfboo!Xzmjf Nfbe!Ijnfmtufjo Nbsuz!Tufjocfsh Qfufs![foh Spehfs!Ijmm Sptt!Xpmg Tdpuu!Dpvtfot Ubmffob!Mfoibseu Uifsftb!Evdifof Upoz!Ujoh Wffob!Hboeibn Wjoi!Mbn 1018 Qspevdu!Nbslfujoh; Ebwf!Qpmmpo Tv{bo!Gjof Qsphsbn!Nbobhfnfou; Kvtujo!Nbhbsbn Lvsu!Evmcfof Ufssj!Cspotpo Fjsjo!P(Dpoofmm Cvjme; Bouipoz!Spcjotpo Njudi!Tnjui Ifmq; Eboob!Lbu{nbo Kpzdf!Zbsspx 1050 Microsoft Fax 1051 awfaxcfg.ini 1052 awfxcg32 1053 1054 Active fax modem: %s 1055 I'm dialing from: %s 1056 If any of these numbers require you to dial 1-%s first, move them to the list on the right. 1057 Dial 1-%s fir&st: 1058 -xxxx 1120 1121 12 1122 00 1123 1130 1131 Letter 8 1/2 x 11 in 1132 Legal 8 1/2 x 14 in 1133 A4 210 x 297mm 1134 B4 250 x 354mm 1135 1138 2 1139 0 1140 1141 Best Available 1142 Draft (200x100 dpi) 1143 Fine (200 dpi) 1144 300dpi 1145 1150 1151 17 1152 00 1153 1160 1161 8 1162 00 1163 1180 1181 2 1182 3 1183 4 1184 5 1185 6 1186 7 1187 8 1188 9 1189 10 1190 1192 1193 Fax modem 1194 Network fax server 1195 1196 Microsoft Fax Machine 1201 *.CPE 1202 Cover Page(*.CPE)|*.CPE|All Files(*.*)|*.*|| 1203 Browse Cover Page 1204 Generic.cpe 1211 Browse for a shared fax directory: 1212 All Files(*.*)|*.*|| 1213 NetFax 1214 Network fax server 1215 Fax 1220 awfax.hlp 1221 faxcover.exe 1230 3 1231 99 1232 2 4000 Name 4001 Send As 4002 Billing Code 4003 Include Cover Page 4004 Begin Message on Cover 4005 Cheap Time Begin Hour 4006 Cheap Time Begin Minute 4007 Cheap Time End Hour 4008 Cheap Time End Minute 4009 Number of Retries 4010 Minutes Between Retries 4011 Print Orientation 4012 Paper Size 4013 Image Quality 4014 Send At 4015 Send Time Hour 4016 Send Time Minute 4017 Profile Version 4018 Previous Billing Codes 4019 Default Cover Page 4020 Billing Code (DWORD) 4021 Log Enable 4022 Number of Calls to Log 4023 Display Call Progress 4024 Embed Linked Objects 4025 TAPI Location ID 4026 Sender Name 4027 Sender Fax Number 4028 Speaker Mode 4029 Answer Mode 4030 Number of Rings to Answer 4031 Sender Station ID 4032 Active Fax Modem 4033 Enable Per-Recipient Options 4034 Must render all attachments 4035 Calling Card 4036 Active Fax Modem Type 4037 Work Offline 4038 Share Active Modem 4039 Share Name 4040 Sender Company 4041 Sender Title 4042 Sender Postal Address 4043 Sender Department 4044 Sender Office Location 4045 Sender Home Phone 4046 Sender Office Phone 4047 Sender Country ID 4048 Netfax Modems 4049 Share Pathname