DOC Sergei Markov Profile


Name: Sergei Markov
Born: Korolev Station, Tau Ceti High Orbital
Date: May 01 2246 (Age 37)
Rank: Lieutenant

Technical Qualifications:
Nav Basic: Nav Advanced : Nav-Combat
Maint Basic
Cmd Basic
Wep Basic: Wep Advanced

Born in a orbital station in the Tau Ceti system and grew up in the asteroid belts among cargo jocks and miners.

Attended UV-Ceti cargo transport flight school. Passed and got Nav qualifications.

Joined the Independence movement looking for revenge after his brother was killed trying to run a Navy blockade with a ship full of parts for the Indies.

Flew a few missions as Nav Officer and was given his first command - The puffin Tug Fistful of Ecu - after proving he was an able and capable captain.

Performed well and was in line for a commendation when his ship was caught and blasted by three Navy corvettes in Alpha centauri space. He was the only survivor. The rest of his crew died either in the ship or while ejecting.

He was recovered by the Navy after suffering vacuum exposure and nursed back to health. His show trial was televised across Midway space and was sentenced to 25 years on Midway Penal colony.

When Midway rebelled the penal colony was raided and he was released. He immediately joined with the local Rebels and Indie Forces, storming the base command post.
Using a captured cargo tug and a crew of inmates he lead the assault on the Midway Navy station, then rejoined the indie forces in Epsilon Eridani and armed the ship up.
Almost lost his new ship after chasing a fleeing Navy Patcom into an ambush.

Grounded for evaluation.

Opinion is that his hatred for the Navy means he's unsuitable for command.
Once the med-techs agreed he was ready to space again he was transferred to NAV duty on the Redshirt (He felt it was a demotion and resented it, but performed well.)

If operations on the Spartacus go well, he may be cleared to resume command of his own ship sometime in the future.