Quickstart Instructions

If you want to start playing right away, read this section. If you are looking for more detailed information, go straight to the next section (Main Menu, below).

Zipping Through Character Creation

The first screen that appears when you've connected to the game is the Main Menu. Select Enter the Realms, which will take you straight to the character creation process (if you don't already have a character) and ask for a character name. Any combination of alphanumeric characters will do; spaces are also allowed. You are then asked to choose your character's gender (Male or Female). Next, you will be asked four questions. Answer with 1, 2, 3 or 4 for each question (you can either type the number of your answer or move up and down with the arrow keys and press Enter on your answer). Finally, you are given a series of stats based on the answers you gave. You can either Accept or Reroll the stats, or you can return to the Main Menu if you want to start all over again. Once you are satisfied with your character, you simply Enter the game.

Getting Dressed Up

When you enter the game, you are wearing only minimal clothing (underwears). In order to get dressed, summon your status box (ctrl-s) and your backpack (ctrl-i). Right-click on all the items in the backpack until you find weapons, armors and clothes. Using the left mouse button, drag these items from the backpack onto the black silhouette of your status box. This will automatically equip these items and alter your character's appearance accordingly. If you wish to unequip these items, simply double-click on them in the status box and they will return into your backpack.

Killing Monsters

When you want to fight a monster, move your mouse cursor icon over the creature until it becomes a small sword. Then, simply hold the left mouse button and your character will attack the enemy repeatedly. Make sure to keep an eye over your Hit Points (HP) bar (top right of your screen). If your HPs are becoming low and you have a healing potion in your backpack, press F2 to quickly drink one during combat. This is faster than opening your backpack and double-clicking on the potion to drink it. When the monster dies, you will receive a certain number of experience points (XPs) and gold. Some monsters drop items when they die. Make sure to look under their corpses for these items.

Game Controls (Summary)

Keyboard Controls

Arrows (Up/Right/Down/Left): Moves your character in that direction.
: (Escape button) Exits any window; also, displays game options.
F1: Online help summary.
F2: Temporary macro that automatically drinks a healing potion.
F3: Temporary macro that automatically drinks a mana potion.
F4: Temporary macro that automatically lights up a torch.
F5: Cast "memorized" spell.
F9: Repeat last typed command.
Ctrl: Hold Ctrl and left click to discharge the latest spell you have used.
Shift: Hold shift down and left click the mouse to attack without moving.
Ctrl-C: Toggles the combat mode (explained later in this document).
Ctrl-I: Opens your backpack inventory.
Ctrl-K: Displays your character's skills and special abilities (explained later).
Ctrl-L: Listing of the users online on this server.
Ctrl-P: Displays your spellbook (explained later).
Ctrl-S: Displays your character's statistics and items already equipped.
Alt-F4: Alternate way of quitting the game.
:<text>: Shout <text> for everyone to see.
/"<name>" <text>: Page character <name> with message <text>.

Mouse Controls

Left Button (movement): If the mouse cursor is not over a monster, move in the direction of the arrow.
Left Button (combat): If the mouse cursor is over a monster (sword), attacks that monster.
Left Button (targetting): If mouse cursor is a sword (combat), double-click to target that enemy until it dies.
Right Button (information): Displays the name of the item.